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目前分類:【細胞凋亡/增殖/毒理分析套組】 (85)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Biovision www.biovision.com 

JC-1 ( 5, 5’ ,6, 6’ -tetrachloro-1, 1’ ,3, 3’ -tetraethyl-benzimidazolylcarbocyanine Iodide_
Catalog#: 1130-5  | Size: 5 mg

JC-1 染劑是一種粒線體染劑(mitochondrial dye)。JC-1染劑可以測量粒線體膜電位,染出粒線體膜電位失衡現象。其原理為: 當帶正電的JC-1染劑進入細胞中,會被粒線體膜上的負性電場所吸引並聚集形成二聚體,在螢光顯微鏡下發出橘組色螢光;若是粒線體上膜電位消失,使JC-1染劑無法被膜上電場所吸引,而散佈在細胞中,並呈現單體狀態,在螢光顯微鏡下發出綠色螢光。JC-1染劑可以用來觀察細胞凋亡現象,在健康的細胞中,發出紅色螢光;當細胞胞凋亡發生時,發出綠色染光。

Description: JC-1 is a mitochondrial dye that stains mitochondria in living cells in a membrane potential-dependent fashion. JC-1 monomer is in equilibrium with so called J-aggregates, which are favored at higher mitochondrial membrane potential. The monomer JC-1 has green fluorescence (lem = 527 nm), while the J-aggregates have red fluorescence (lem = 590 nm). Therefore, it has been possible to use fluorescence ratioing technique to study mitochondrial membrane potential. JC-1 is particularly useful for apoptosis studies. In apoptotic cells, the dye stays in the cytoplasm and fluoresces green, while in healthy cells, the dye aggregates in the mitochondria and fluoresces red.


詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.bivision.com 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。 





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螢光細胞增生分析套組, BIOVISION K303-500

VisionBlue™ Quick Cell Viability Assay
Catalog#: K303-500  | Size: 500 assays


螢光細胞增生分析套組, BIOVISION K303-500

VisionBlue™ Quick Cell Viability Assay
Catalog#: K303-500  | Size: 500 assays

Click to enlarge
安全性佳, 除了測量細胞增殖分析外, 可以再進行下游分析

Very safe: Non-radioactive, non-toxic, and cells can be further used for other experiments..

Kit Summary:
Detection method- Fluorescence (Ex/Em 530570/ 590-620 nm)
Sample type- Cell culture (adherent and suspension)
Species reactivity- Mammalian
Kit size- Convenient sizes (500, 2500)
Applications- This fluorescence-based single-step cell viabilty assay utilizes the redox dye (Resazurin) which is not fluorescent, but upon reduction by metabolically active cells, it becomes highly fluorescent (Ex = 530-570 nm; Em = 590 -620 nm). Therefore, viable metabolically active cells can be easily measured.

Features & Benefits:
Simple one-step procedure
Fast and convenient
The assay is more sensitive than other similar assays (eg, Almar Blue reagent) on the market

Kit components:
VisionBlue Reagent

The VisionBlue Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit provides by far the most sensitive and easiest means for quantifying cell proliferation and viability. Simply add the single reagent to cell culture, incubate and read the fluorescence intensity. The VisionBlueassay utilizes the redox dye resazurin which is not fluorescent, but upon reduction by viable metabolically active cells, the dye becomes highly fluorescent (Ex = 530-570 nm; Em = 590-620 nm). Therefore, viable metabolically active cells can be easily measured.

Storage Conditions:

Shipping Conditions:
gel pack

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans


The Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit provides all reagents and detailed instructions for a fast and sensitive quantification of cell proliferation and viability. The assay is based on the cleavage of the tetrazolium salt WST-1 to formazan by cellular mitochondrial dehydrogenases. Expansion in the number of viable cells resulted in an increase in the activity of the mitochondrial dehydrogenases, which leads to the increase in the amount of formazan dye formed. The formazan dye produced by viable cells can be quantified by multi-well spectrophotometer (microtiter plate reader) by measuring the absorbance of the dye solution at 440 nm. The assay can be used for the measurement of cell proliferation in response to growth factors, cytokines, mitogens, and nutrients, etc. It can also be used for the analysis of cytotoxic compounds like anticancer drugs and many other toxic agents and pharmaceutical compounds. The new method is so simple, requiring no washing, no harvesting, and no solubilization steps, and is faster and more sensitive than MTT, XTT, or MTSbased assays. The entire assay can be performed in a microtiter plate.

 Catalog # 

 Product Name+ 



 Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit  

 2500 assays 


 Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit  

 500 assays 


 Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit Plus  

 2500 assays 


 Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit Plus  

 500 assays 


 VisionBlue™ Quick Cell Viability Assay  

 2500 assays 


 VisionBlue™ Quick Cell Viability Assay  

 500 assays 


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Calcein AM螢光染劑如何使用【太鼎生物科技有限公司02-86609496

50ugcalcein AM可以溶在50ulDMSO 最後濃度為1mM

1ulCalcein AM 溶在1X 1000ul dissociation solution =1uM (1000ul)96well 為例, 加入100ul1Um Calcein AM,



Catalog #


Page Links


Calcein AM Cell Viability Assay Kit

Cultrex Calcein-AM Cell Viability Assay


PBR Protein (Recombinant)



10X Calcein AM DW Buffer

Cultrex Calcein-AM Cell Viability Assay


Calcein AM

CultreCoat® 24 Well BME-Coated Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 24 Well Collagen I Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 24 Well BME Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 24 Well Cell Migration Assay
Cultrex 24 Well Collagen IV Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 24 Well Laminin I Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 96 Well BME Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 96 Well Cell Migration Assay
Cultrex 96 Well Collagen I Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 96 Well Collagen IV Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex 96 Well Endothelial Cell Invasion Kit
Cultrex 96 Well Laminin I Cell Invasion Assay
Cultrex Calcein-AM Cell Viability Assay
Cultrex In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay - Tube Formation Kit

詳細產品資訊請登錄www.trevigen.com 查詢或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。 




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Apoptosis & Cell Viability

Annexin V kits & Reagents
Caspase Assay Kits & Reagents
DNA Ladder Assay Kits
TUNEL Assay Kits

Mitochondrial Apoptosis Assays
Cell Proliferation & Senescence Assays
Calpain Assays
Cathepsin Assays






















Metabolism Assay Kits

Oxidative Stress
Serum Components
Coenzymes & Cofactors
Intermediary Metabolism
Inorganic Ions
Amino Acids
Lipid Metabolism

Molecular Biology
DNA Isolation Kits
β-Galactosidase Staining Kit
Luciferase Reporter Assay Kit
Molecular Biology Enzymes
Other Molecular Biology Kits
siRNA Expression Vectors




Fluorescent Proteins
GFP Quantitation Kit
GFP & RFP Expression Vectors
Fluorescent Proteins (EGFP, RFP,
BFP, CFP, YFP, mCherry)

Antibodies to Fluorescent Proteins




Cell Damage & Oxidative Stress
H₂O₂, SOD, Ascorbic, Catalase, Glutamate, Malate, Nitric Oxide, Uric Acid Assay Kits




Cytokines & Growth Factors
800+ Cytokines & Growth Factors (A-Z)
StemBoost™ Growth Factor Sets
Animal-Free Origin (AOF) Proteins
Antibodies to Cytokines & Growth Factors










































原廠連結: http://www.biovision.com/












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活細胞螢光染劑 Calcein AM,用於活細胞觀察及細胞侵入定量實驗, 1755-250

Catalog#: 1755-250  | Size: 5 x 50 µg




活細胞染劑 “Calcein AM”, 用於活細胞觀察及細胞侵入及轉移試劑.



50ugcalcein AM可以溶在50ulDMSO 最後濃度為1Mm

1ulCalcein AM 溶在1X 1000ul dissociation solution =1uM (1000ul)96well 為例, 加入100ul1Um Calcein AM,大約可以使用500.

Calcein acetoxymethylester (Calcein AM) is a non-fluorescent, cell permeate compound that is hydrolyzed by intracellular esterases into the fluorescent anion calcein.




與其他同類試劑(如BCECF-AMCarboxy-fluorescein diacetate)相比,Calcein-AM是最適合作為螢光探針去染活細胞的,因為它的細胞毒性很低。Calcein(鈣黃綠素)不會抑制任何的細胞功能如增殖或淋巴球的趨化性。另外,使用了Calcein(鈣黃綠素)的活性檢測的實驗結果是十分可信並且與標準的51Cr-釋放法所得結果相一致的。


Calcein(鈣黃綠素)的激發和發射波長分別為490 nm515 nmCalcein-AM和碘化丙啶(PI)溶液,它們分別可對活細胞和死細胞染色。Calcein-AM的乙酸甲基酯親脂性很高,使其可透過細胞膜,通過活細胞內的酯酶作用,Calcein-AM能脫去AM基,產生的Calcein(鈣黃綠素)能發出強綠色螢光,因此Calcein-AM僅對活細胞染色。另一方面,作為核染色染料的PI不能穿過活細胞的細胞膜。它穿過死細胞膜的無序區域而到達細胞核,並嵌入細胞的DNA雙螺旋從而產生紅色螢光(激發:535 nm,發射:617 nm),因此PI僅對死細胞染色。由於Calcein(鈣黃綠素)PI-DNA都可被490 nm激發,因此可用螢光顯微鏡同時觀察活細胞和死細胞。用545 nm激發,僅可觀察到死細胞。根據以上特點,Calcein-AM和碘化丙啶(PI)經常被結合用來作為活細胞和死細胞的雙重染色。



BIOVISION and TREVIGEN™ Calcein AM Fluorescent Dye can be used to fluorescently label viable cells for a variety of assays such as tumor cell invasion, endothelial cell migration, and endothelial cell tubulogenesis.

Alternate Name/Synonyms: Glycine,N,N'-[[3',6'-bis(acetyloxy)-3-oxospiro[isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-[9H]xanthene]-2',7'-diyl]bis(methylene)]bis[N-[2-[(acetyloxy)methoxy]-2-oxoethyl]-,bis[(acetyloxy)methyl] ester; Calcein acetoxymethyl ester


Peptide sequence: N/A

Appearance: Off-white solid

Formulation: N/A

CAS Number: 148504-34-1

Molecular Formula: C₄₆H₄₆NO₂₃

Molecular Weight: 994.86

Purity: 95% by HPLC

Solubility: DMSO (5 mg/ml)

Storage Temp.: -20°C

Shipping Conditions: gel pack

Description: A cell-permeable, non-fluorescent acetoxymethyl ester derivative of Calcein that gets hydrolyzed inside the cell by esterases. The loss of the acetoxymethyl group also enables calcein to readily bind intracellular calcium resulting in a strong yellowish-green fluorescence. It is the best probe for cell viablilty and cell adhesion due to its greater retention in cells as well and its pH insensitivity in physiological range.

Handling: Protect from air and light

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.



原廠連結: http://www.trevigen.com/



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