V-Cy5 Reagent

----Annexin V 檢測試劑------

Annexin V是一種Ca+依賴的磷脂結磷脂結合蛋白(35-36 kDa),
對磷脂絲氨酸(phosphatidylserine ;PS)具高度親和性。當細胞進行細胞凋亡(apoptosis)時,細胞膜的PS會外翻到外膜。Biovision提供一系列Annexin V細胞凋亡染劑。Annexin-V結合FITCR-PEPE/Cy7、Cy3Cy7等不同波段染劑。直接應用於顯微鏡觀察及流氏細胞分析。

Annexin V-Cy5 Reagent

Catalog#: 1013-200 | Size: 200 assays

Product Highlights:

•Detection method- flow cytometry (Ex/Em = 649 /670 nm) using Helium-Neon Laser
and fluorescence microscopy

•Sample- Cell culture

•Simple, easy to use and convenient

Description: Annexin V-Cy5 is a bright fluorescent
reagent for detecting of the early stages of apoptosis. During apoptosis,
phosphatidylserine (PS) is translocated from the cytoplasmic face of the plasma
membrane to the cell surface. Annexin V has a strong, Ca²
-dependent affinity for PS and therefore serves as a
probe for detecting apoptosis. Cy5 fluorescent dye produces an intense signal
in the far-red region of the spectrum and therefore it is very useful for
multiple labeling of cells with green and red colored fluorescent probes. Cy5
yields fluorescence with a λmax emission of 670 nm.

Storage Temp.: +4°C


【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382





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