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MoticEasyScan 全景玻片影像掃描器,3D多層次掃描,快速對焦精準掃描為數位玻片。提供最佳解析度0.25um/pixel ;6片式片夾,walk-away設計。搭配簡易操作軟體,優質影像數位永久保存。歡迎來電洽詢(02)86609496許虹宜

目前分類:【DNA、PCR、QPCR分生試劑】 (32)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


高效能Competent cell勝任細胞


具備有高效能的Competent cell勝任細胞,是cloning技術基本要領。ECOS專利技術讓Competent cell揚名全世界。其高效能的能力,讓cloning更容易,在一分鐘就做完Transformation。依據其應用及菌種細分如下。




上圖一為ECOS 9 -5C ompetent cell勝任細胞 (strain: JM109)



配合TA cloing kit, 或是快速ligation kit, 6分鐘完成transformation










下圖二為ECOS 101 C ompetent cell勝任細胞 (strain: DH5a)全世界最常見也是最普遍的strain, 其適用於大片段的plasmid DNA Cloning或Yeast two hybrid system,其plasmid DNA片段可大於10~40Kb。






下圖三為ECOS 21 C ompetent cell勝任細胞 (strain: BL21) BL21適用於生產大量的Protein蛋白質表現。BL21,這個菌株主要是帶有一個lac promoter,在promoter之後則有T7 RNA polymerase的基因,整個白質表達還需要質體上帶有T7 promoter,使用時加入IPTG用以啟動lacpromoter使T7 RNA polymerase產生,之後就可以啟動質體上的T7 promoter。這個菌株對於protein表達比較好的原因在於,因為一般的菌表達過量的蛋白質之後,形成stress,甚至protein本身對菌株就有毒性,這些原因會造成protein產量下降,可是使用DE3系統,可以控制在最佳生長狀況下,進行誘導protein產生,以提高protein的產量與效率,最高可以得到在總蛋白質中,具有50%的產量。













ECOS產品系列Competent cell勝任細胞注意事項】
















每組ECOSTM皆附5 μl 10-4 μg/μl pUC19作為正對照組之轉形質體。



請將pUC19質體濃度稀釋為10-6-10-7μg/μl,取1 μl 10-6-10-7μg/μl pUC19



進行ECOSTM之轉形,並以含20 μg/ml AmpicillinLB培養基進行篩選。






轉形效率指每1 μg質體DNA經由轉形後,勝任細胞形成的菌落數。例:



10-6 μg pUC19經由轉形後,勝任細胞形成的100個菌落,則轉形效率為100/10-6 =1x108 (cfu/μg)






進行ECOSTM轉形前,請先確認質體帶有LacZ operon。轉形後,請將ECOSTM勝任細胞塗佈於含0.5 mM IPTG 40~60 μg/ml X-galLB培養基。37oC培養後,白色菌落表示外源DNA嵌入LacZ operon,藍色菌落則仍具備正常的β-galactosidase代謝能力。






10 g/L Tryptone 5 g/L Yeast extract 10 g/L NaCl 15 g/L Agar NaOH調整酸鹼值至pH7.5













【cloning 相關產品: cloning plating beads】100g




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。[內文提供不同DNA安全性染劑G108, G108-W, G108-G, G108-R的螢光激發及散射光]讓您的影像擷取更清楚。


一般UV Box觀察箱, 具有長波(365nm)、中波(312nm)、短波(256nm)波段激發。長波能量較弱,適合切膠等膠體回收(gel extraction)用。短波能量強,可以取得較明顯的影像。





可使用在瓊脂糖或丙烯醯胺凝膠中的 dsDNAssDNARNA
本產品經由Ames test測試,証明對生物體無致癌性,可安心使用。

In gel stiningGel extractionLigationTransformationTransfection


SafeView 產品100ml agarose溶液中加入5ul SafeView™ Classic 後製膠,
為跑電泳時將maker與樣本中加入SafeView™ dye (1:5倍稀釋)

G108-W Safe-White™



SafeView™ DNA Stains

   SafeView™ products represent a new and safe class of nucleic acid stains for the visualization of double-stranded DNA, single-stranded DNA, and RNA in agarose gels; a great alternative to more expensive SYBR® Safe or toxic Ethidium Bromide from other competitors. The dyes are developed to replace toxic Ethidium Bromide (EB, a potent mutagen), commonly used in gel electrophoresis for visualization of nucleic acids in agarose gels. SafeView™ products are non-carcinogenic by the Ames-test. The results are negative in both the mouse marrow chromophilous erythrocyte micronucleus and mouse spermary spermatocyte chromosomal aberration tests.


Dispose Safe-White™ as you would any other non-carcinogenic fluorescent dye (eg. Acridine orange; Propidium iodide). This product is distributed for laboratory research only. Caution: Not for diagnostic use .


Products List

Safe-Green™ G108-G

Safe-Green has Excitation Wavelength of 290nm and Emission Wavelength of 490nm, and its sensitivity is range between 0.2-0.6ng

Safe-Red™ G108-R

Safe-Red has Excitation Wavelength of 490nm and Emission Wavelength of 630nm, and its sensitivity is range between 0.3-0.8ng


Safe-Red™ G108-W
Safe-White has Excitation Wavelength of
320nm and Emission Wavelength of 480nm, and its sensitivity is range between 0.2-0.5ng

SafeView™ Classic G108

SafeView Classic has Excitation Wavelength of 290nm and Emission Wavelength of 605nm and the its sensitivity is range between 0.1-0.3ng


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太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


傳統萃取 “尾巴gDNA”,無法直接PCR;因組織內含有PCR反應抑制因子,抑制PCR反應。須經由有機溶劑或kit萃取gDNA

專利研發DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,只要一個步驟反應,即可將DNA由組織中釋放,


最經濟的萃取試劑, 500次尾巴, 只須6250  (0.5cm尾巴加入200ul為例                                                                                                                                   活動期間: 100630日止

Genotyping基因型鑑定」是全面搜尋人類致病基因的重要分析技術。DirectPCR DNA Extraction System,可以  快速有效萃取動物組織, 尾巴基因型DNA (genomic DNA),不須經由Phenol/Chloroform萃取步驟, 不須再通過column  等繁瑣步驟純化,只要一個步驟,效率100%。如此方便快速的方法, 可以應用於尾巴genomic DNA萃取、細胞 genomic DNA萃取、耳朵genomic DNA萃取、卵黃囊genomic DNA萃取。

更多資料:  http://www.viagenbiotech.com/

DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents
Genotyping without DNA isolation

Description:  Viagen DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System is a single-tube system for rapid preparation of DNA from mouse tails, ear pieces, yolk sac, and culture cells.  The patent-pending components developed by scientists at Viagen Biotech Inc. allow that the resulting DNA extracts are compatible with genomic PCR for genotyping.  (more)

Simplified procedure:
1.  Lyse tails in DirectPCR reagents.
2.  Incubate for 45 min at 85°C.
3.  PCR using 1 µl lysates.

Detailed protocols:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.

Representative PCR results

DirectPCR Products:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.  

New !! Proteinase K Solution : For a small number of tails, genomic PCR quality..




Order / Prices

DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents Cat# Comments  
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) [101-T] 250 mouse tails (50 ml)   
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) [102-T] 500 mouse tails (100 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac) [201-Y] yolk sacs (50 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac) [202-Y] yolk sacs (100 ml)  
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell) [301-C] cultured cells (50 ml)  
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell) [302-C] cultured cells (100 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear) [401-E] mouse ear (25 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear) [402-E] mouse ear (50 ml)
Proteinase K Solution [501-PK] US and Canada only  


若有任何產品上的問題, 歡迎來信或來電洽詢!!




祝您實驗順利 心想事成


Hung-Yi Hsu


Product Specialist


BioPioneer Inc.


TEL: (02)8660-9496

FAX: (02)8660-9342

Cell: 0920312382




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DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (Cell)以細胞為例
Cat # 301-C, 302-C


細胞genomic DNA萃取【操作手冊】
1. Suspend cells from a 10 cm plate in 200–300 μl DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (Cell) containing freshly prepared 0.2 -0.4 m g/ml Proteinase K (Sigma, cat # p6556, not included).

Proteinase K is stable in DirectPCR reagents for ~24hrs. If a small number of cells are processed, and therefore it is difficult to weigh Proteinase K powder, use genomic PCR-quality Proteinase K solution (Viagen, cat #501-PK) at 0.5-1.0 mg/ml (25-50 μl Proteinase K solution per 1 ml DirectPCR reagent).

NOTE: For a small number of cells, dilute DirectPCR Reagent with distilled water up to 10times and then use a proportionally larger volume of lysates for PCR (see Table 1).

2. Rotate the tubes in rotating hybridization oven at 55°C for 5-6 hrs or until no clumps are observed.

 If necessary,rotation can be allowed overnight without loss of efficacy. Complete lysis is important. For more reproducible results,re-position once the tubes by shaking the bottles containing tubes, preferentially after 2-3 hrs. NOTE: Rotating hybridization oven performs better than rocking plate. Use 0.75 cm tubes for less than 150 μl of DirectPCR Reagent(Cell). DNA fragmentation by prolonged rotation will not influence significantly PCR performance. Use roughly proportional volume of DirectPCR Lysis Reagent for different sized samples.

3. Incubate crude lysates at 85°C for 45 min by floating the whole rack (containing tubes) on a water bath.

(Optional) Precipitate hairs by centrifuging for 10 sec before step 4. Crude lysates may be stored at -20°C for 1 year(or at 4°C for 1 week) without losing efficacy.

4. Use 0.5-1.0 μl of lysate for 50 μl PCR reaction.

Eppendorf Hotmaster Taq Polymerase (cat# 954-14-5018), SigmaJumpStart Taq DNA Polymerase (cat# D9307), or Qiagen HotStar Taq DNA polymerase (cat# 203203) is recommended for PCR.
Rescue of DNA: DNA in crude lysates can be rescued for further analysis. Add NaCl to a final concentration of 250mM , and then add 0.7 volume of isopropanol. DNA will form precipitates. Centrifuge at 4°C for 2 min, discard supernatant, wash DNA with 1 ml 70% EtOH, and dissolve DNA in 50 μl 10 mM Tris-HCl (8.0). Use 1 μl for PCR.

Table 1. Suggested starting lysis conditions for cultured mammalian cells.
Size of plate (# cells) Tube size (ml) DirectPCR-Cell (μl) Dilution (fold) Lysates (μl)/50 μl PCR rxn.

* Lysis using rotation hybridization oven. ** Lysis using rocking plate. Wash cells in 96-well plate twice with phosphate buffered saline and add 60 μl DirectPCR Reagent (Cell), which has been 2-fold diluted. Incubate at 55°C overnight. Place the 96-well plate in the wet chamber and float the chamber on the 85°C water bath for 1.5 hrs. Pipette up and down several times. Take 1 μl of lysates for PCR.

Important Technical Tips

1. Complete lysis. Big tissue clumps should not be observed after digestion. It is recommended to vigorouslyshake the bottle (containing microfuge tubes) for 2-3 sec anytime, once or twice, after tissues begin to partiallydissolve. This will physically disperse partially digested tissues and reposition microfuge tube, in which tails areseparated from lysis reagents, thereby facilitating overall lysis efficiency,

2. Proteinase K inactivation. Inactivation of proteinase K by incubating samples at 85C -86C for 45-50 min iscritical to protect Taq polymerase from proteinase K.

3. Taq polymerase. We have tested many types of commercially available Taq polymerases. The listed enzymesare recommended for optimal results.

4. Tissue size. The size of tails should be 0.5 cm or slightly smaller. Use a minimal volume (0.5-1 μl for 50 μl PCRreaction) of crude lysates for PCR amplification. Too much DirectPCR reagents inhibit PCR efficiency.

5. Small tubes and evaporation. To minimize evaporation, use a 0.75 ml tube when the reagent volume is less than 100 μl.

6. Small samples and dilution. If the required DirectPCR reagent volume is less than 50 μl, dilute the reagent by up to 2-fold with water, while maintaining the same concentration of proteinase K. If the DirectPCR reagent is '2-fold' diluted, apply '2-fold' more crude lysates for PCR reaction.

7. PCR machine. PCR machines are occasionally a source of technical problems.


詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.VIAGENBIOTECH.com 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。 






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【基因型鑑定產品問與答】最簡單gDNA萃取方法DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) Cat# 101-T( 50m l包裝), Cat#102-T( 100m l包裝)



原廠資料: www.viagenbiotech.com


產品品名: DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)

產品貨號: Cat# 101-T( 50m l包裝), Cat#102-T( 100m l包裝)


【產品問與答】傳統尾巴gDNA萃取, 都須經由Phenol/Chloroform萃取步驟, 或者市售genomic DNA Purification套組 (通過column等繁瑣步驟),來純化genomic DNA, 為何VIAGEN BIOTECH公司出售的產品, 可以一個步驟完成反應?


傳統萃取 “尾巴gDNA”,無法直接PCR;因組織內含有PCR反應抑制因子,抑制PCR反應。所以須經由有機溶劑Phenol/Chloroform萃取或kit萃取gDNA。“專利研發” DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,不須考量PCR抑制問題。VIAGEN BIOTECH公司專門以DirectPCR Lysis Reagent銷售為事業, 其公司研發、生產、銷售。品質穩定,是分析Genotyping的最佳方法。


【產品問與答】VIAGEN BIOTECH產品如何分類?


VIAGEN BIOTECH將產品分為四種,視客戶需求可選擇不同產品: 其分類有尾巴genomic DNA萃取、細胞genomic DNA萃取、耳朵genomic DNA萃取、卵黃囊genomic DNA萃取。分有50ml100ml包裝。


【產品問與答】genomic DNA沒有經由萃取步驟,不知genomic DNA品質如何?genomic DNA的穩定性如何?


VIAGEN BIOTECH專門為genomic DNA萃取而設計, 尾巴經由DirectPCR Lysis Reagent, 其在4C保存1星期,仍然維持不變的效能。長期貯存可以放在-20C, 維持1年品質都不會改變。


【產品問與答】尾巴經由DirectPCR Lysis Reagent後,如何純化Crude lysates進行下游分析?


DNA in crude lysates can be rescued for further analysis. Add NaCl to a final concentration of 250mM , and then add 0.7 volume of isopropanol. DNA will form precipitates. Centrifuge at 4°C for 2 min, discard supernatant, wash DNA with 1 ml 70% EtOH, and dissolve DNA in 50 μl 10 mM Tris-HCl (8.0). Use 1 μl for PCR.


【產品問與答】尾巴經由DirectPCR Lysis Reagent萃取,在溶液中需要添加Proteinase K?


在尾巴進行lysis reagent萃取前,需要在lysis reagent中先加加入25~50ulProteinase K, 其最終濃度為 0.2 -0.4 m g/ml (stock solution, 20m g/ml)。在lysis reagent反應之後,以95c, 或是85c, 45分鐘的條件中止Proteinase K的活性,避免Tag受到Proteinase K之反應。


【產品問與答】尾巴的長度不同,添加的DirectPCR Lysis Reagent也不同,反應的體積有最低限制嗎?


若是尾巴長度0.5公分 ,添加DirectPCR Lysis Reagent200ul~300ul。取Crude lysate 0.5ul~1ul進行PCR反應;若是尾巴長度0.4公分 ,添加DirectPCR Lysis Reagent, 150ul~250ul。取Crude lysate 0.5ul~1ul進行PCR反應;若是尾巴長度0.2~ 0.3,添加DirectPCR Lysis Reagent150ul~200ul並稀釋2倍體積。取Crude lysate 1ul~2ul進行PCR反應。


【產品問與答】尾巴Genomic DNA經由 DirectPCR Lysis Reagent Release後,需要選擇那種品牌的DNA polymerase?


不須要特定的Tag進行反應。常見的Tag, 例如Eppendorf Hotmaster Taq Polymerase (cat# 954-14-5018), Sigma JumpStart Taq DNA Polymerase (cat# D9307), or Qiagen HotStar Taq DNA polymerase (cat# 203203)都是可以進行反應的。


【產品問與答】如何加速DirectPCR Lysis Reagent 反應?


Rotating hybridization oven performs better than rocking plate. Use 0.75 cm tubes for less than 200 μl of DirectPCR Reagent. DNA fragmentation by prolonged rotation will not influence significantly PCR performance. Use roughly proportional volume of DirectPCR Lysis Reagent for different sized samples.


詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.VIAGENBIOTECH.com 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。

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DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail), Cat# 101-T( 50m l包裝), Cat#102-T( 100m l包裝)




傳統萃取 “尾巴gDNA”,無法直接PCR;因組織內含有PCR反應抑制因子,抑制PCR反應。須經由有機溶劑或kit萃取gDNA專利研發DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,不須考量PCR抑制問題。


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail), Cat# 101-T( 50m l包裝), Cat#102-T( 100m l包裝)只要一個加熱步驟反應,即可將DNA由組織中釋放,並且不須經由任何純化的步驟, 例如Geneaid genomicDNA purification或有機溶劑Phenol/Chloroform純化,加熱完後的溶液可以直接PCR,進行genotyping分析。


 最經濟的萃取試劑, 500次尾巴, 只須6250  ( 0.5c m尾巴加入200ul為例 )



【產品問與答】DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail), Cat# 101-T( 50m l包裝), Cat#102-T( 100m l包裝)


1.      VIAGEN BIOTECH產品如何分類?【產品問與答】

VIAGEN BIOTECH將產品分為四種,視客戶需求選擇不同產品: 其分類有尾巴genomic DNA萃取、細胞genomic DNA萃取、耳朵genomic DNA萃取、卵黃囊genomic DNA萃取。

DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents



DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)


250 mouse tails (50 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)


500 mouse tails (100 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac)


yolk sacs (50 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac)


yolk sacs (100 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell)


cultured cells (50 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell)


cultured cells (100 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear)


mouse ear (25 ml)

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear)


mouse ear (50 ml)

Proteinase K Solution


US and Canada only

2.      傳統尾巴gDNA萃取, 都須經由Phenol/Chloroform萃取步驟, 或者市售genomic DNA Purification套組(通過column等繁瑣步驟)來純化genomic DNA, 為何VIAGEN BIOTECH公司出售的產品, 可以一個步驟完成反應?【產品問與答】


傳統萃取 “尾巴gDNA”,無法直接PCR;因組織內含有PCR反應抑制因子,抑制PCR反應。須經由有機溶劑或kit萃取gDNA專利研發DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,不須考量PCR抑制問題。VIAGEN BIOTECH公司專門以DirectPCR Lysis Reagent銷售為事業, 其公司研發、生產、銷售。品質穩定,銷售第一。


3. genomic DNA沒有經由萃取步驟,不知genomic DNA品質如何?genomic DNA的穩定性如何?【產品問與答】


VIAGEN BIOTECH專門為genomic DNA萃取而設計,PCR反應後產物, 可以大於15Kb, 尾巴經由DirectPCR Lysis Reagent, 其在4C,可以維持不變的效能。在-20C, 可以維持1年品質都不會改變。


4. 尾巴經由DirectPCR Lysis Reagent後,如何純化Crude lysates?【產品問與答】

DNA in crude lysates can be rescued for further analysis. Add NaCl to a final concentration of 250mM , and then add 0.7 volume of isopropanol. DNA will form precipitates. Centrifuge at 4°C for 2 min, discard supernatant, wash DNA with 1 ml 70% EtOH, and dissolve DNA in 50 μl 10 mM Tris-HCl (8.0). Use 1 μl for PCR.


5. 需要添加Proteinase K?

要,Proteinase K 0.2 -0.4 m g/ml


詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.VIAGENBIOTECH.com 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。 


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DirectPCR Lysis Reagent產品問與答

產品介紹: 一個步驟完成gDNA萃取, 加熱完, 直接取Crude lysates PCR, 完成Genotyping基因型鑑定。Certain compounds in animal tissues and cells inhibit PCR reactions. DirectPCR Lysis Reagents(Patent Pending) contain inhibitors of these PCR inhibitors. Therefore, DNA released in DirectPCR reagents iscompatible for one-step PCR genotyping.

DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (Cell)以細胞為例
Cat # 301-C, 302-C

1. Suspend cells from a 10 cm plate in 200–300 μl DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (Cell) containing freshly prepared 0.2-0.4 mg/ml Proteinase K (Sigma, cat # p6556, not included). Proteinase K is stable in DirectPCR reagents for ~24hrs. If a small number of cells are processed, and therefore it is difficult to weigh Proteinase K powder, use genomic PCR-quality Proteinase K solution (Viagen, cat #501-PK) at 0.5-1.0 mg/ml (25-50 μl Proteinase K solution per 1 ml
DirectPCR reagent). NOTE: For a small number of cells, dilute DirectPCR Reagent with distilled water up to 10times and then use a proportionally larger volume of lysates for PCR (see Table 1).

2. Rotate the tubes in rotating hybridization oven at 55°C for 5-6 hrs or until no clumps are observed. If necessary,rotation can be allowed overnight without loss of efficacy. Complete lysis is important. For more reproducible results,re-position once the tubes by shaking the bottles containing tubes, preferentially after 2-3 hrs. NOTE: Rotating hybridization oven performs better than rocking plate. Use 0.75 cm tubes for less than 150 μl of DirectPCR Reagent(Cell). DNA fragmentation by prolonged rotation will not influence significantly PCR performance. Use roughly proportional volume of DirectPCR Lysis Reagent for different sized samples.

3. Incubate crude lysates at 85°C for 45 min by floating the whole rack (containing tubes) on a water bath.(Optional) Precipitate hairs by centrifuging for 10 sec before step 4. Crude lysates may be stored at -20°C for 1 year(or at 4°C for 1 week) without losing efficacy.

4. Use 0.5-1.0 μl of lysate for 50 μl PCR reaction. Eppendorf Hotmaster Taq Polymerase (cat# 954-14-5018), SigmaJumpStart Taq DNA Polymerase (cat# D9307), or Qiagen HotStar Taq DNA polymerase (cat# 203203) is recommended for PCR.
Rescue of DNA: DNA in crude lysates can be rescued for further analysis. Add NaCl to a final concentration of 250mM, and then add 0.7 volume of isopropanol. DNA will form precipitates. Centrifuge at 4°C for 2 min, discard supernatant, wash DNA with 1 ml 70% EtOH, and dissolve DNA in 50 μl 10 mM Tris-HCl (8.0). Use 1 μl for PCR.

Table 1. Suggested starting lysis conditions for cultured mammalian cells.
Size of plate (# cells) Tube size (ml) DirectPCR-Cell (μl) Dilution (fold) Lysates (μl)/50 μl PCR rxn.
* Lysis using rotation hybridization oven. ** Lysis using rocking plate. Wash cells in 96-well plate twice with phosphate buffered saline and add 60 μl DirectPCR Reagent (Cell), which has been 2-fold diluted. Incubate at 55°C overnight. Place the 96-well plate in the wet chamber and float the chamber on the 85°C water bath for 1.5 hrs. Pipette up and down several times. Take 1 μl of lysates for PCR.

Products Description Cat # Price (US $)
DirectPCR-Tail 500 mouse tails (100 ml) 102-T

DirectPCR-Ear 500 mouse ears (50 ml) 402-E

DirectPCR-Yolk sac Yolk sac (100 ml) 202-Y

DirectPCR-Cell Cultured cell (100 ml) 302-C

Proteinase K Solution All types of tissues (100 mg) 501-PK

Important Technical Tips

1. Complete lysis. Big tissue clumps should not be observed after digestion. It is recommended to vigorouslyshake the bottle (containing microfuge tubes) for 2-3 sec anytime, once or twice, after tissues begin to partiallydissolve. This will physically disperse partially digested tissues and reposition microfuge tube, in which tails areseparated from lysis reagents, thereby facilitating overall lysis efficiency,

2. Proteinase K inactivation. Inactivation of proteinase K by incubating samples at 85C-86C for 45-50 min iscritical to protect Taq polymerase from proteinase K.

3. Taq polymerase. We have tested many types of commercially available Taq polymerases. The listed enzymesare recommended for optimal results.

4. Tissue size. The size of tails should be 0.5 cm or slightly smaller. Use a minimal volume (0.5-1 μl for 50 μl PCRreaction) of crude lysates for PCR amplification. Too much DirectPCR reagents inhibit PCR efficiency.

5. Small tubes and evaporation. To minimize evaporation, use a 0.75 ml tube when the reagent volume is less than 100 μl.

6. Small samples and dilution. If the required DirectPCR reagent volume is less than 50 μl, dilute the reagent by up to 2-fold with water, while maintaining the same concentration of proteinase K. If the DirectPCR reagent is '2-fold' diluted, apply '2-fold' more crude lysates for PCR reaction.

7. PCR machine. PCR machines are occasionally a source of technical problems.

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傳統萃取 “尾巴gDNA”,無法直接PCR;因組織內含有PCR反應抑制因子,抑制PCR反應。須經由有機溶劑或kit萃取gDNA專利研發DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,只要一個步驟反應,即可將DNA由組織中釋放,並且不須經由任何純化的步驟,溶液可以直接PCR,進行genotyping分析。 最經濟的萃取試劑, 500次尾巴, 只須6250  ( 0.5c m尾巴加入200ul為例 )

Genotyping基因型鑑定」是全面搜尋人類致病基因的重要分析技術。DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System,可以

快速有效萃取動物組織, 尾巴基因型DNA (genomic DNA),不須經由Phenol/Chloroform萃取步驟, 不須再通過column

等繁瑣步驟純化,只要一個步驟,效率100%。如此方便快速的方法, 可以應用於尾巴genomic DNA萃取、細胞

genomic DNA萃取、耳朵genomic DNA萃取、卵黃囊genomic DNA萃取。

更多資料:  http://www.viagenbiotech.com/


DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents
Genotyping without DNA isolation

Description:  Viagen DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System is a single-tube system for rapid preparation

 of DNA from mouse tails, ear pieces, yolk sac, and culture cells.  The patent-pending components

developed by scientists at Viagen Biotech Inc. allow that the resulting DNA extracts are compatible

with genomic PCR for genotyping.  (more)

Simplified procedure:

1.  Lyse tails in DirectPCR reagents.
2.  Incubate for 45 min at 85°C .
3.  PCR using 1 µl lysates.

Detailed protocols:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.

Representative PCR results

DirectPCR Products:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.  





DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents




DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)


250 mouse tails (50 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)


500 mouse tails (100 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac)


yolk sacs (50 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac)


yolk sacs (100 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell)


cultured cells (50 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell)


cultured cells (100 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear)


mouse ear (25 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear)


mouse ear (50 ml)


Proteinase K Solution


US and Canada only


若有任何產品上的問題, 歡迎來信或來電洽詢!!

太鼎生物科技有限公司 (02)86609496



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【如何快速有效準備好您的genomic DNA

組織均質後, 某些複合物會影響後續PCR反應,專利研發DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,因此,一個步驟反應,即可將DNA由組織中釋放,並且不須經由任何純化的步驟(例如Phenol/Chloroform萃取, 或管柱純化),溶液可以直接PCR,進行genotyping分析。如此方便快速的方法, 可以應用於尾巴genomic DNA萃取、細胞genomic DNA萃取、耳朵genomic DNA萃取、卵黃囊genomic DNA萃取。


最快速及操作簡單的genotyping kit,

1. 只須一個步驟,無須再經DNA純化步驟,效率100%


2. 專利研發專為genotyping分析而設計


「基因型鑑定」是全面搜尋人類致病基因的重要分析技術。Genotyping基因型鑑定,快速有效萃取動物組織, 尾巴基因型DNA (genomic DNA),不須經由Phenol/Chloroform萃取步驟, 不須再通過colum等繁瑣步驟純化,只要一個步驟,效率100%

DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents
Genotyping without DNA isolation

Description:  Viagen DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System is a single-tube system for rapid preparation of DNA from mouse tails, ear pieces, yolk sac, and culture cells.  The patent-pending components developed by scientists at Viagen Biotech Inc. allow that the resulting DNA extracts are compatible with genomic PCR for genotyping.  (more)

Simplified procedure:
1.  Lyse tails in DirectPCR reagents.
2.  Incubate for 45 min at 85°C.
3.  PCR using 1 µl lysates.

Detailed protocols:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.

Representative PCR results

DirectPCR Products:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.  

New !! Proteinase K Solution : For a small number of tails, genomic PCR quality..




Order / Prices

DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents Cat# Comments Price  
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) [101-T] 250 mouse tails (50 ml) $3950Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) [102-T] 500 mouse tails (100 ml) $6950Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac) [201-Y] yolk sacs (50 ml) $3950 Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac) [202-Y] yolk sacs (100 ml) $6950 Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell) [301-C] cultured cells (50 ml) $3950 Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell) [302-C] cultured cells (100 ml) $6950Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear) [401-E] mouse ear (25 ml) $3950 Order
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear) [402-E] mouse ear (50 ml) $6950 Order
Proteinase K Solution [501-PK] US and Canada only $4950 Order


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Vitality hrGFP II Mammalia expression vector GFP 表現載體



Vitality hrGFP II-C Mammalian Expression Vector



Vitality hrGFP II-N Mammalian Expression Vector


     貨號: #240143 (phrGFP II-1)

         #240144 (phrGFP II-C)

         #240145 (phrGFP II-N)

         #240157(pIRES-hrGFP II)


     1. 比傳統的EGFP有更好的亮度和更好的轉殖細胞存活率,因為所造成的細胞毒性較低

     2. 適合螢光顯微鏡及FACS的觀察

     3. 有HAFLAGFusion Tag, 適何做 Tag的驗證或Positive control


原廠連結: http://www.STRATAGENE.com/





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T-Pro Plasmid Mini Kits






此一套組中使用改良式鹼性細胞溶解法及添加RNase的兩種方式可大幅降低純化過程中染色體DNARNA之污染。並且使用Silica spin technologychaotrophic salt可提供DNA分子於純化過程中產生有效的結合及之洗提效果。利用此一套組所純化之DNA無須其他額外處理即可進行限制酶之處理、DNA接合、聚合酶連鎖反應及定序。




T-Pro Plasmid Midi Kits






是一種利用陰離子交換樹脂純化中量菌液(250毫升)中質體或載體DNA之實驗套組。 此一套組中使用改良式鹼性細胞溶解法及添加RNase的兩種方式可大幅降低純化過程中染色體DNARNA之污染。當質體DNA 與陰離子交換樹脂結合後,其他污染物可藉由清洗之步驟去除。最後,高純度之DNA可藉由高濃度鹽溶液進行洗提,再以異丙醇去除鹽份。利用此一套組所純化之DNA流程可於2小時內完成並無須其他額外處理即可進行。







-  質體DNA製備



-  定序反應



-  試管內轉錄反應



-  顯微注射實驗



-  細胞轉染實驗(無內毒素)












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