

AbSelect Antibody Purification System (860-0010)



AbSelect Antibody Purification
System (860-0010)

Innova Bioseiences提供一系統抗體純化套組,每組套組包括抗體純化之bufferresin,有效純化不同來源之抗體含量。其純化來源,可為市售抗體之純化(貨號#860-0010/rabbit; 貨號#830-0010/mouse; 貨號#890-0010/rat/sheep/human/goat)、腹水及血清產製抗體之純化(貨號#863-0500/rabbit; 貨號#893-0500/rat/sheep/human/goat/mouse)、融合瘤組織培養液(TCS)產製之抗體(貨號#862-0500/rabbit/human; 貨號#832-0500/mouse)、低濃度抗體之純化及濃縮(貨號#861-0010)。有效移除溶液中BSAGlycineTrisAzide等殘留分子,純化後抗體溶液,可直接應用於lateral flow test奈米金抗體標誌套組 (Innova gold,#230-0010, innova biosciences)、與HRP/螢光抗體標誌套組(Innova lightning-link, #701-0000)

------奈米金抗體標誌 (InnovaCoat)----


相關資料來源: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=579&prev=615&next=576&l=f&fid=19

------HRP/螢光抗體標誌 (lightning-link)----

相關資料來源: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=553&next=552&l=f&fid=38


BSAGelatinGlycine移除--AbSelect 抗體-----純化系統

適合應用: 市售抗體。



AbSelect抗體純化套組 (860-0010), 特別針對市售抗體保存液內, 含有BSA, Glycine. Tris. Azideamino group干擾物質殘留。純化後的抗體, 可直接應用於奈米金抗體標誌套組 (Innova gold,#230-0010­)抗體標誌試劑 (lightning-link一個步驟完成抗體標誌試驗(lightning-link,

不須經由dialysis等純化步驟。抗體的體積可經由100ul0.5ml, 每次純化, 可以純化>500ug抗體量。

Ps. 蛋白質濃縮及buffer exchange之動作, 無法有效移除抗體內的小分子, 須經由Abselect


1個純化套組, 貨號#860-0005

3個純化套組, 貨號#860-0010


Lyophilised AbSelect Protein A resin

1 vial of 10x Binding Buffer

1 vial of Wash Buffer

1 vial of Elution Buffer

1 vial of Neutralization Buffer

1 or 3 spin cartridge/collecting tube assemblies

4 or 12 additional collecting tubes


Step 1 Wash buffer重組Protein A resin

Step 2 將重組好的Resin, 移至離心管, spin down

Step 3 抗體加入10x Binding Buffer,移入管柱中反應1個小時

Step 4 Wash resin.

Step 5 Elute neutralize約化的antibody.

Step 6 確認elute的抗體含量, 並以蛋白質定量.

AbSelect Antibody Purification System


Commercially available antibodies often
contain substances (e.g. BSA, glycine, tris, azide) that interfere in labeling
reactions. The AbSelect™ Purification Kit quickly removes these contaminants.
It can also be used to purify antibodies from crude samples such as ascites
fluid or immune serum.

The antibody to be purified or cleaned up ideally is in a
volume of 100ul to 0.5ml. Up to 500µg of antibody can be purified in each run.
The AbSelect method involves capture of the antibody on protein A resin and the
removal of unwanted substances by a simple wash procedure. The purified product
is then eluted and neutralized.

The components of the AbSelect kit are fully compatible
with the
antibody labeling system (available separately), which allows the purified
antibody to be rapidly conjugated with a wide variety of labels.


email信件】 taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net



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