活體血管新生套組DIVAA, 發表文章: Directed in vivo angiogenesis assay and the study of systemic neoangiogenesis in cancer【太鼎生物科技有限公司02-86609496


Publish references:

Directed in vivo angiogenesis assay and the study of systemic neoangiogenesis in cancer


Claudio Napoli, Antonio Giordano, Amelia Casamassimi, Francesca Pentimalli, Louis J. Ignarro and Filomena De Nigris

Int. J. Cancer: 128, 1505 – 1508 (2011) 2010 UICC

Department of General Pathology, Division of Clinical Pathology, 1st School of Medicine, II University of Naples, Naples, Italy

Sbarro Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine, Center for Biotechnology, Temple University , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania

Department of Human Pathology and Oncology, University of Siena , Siena , Italy

CROM – Center of Oncology Research Mercogliano, “Fiorentino Lo Vuolo”, Mercogliano Avellino , Italy

Department of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, Devid Geffen School of Medicine, University of California , Los Angeles , California


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