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目前分類:【藥物篩選、癌症行為、抑制劑】 (93)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin Pirarubicin | Tunicamycin

APExBIO –抗生素化合物系列產品

阿奇霉素 (Azithromycin) | CAS#83905-01-5 APExBIO貨號B1398

泛艾霉素 (Pirarubicin)  CAS#72496-41-4 APExBIO貨號B2295.png

阿奇霉素 (Azithromycin) CAS#83905-01-5 APExBIO貨號B1398.jpg

Antibiotic by inhibiting protein synthesis

Azithromycin is an antibiotic for inhibition of parasite growth with IC50 of 8.4 μM.

  1. Ng MY, Zhang H, et al. "New in Vitro Assay Measuring Direct Interaction of Nonsense Suppressors with the Eukaryotic Protein Synthesis Machinery." ACS Med Chem Lett. 2018 Nov 21;9(12):1285-1291.PMID:30613341
  2. Martin Y Ng, Haibo Zhang, et al. "A new in vitro assay measuring direct interaction of nonsense suppressors with the eukaryotic protein synthesis machinery." bioRxiv. 2018 May 24.


Store at -20°C



Cas No.





≥30.05 mg/mL in DMSO; insoluble in H2O; ≥102.8 mg/mL in EtOH


Download SDF

Canonical SMILES


Shipping Condition

Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.

General tips

For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.





APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin Pirarubicin | Tunicamycin

APExBIO –抗生素化合物系列產品

阿奇霉素 (Azithromycin) | CAS#83905-01-5 APExBIO貨號B1398

泛艾霉素 (Pirarubicin)  CAS#72496-41-4 APExBIO貨號B2295.png

阿奇霉素 (Azithromycin) CAS#83905-01-5 APExBIO貨號B1398.jpg

Antibiotic by inhibiting protein synthesis

Azithromycin is an antibiotic for inhibition of parasite growth with IC50 of 8.4 μM.

  1. Ng MY, Zhang H, et al. "New in Vitro Assay Measuring Direct Interaction of Nonsense Suppressors with the Eukaryotic Protein Synthesis Machinery." ACS Med Chem Lett. 2018 Nov 21;9(12):1285-1291.PMID:30613341
  2. Martin Y Ng, Haibo Zhang, et al. "A new in vitro assay measuring direct interaction of nonsense suppressors with the eukaryotic protein synthesis machinery." bioRxiv. 2018 May 24.


Store at -20°C



Cas No.





≥30.05 mg/mL in DMSO; insoluble in H2O; ≥102.8 mg/mL in EtOH


Download SDF

Canonical SMILES


Shipping Condition

Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.

General tips

For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.





APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin Pirarubicin


泛艾霉素 (Pirarubicin) | CAS#72496-41-4 APExBIO貨號B2295

泛艾霉素 (Pirarubicin)  CAS#72496-41-4 APExBIO貨號B2295.png


泛艾霉素(Tunicamycin) Pirarubicin is an analogue of the anthracycline anti-neoplastic doxorubicin. Intercalates into DNA and interacts with Topo II (topoisomerase II) and supressing DNA replication. Pirarubicin is an inhibitor of Topo II. 泛艾霉素(Tunicamycin)是蒽環類(anthracycline)抗腫瘤多柔比星(anti-neoplastic doxorubicin)的類似物。 嵌入 DNA 並與 Topo II(拓撲異構酶 II)相互作用並抑制 DNA 複製(supressing DNA replication)。 Pirarubicin 是 Topo II 的抑制劑。




  1. Krai Daowtak,Suchart Kothan,et al. "In vitro evaluation of P-glycoprotein functions in human neuroblastoma cell lines." Journal of Associated Medical Sciences.Vol 51 No 2 (2018): May-August.
Physical Appearance A solid
Storage Store at -20°C
M.Wt 627.64
Cas No. 72496-41-4
Formula C32H37NO12
Solubility insoluble in H2O; insoluble in EtOH; ≥7.65 mg/mL in DMSO
Chemical Name 7-[4-amino-6-methyl-5-(oxan-2-yloxy)oxan-2-yl]oxy-6,9,11-trihydroxy-9-(2-hydroxyacetyl)-4-methoxy-8,10-dihydro-7H-tetracene-5,12-dione
SDF Download SDF
Canonical SMILES CC1C(C(CC(O1)OC2CC(CC3=C(C4=C(C(=C23)O)C(=O)C5=C(C4=O)C=CC=C5OC)O)(C(=O)CO)O)N)OC6CCCCO6
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.




APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。

泛艾霉素 (Pirarubicin) CAS#72496-41-4 APExBIO貨號B2295.jpg










你的食安 太鼎把關!

太鼎是食品安全檢測設備的專業供應商,擁有實驗室等級的分子生物、光學實驗儀器,免疫分析研究領域所需的試劑和設備,技術領先、品質穩定、產品設備齊全。太鼎食安科技是食品安全檢測設備的專,提供3M Petrifilm 檢測試藥: 食品微生物檢測、大腸桿菌檢測、大腸菌群檢測、李氏特菌、3M Petrifilm 金黃色葡萄球菌、3M Petrifilm 沙門氏桿菌檢測等快檢片、ATP微生物冷光儀、水質微生物檢測。擁有實驗室等級的分子生物、光學實驗儀器,免疫分析研究領域所需的試劑和設備,技術領先、品質穩定、產品設備齊全。我們的專業團隊能幫助研究單位計算出精確的數據、臨床檢測的及時需要,提供客戶專業的服務,是太鼎最大的一直以此為職志,並且自豪於此。太鼎的SLOGAN是:「我們或許不是最龐大的供應商,但我們希望成為你最可靠的及時雨」。太鼎以追求專業自期,就如大鼎具深而見廣。太鼎將盡其所能,提供生物科技界眾多先輩後進之需求,為學術發展和良性互動貢獻一份力量。


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太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin 

APExBIO –抗生素化合物系列產品 衣黴素 (Tunicamycin) | CAS#11089-65-9 APExBIO貨號B7417

antibiotic,inhibits GlcNAc phosphotransferase (GPT)


衣黴素(Tunicamycin)TCM 或 TM)[1] [2] 是一種抗生素。在糖蛋白合成的第一步,它可以阻斷UDP-N-乙醯氨基葡萄糖(UDP-N-acetylglucosamine)與磷酸多甘醇(dolichol phosphate之)間的反應,從而抑制所有N-連接糖蛋白(N-linked glycoproteins)的合成,最終引起內質網(endoplasmic reticulum, ER)應激[3]。在枯草芽孢桿菌細胞(Bacillus subtilis cells)中,中藥抑制多里奇基焦磷酸 N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖 (Dol-p-p-GlcNAc) 形成的 IC50 為 0.03 μg/ml [2]。


ER 應激反應(ER stress response)是對細胞代謝應激(cellular metabolic stress)和錯誤折疊蛋白(misfolded proteins)的一種有效的、進化上保守的反應。內質網應激是由內質網功能的破壞引起的,例如轉運到高爾基複合體(Golgi complex)或蛋白質糖基化(protein glycosylation),或內質網腔環境的紊亂,例如氧化還原狀態或鈣穩態(calcium homeostasis)的改變 [3]。


在 RAW264.7 細胞中,衣黴素(Tunicamycin)顯著降低 LPS 誘導的亞硝酸鹽釋放/產生,並減弱 mRNA 的表達,從而減弱 COX-2 和 iNOS 的蛋白質。此外,濃度為 0.5 μg/ml 的衣黴素(Tunicamycin)對細胞存活/增殖沒有任何影響,但在 48 小時衣黴素(Tunicamycin)提供了針對活化誘導的巨噬細胞死亡的保護作用。衣黴素(Tunicamycin)以濃度依賴性方式降低了響應 LPS 的 COX-2 和 iNOS 蛋白表達,並誘導 78-kDa 葡萄糖調節蛋白 (GRP78) 的同時增加,這是一種 ER 伴侶 [3]。在野生型小鼠的小腸中,衣黴素(Tunicamycin)將抑制的 1370 探針和 1291 探針的表達水平提高了 2 倍以上。在 Nrf 2 (-/-) 小鼠的小腸中,衣黴素抑制 2024 個探針並誘導 3471 個探針超過 2 倍。與小腸樣本的結果相比,在野生型小鼠肝臟中,不太明確的基因被衣黴素(Tunicamycin)抑制 (943) 或升高 (750) >2 倍;而在 Nrf2 (-/-) 小鼠肝臟中,3170 個基因被抑制或 39 個明確定義的基因被誘導 [1]。






Physical Appearance A crystalline solid
Storage Store at -20°C
M.Wt 844.95
Cas No. 11089-65-9
Formula C39H64N4O16 (tunicamycin C, n=10)
Solubility ≥25 mg/mL in DMSO
SDF Download SDF
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.





APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。




太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

 雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin G-418 (80 S 核醣體延伸抑制劑) 


雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin) | CAS#53123-88-9 APExBIO貨號A8167

Original antifungal antibiotic



雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)作為一種原始的抗真菌抗生素,由吸水鏈黴菌(Streptomyces hygroscopicus)生產。由於其免疫抑制作用(immunosuppressive effect),現已用於預防移植排斥反應。它還表現出對幾種可移植腫瘤(transplantable tumors)的活性和對白血病無活性(inactive against leukemias)具輕微活性。雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)的免疫抑制作用是通過抑制T細胞的活化(activation)和增殖(proliferation)來發揮的。雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)與 FK 結合蛋白 12 (FKBP12) 結合併形成雷帕黴素-FKBP12 複合物(rapamycin-FKBP12 complex),該複合物調節一種在細胞週期(cell cycle)進程中起重要作用的酶。Rapamycin was used as a kind of original antifungal antibiotic, which is produced by Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Now it has been used in the prevention of transplant rejection because of its immunosuppressive effect.  It also exhibits activity against several transplantable tumors and slightly activity to inactive against leukemias. The immunosuppressive effect of Rapamycin is exerted by inhibiting the activation and proliferation of T cells. Rapamycin binds to FK-binding protein 12 (FKBP12) and forms the rapamycin-FKBP12 complex, which regulates an enzyme that plays an important role in the progression of the cell cycle.





Physical Appearance A solid
Storage Desiccate at -20°C
M.Wt 914.18
Cas No. 53123-88-9
Formula C51H79NO13
Synonyms Sirolimus,(-)-Rapamycin, AY-22989, WY-090217, Antibiotic AY22989
Solubility ≥45.7 mg/mL in DMSO; insoluble in H2O; ≥58.9 mg/mL in EtOH with ultrasonic
SDF Download SDF
Canonical SMILES O[C@H]1[C@H](OC)C[C@H](C[C@@H](C)[C@H](CC([C@H](C)/C=C(C)/[C@H]([C@@H](OC)C([C@@H](C[C@@H](/C=C/C=C/C=C(C)/[C@@H](OC)C[C@@H]2CC[C@@H](C)[C@@](C(C(N3[C@H]4CCCC3)=O)=O)(O)O2)C)C)=O)O)=O)OC4=O)CC1
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.




  • 1. Jialin He, Jianyang Liu, et al. "OM-MSCs Alleviate the Golgi Apparatus Stress Response following Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury via the PEDF-PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathway." Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2021 Nov 13;2021:4805040. PMID:34815829
  • 2. Fang Wang, Jing Zhang, et al. "2-Deoxy-D-glucose impedes T cell-induced apoptosis of keratinocytes in oral lichen planus." J Cell Mol Med. 2021 Nov;25(21):10257-10267. PMID:34672419
  • 3. Na Li, Ming Yan. "Extracellular IL-37 promotes osteogenic and odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells via autophagy." Exp Cell Res. 2021 Oct 1;407(1):112780. PMID:34411610
  • 4. Yuhui Yang, Yiping Huang, et al. "Compressive force regulates cementoblast migration via downregulation of autophagy." J Periodontol. 2021 Nov;92(11):128-138. PMID:34231875
  • 5. Xiaoli Liu, Yan Gu, et al. "Honokiol induces paraptosis-like cell death of acute promyelocytic leukemia via mTOR & MAPK signaling pathways activation." Apoptosis. 2021 Apr;26(3-4):195-208. PMID:33550458
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  • 7. Liu Y, Li J, et al. "Advanced glycation end-products suppress autophagy by AMPK/mTOR signaling pathway to promote vascular calcification." Mol Cell Biochem. 2020;471(1-2):91-100. PMID:32514882
  • 8. Wang J, Chen Y, et al. "mTORC1-IRE1α pathway activation contributes to palmitate-elicited triglyceride secretion and cell death in hepatocytes." Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2020;1535370220928276. PMID:32436749
  • 9. Meng XL, Fu P, et al. "Increased EZH2 Levels in Anterior Cingulate Cortex Microglia Aggravate Neuropathic Pain by Inhibiting Autophagy Following Brachial Plexus Avulsion in Rats." Neurosci Bull. 2020;10.1007/s12264-020-00502-w. PMID:32346844
  • 10. Xie X, Yang C, et al. "Advanced glycation end products reduce macrophage-mediated killing of Staphylococcus aureus by ARL8 upregulation and inhibition of autolysosome formation." Eur J Immunol. 2020;10.1002/eji.201948477. PMID:32250445
  • 11. Wang F, Zhang J, et al. "The mTOR-glycolytic pathway promotes T-cell immunobiology in oral lichen planus." Immunobiology. 2020;225(3):151933. PMID:32201095
  • 12. Zhao F, Wang J, et al. "Neuroprotection by Walnut-derived Peptides through Autophagy Promotion via Akt/mTOR Signaling Pathway against Oxidative Stress in PC12 Cells." J Agric Food Chem. 2020;10.1021/acs.jafc.9b08252.  PMID:32090563
  • 13. Xuyang Zhao, Yadong Ma, et al. "mTORC2 mediate FLCN-induced HIF2α nuclear import and proliferation of clear cell renal cell carcinoma." bioRxiv. 2020 January 13.
  • 14. Mitchell DC, Menon A, et al. "Cyclin-dependent kinase 4 inhibits the translational repressor 4E-BP1 to promote cap-dependent translation during mitosis-G1 transition." FEBS Lett. 2020 Apr;594(8):1307-1318. PMID:31853978
  • 15. WandaNowaka, Leandro NicolásGrendasa, et al. "Pro-inflammatory monocyte profile in patients with major depressive disorder and suicide behaviour and how ketamine induces anti-inflammatory M2 macrophages by NMDAR and mTOR." EBioMedicine. Available online 18 November 2019.
  • 16. Liu XH, Liang S, et al. "Metabolomics Analysis Identifies Sphingolipids as Key Signaling Moieties in Appressorium Morphogenesis and Function in Magnaporthe oryzae." MBio. 2019 Aug 20;10(4). pii: e01467-19. PMID:31431550
  • 17. Zhang C, Duan Y, et al. "TFEB mediates immune evasion and resistance to mTOR inhibition of renal cell carcinoma via induction of PD-L1." Clin Cancer Res. 2019 Aug 5. pii: clincanres.0733.2019. PMID:31383732
  • 18. Li CF, Pan YK, et al. "Autophagy protects HUVECs against ER stress-mediated apoptosis under simulated microgravity." Apoptosis. 2019 Jul 29. PMID:31359205
  • 19. Ye J, Xue M, et al. "Diosbulbin B-Induced Mitochondria-Dependent Apoptosis in L-02 Hepatocytes is Regulated by Reactive Oxygen Species-Mediated Autophagy." Front Pharmacol. 2019 Jun 19;10:676. PMID:31275148
  • 20. Wang Z, Zhang Z, et al. "Polysaccharides from Enteromorpha Prolifera Ameliorate Acute Myocardial Infarction in Vitro and in Vivo via Up-Regulating HIF-1α." Int Heart J. 2019 Jun 28. PMID:31257333
  • 21. Tang RH, Qi RQ, et al. "Interleukin-4 affects microglial autophagic flux." Neural Regen Res. 2019 Sep;14(9):1594-1602. PMID:31089059
  • 22. Yang D, Zhang B, et al. "COPS5 negatively regulates goat endometrial function via the ERN1 and mTOR-autophagy pathways during early pregnancy." J Cell Physiol. 2019 Aug;234(10):18666-18678. PMID:30927262
  • 23. Zhang M, Liu F, et al. "The MTOR signaling pathway regulates macrophage differentiation from mouse myeloid progenitors by inhibiting autophagy." Autophagy. 2019 Feb 27:1-13. PMID:30724690
  • 24. Rossi A, Pakhomova ON, et al. "Mechanisms and immunogenicity of nsPEF-induced cell death in B16F10 melanoma tumors." Sci Rep. 2019 Jan 23;9(1):431. PMID:30674926
  • 25. Benjamin Cook. "Investigating Autophagy, Extracellular Vesicles, and Glycobiology." Loyola University Chicago.2018.
  • 26. Yang D, Jiang T, et al."CREB3 Regulatory Factor -mTOR-autophagy regulates goat endometrial function during early pregnancy." Biol Reprod. 2018 Feb 13. PMID:29447354
  • 27. Aluru M, McKinney T, et al. "Mitogen-activated protein kinases, Fus3 and Kss1, regulate chronological lifespan in yeast." Aging (Albany NY). 2017 Dec 21;9(12):2587-2609. PMID:29273704
  • 28. Yang D, Jiang T, et al. "Hormone regulates endometrial function via cooperation of endoplasmic reticulum stress and mTOR-autophagy." J Cell Physiol. 2017 Dec 5. PMID:29206294
  • 29. Marsh KM, Schipper D, et al. "Metabolic Impact of Rapamycin (Sirolimus) and B-Estradiol Using Mouse Embryonic Fibroblasts as a Model for Lymphangioleiomyomatosis." Lung. 2017 Jun 2. PMID:28577037
  • 30. Zhixia Qiu , Shuihong Zhang , et al. "The role of curcumin in disruption of HIF-1α accumulation to alleviate adipose fibrosis via AMPK-mediated mTOR pathway in high-fat diet fed mice." J Funct Foods. 2017 Mar.
  • 31. Li X, Guo K, et al. "5-HT 2 receptor mediates high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis and very low density lipoprotein overproduction in rats." Obes Res Clin Pract. 2018 Jan - Feb;12(1S1):16-28. PMID:27133527
  • 32. Holubova, Kristina, et al. "Rapamycin blocks the antidepressant effect of ketamine in task-dependent manner." Psychopharmacology (2016): 1-21. PMID:27004790
  • 33. Hagg A, Colgan TD, et al. "Using AAV vectors expressing the β2-adrenoceptor or associated Gα proteins to modulate skeletal muscle mass and muscle fibre size." Sci Rep. 2016 Mar 4;6:23042. PMID:26972746
  • 34. Fu J, Ma S, et al. "Long-term Stress with Hyperglucocorticoidemia-induced Hepatic Steatosis with VLDL Overproduction Is Dependent on both 5-HT2 Receptor and 5-HT Synthesis in Liver." Int J Biol Sci. 2016 Jan 1;12(2):219-34. PMID:26884719
  • 35. Ranjan, Kishu, and Chandramani Pathak. "Expression of cFLIPL Determines the Basal Interaction of Bcl‐2 with Beclin‐1 and Regulates p53 Dependent Ubiquitination of Beclin‐1 During Autophagic Stress." Journal of cellular biochemistry (2015). PMID:26682748
  • 36. Deng, Jiangshan, et al. "Identification of the protective role of DJ-1 in hypoglycemic astrocyte injury using proteomics." Journal of proteome research (2015). PMID:26057206


APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。


A3173 AMD-070 558447-26-0 98.00% CXCR4 antagonist,potent and selective
A3174 AMD-070 hydrochloride 880549-30-4 98.00% CXCR4 antagonist,potent and selective
A3176 Ampalex 154235-83-3 98.54% Ampakine and nootropic
A3177 AN-2690 174671-46-6 98.60% Antifungal agent
A3178 AN-2728 906673-24-3 99.33% PDE4 inhibitor,anti-inflammatory compound
A3179 Anamorelin 249921-19-5 99.68% Ghrelin receptor agonist, synthetic, orally active
A3182 Anguizole 442666-98-0 98.00% Inhibitor of HCV replication
A3184 AR-A014418 487021-52-3 98.34% GSK3β inhibitor, ATP-competitive and selective
A3185 AR-C155858 496791-37-8 99.52% MCT1 and MCT2 inhibitor
A3188 ARRY-520 R enantiomer 885060-08-2 98.00% KSP inhibitor
A3189 AS 602801 848344-36-5 98.72% Jun Kinase Inhibitor
A3190 ASC-J9 52328-98-0 98.00% AR degradation enhancer,antiumor agent
A3191 Ascomycin(FK 520) 104987-12-4 98.00% Macrolide immunosuppressant,FK-520 analog
A3192 Asenapine hydrochloride 1412458-61-7 98.00% Atypical antipsychotic
A3193 ASP3026 1097917-15-1 99.38% ALK inhibitor,potent and selective
A3194 AST 487 630124-46-8 99.29% RET kinase inhibitor
A3195 Asunaprevir (BMS-650032) 630420-16-5 99.80% NS3 protease inhibitor
A3196 AT-101 90141-22-3 98.00% BH3-mimetic,gossypol enantiomer
A3197 AT7519 Hydrochloride 902135-91-5 99.80% Multi-CDK inhibitor
A3198 AT7519 trifluoroacetate 1431697-85-6 98.00% CDK/cyclin inhibitor
A3199 AT7867 dihydrochloride 1431697-86-7 98.00% Akt1 and p70S6K/PKA inhibitor
A3201 Atrasentan hydrochloride 195733-43-8 98.00% Endothelin receptor antagonist
A3202 Avermectin B1 71751-41-2 98.00% Insecticide
A3206 AVL-292 1202757-89-8 98.27% Btk inhibitor
A3208 Avosentan 290815-26-8 98.00% ETA receptor antagonist
A3209 AXL1717 477-47-4 98.07% IGF-1R inhibitor,orally active
A3210 AZ20 1233339-22-4 99.93% ATR inhibitor,potent and selective
A3214 AZD1152 722543-31-9 98.78% Aurora B kinase inhibitor,highly potent and selective
A3215 AZD7687 1166827-44-6 98.00% DGAT inhibitor,potent and selective
A3216 Balaglitazone 199113-98-9 99.62% PPAR-γ partial agonist
A3217 Balapiravir 690270-29-2 98.00% Polymerase inhibitor,anti-HCV
A3218 BAM7 331244-89-4 98.00% BAX activator,direct and selective
A3219 BAN ORL 24 475150-69-7 98.00% NOP receptor antagonist, potent and selective
A3220 Bardoxolone 218600-44-3 99.55% Once-a-day treatment for CKD
A3221 Bardoxolone methyl 218600-53-4 98.75% IKK inhibitor, potent antioxidant inflammation modulator
A3222 Baricitinib phosphate 1187595-84-1 99.59% JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor
A3227 BAY 61-3606 732983-37-8 98.45% Syk Inhibitor
A3228 BAY 61-3606 dihydrochloride 648903-57-5 98.00% Syk tyrosine kinase inhibitor
A3230 Bay 65-1942 HCl salt 600734-06-3 98.00% IKKβ kinase inhibitor
A3232 Bazedoxifene 198481-32-2 98.00% Estrogen receptor modulator
A3236 Benfotiamine 22457-89-2 99.76% Drug for painful nerve condition
A3237 Betulinic acid 472-15-1 98.00% Anti-HIV and antitumor compound,pentacyclic triterpenoid
A3238 BEZ235 Tosylate 1028385-32-1 98.28% MTOR/P13K inhibitor
A3239 B-HT 920 36085-73-1 98.00% D2 receptor agonist
A3240 BIBX 1382 196612-93-8 98.00% EGFR inhibitor,potent and selective
A3241 Bilobalide 33570-04-6 98.00% Neuroprotective agent
A3242 Bitopertin 845614-11-1 99.70% Glycine reuptake inhibitor(GlyT1)
A3244 Bivalirudin Trifluoroacetate 128270-60-0 98.07% Reversible thrombin inhibitor
A3246 BMN-673 8R,9S 1207456-00-5 99.75% Inactive form of BMN 673, used as negative control
A3248 BMS345541 hydrochloride 547757-23-3 99.57% IKK inhibitor,highly selective
A3250 BMS-509744 439575-02-7 98.00% Itk inhibitor,potent and selective
A3252 BMS-599626 Hydrochloride 873837-23-1 99.58% EGFR/HER2 inhibitor,potent and selective
A3253 BMS-626529 701213-36-7 98.01% HIV-1 attachment inhibitor
A3254 BMS-663068 864953-29-7 98.00% HIV-1 attachment inhibitor
A3256 BMS-690514 859853-30-8 98.00% HER/EGFR inhibitor
A3257 BMS-790052 dihydrochloride 1009119-65-6 99.81% HCV NS5A inhibitor
A3258 BMS-833923 1059734-66-5 99.84% Smoothened inhibitor
A3259 BMS-927711 1289023-67-1 98.99% CGRP receptor antagonist
A3260 BMX-IN-1 1431525-23-3 97.99% BMX (also termed ETK) kinase inhibitor
A3261 Boceprevir 394730-60-0 98.00% HCV protease inhibitor,potent and selective
A3263 BRAF inhibitor 918505-61-0 98.00% Potent B-raf inhibitor
A3264 B-Raf inhibitor 1315330-11-0 98.00% A B-Raf inhibitor
A3265 Brassinolide 72962-43-7 98.00% Plant growth regulator
A3266 BS-181 1092443-52-1 98.00% CDK7 inhibitor,highly selective
A3268 CAL-130 Hydrochloride 1431697-78-7 98.00% PI3K inhibitor
A3270 Calcifediol monohydrate 63283-36-3 99.43% Prehormone;vitamin D3 metabolite
A3271 Calcipotriol 112965-21-6 98.00% Vitamin D3 analog,regulates cell differentiation and proliferation
A3275 Calcium-Sensing Receptor Antagonists I 478963-79-0 98.00% CaSR antagonist
A3276 Canertinib dihydrochloride 289499-45-2 99.72% Pan-ErbB inhibitor, potent and selective
A3277 Capadenoson 544417-40-5 98.00% Adenosine A1 receptor agonist
A3278 Nonivamide (Capsaicin Analog) 2444-46-4 99.53% TRPV1 receptor agonist
A3279 Capsazepine 138977-28-3 99.25% TRPV1 ion channel antagonist
A3282 Cariprazine 839712-12-8 99.19% D2/D3 partial agonist,antipsychotic drug
A3284 Cathepsin S inhibitor 1373215-15-6 98.33% Blocks MHCII antigen presentation
A3285 CB 300919 289715-28-2 98.00% Potential therapy for ovarian cancer
A3286 CB30865 206275-15-2 98.00% Nampt inhibitor
A3287 CC-401 hydrochloride 1438391-30-0 98.00% JNK inhibitor
A3288 CC-930 899805-25-5 98.00% JNK inhibitor,potent and selective
A3289 CCG-63802 620112-78-9 98.00% RGS protein inhibitor
A3290 CCG-63808 620113-73-7 98.00% Reversible RGS inhibitor
A3291 CCT241533 1262849-73-9 98.00% Potent Chk2 inhibitor
A3292 CCT241533 hydrochloride 1431697-96-9 98.00% CHK2 kinase inhibitor, novel
A3293 CDK inhibitor II 1269815-17-9 98.00% CDK inhibitor
A3294 CDK9 inhibitor 1415559-43-1 98.00% CDK9 inhibitor
A3295 CDK9 inhibitor 2 1263369-28-3 98.00% CDK9 inhibitor
A3297 CEP-32496 hydrochloride 1227678-26-3 98.00% B-Raf/C-Raf inhibitor,highly potent
A3297 CEP-32496 hydrochloride 1227678-26-3 98.00% B-Raf/C-Raf inhibitor,highly potent
A3298 Cetirizine 83881-51-0 99.65% Antihistamine
A3300 Cevimeline hydrochloride hemihydrate 153504-70-2 98.00% Agonist of muscarinic receptor (M1/M3)
A3302 CGI-1746 910232-84-7 98.00% Btk inhibitor
A3303 CGP60474 164658-13-3 98.00% CDKs and PKC inhibitor, potent
A3304 CGS 21680 120225-54-9 98.00% Adenosine A2 receptor agonists,potent and selective
A3305 CHAPS 75621-03-3 97.71% Zwitterionic detergent for membrane proteins,nondenaturing
A3306 Chelerythrine Chloride 3895-92-9 99.36% PKC antagonist
A3307 CHIR-090 728865-23-4 99.37% Potent LpxC inhibitor
A3308 Choline Fenofibrate 856676-23-8 99.92% Choline salt of fenofibric acid
A3309 CHR-6494 1333377-65-3 98.00% Haspin inhibitor,potent ands selective
A3310 chroman 1 1273579-40-0 98.00% ROCK II inhibitor, highly potent and selective
A3311 CID-2858522 758679-97-9 98.00% NF-κB pathway inhibitor
A3313 Cinacalcet 226256-56-0 99.48% Calcimimetic agent,orally active
A3314 Cinaciguat 329773-35-5 98.00% Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) activators
A3315 Clemizole 442-52-4 99.06% H1 histamine receptor antagonist
A3316 Clemizole hydrochloride 1163-36-6 99.73% H1 histamine receptor antagonist
A3317 Clozapine N-oxide (CNO) 34233-69-7 99.74% Metabolite of clozapine, used in chemogenetics.
A3319 CMK 821794-90-5 98.00% RSK2 kinase inhibitor
A3320 CO-1686 (AVL-301) 1374640-70-6 99.28% EGFR inhibitor
A3321 Cobimetinib 934660-93-2 99.71% Selective MEK inhibitor
A3322 Cobimetinib (racemate) 934662-91-6 98.00% Selective MEK inhibitor
A3331 CP-809101 hydrochloride 1215721-40-6 98.00% 5-HT2C receptor agonist, potent and selective
A3334 CTS-1027 193022-04-7 98.00% MMPs inhibitor
A3335 Curcumin 458-37-7 98.36% Tyrosinase inhibitor
A3336 CVT-313 199986-75-9 98.04% Cdk2 inhibitor
A3337 CX-6258 1202916-90-2 98.28% Pan-Pim kinases Inhibitor
A3339 CYT387 sulfate salt 1056636-06-6 98.00% JAK1/JAK2 inhibitor
A3340 CZC24832 1159824-67-5 98.00% Selective PI3K-γ inhibitor
A3342 D4476 301836-43-1 99.22% CK1/ALK5 inhibitor,specific and cell permeable
A3343 D609 83373-60-8 98.00% PC-PLC inhibitor
A3344 D-64131 74588-78-6 98.00% Tubulin polymerization inhibitor
A3345 Dabigatran etexilate mesylate 872728-81-9 99.41% Direct thrombin inhibitor,anticoagulant,prodrug of dabigatran
A3346 Dabigatran ethyl ester 429658-95-7 98.00% Thrombin activity inhibitor
A3347 Dabrafenib Mesylate (GSK-2118436) 1195768-06-9 99.78% Inhibitor of BRAF(V600) mutants
A3348 Daminozide 1596-84-5 98.00% KDM2A inhibitor
A3349 Darapladib 356057-34-6 99.54% Lp-PLA2 inhibitor, selective and orally active
A3351 Dasatinib hydrochloride 854001-07-3 99.91% Multi-BCR/Abl and Src kinase inhibitor, oral active
A3352 Daun02 290304-24-4 98.00% Cell viability inhibitor,DNA synthisis inhibitor
A3353 DB07268 929007-72-7 98.84% JNK1 inhibitor
A3355 Deferasirox Fe3+ chelate 554435-83-5 98.00% Oral iron chelator
A3356 Delafloxacin 189279-58-1 99.81% Fluoroquinolone antibiotic
A3357 Delafloxacin meglumine 352458-37-8 98.00% Fluoroquinolone antibiotic agent
A3358 Deltarasin 1440898-61-2 98.00% KRAS-PDEδ interaction inhibitor
A3359 Desmopressin 16679-58-6 98.66% Hemostatic and anti-diuretic
A3360 Desmopressin Acetate 62288-83-9 98.73% Synthetic analogue of arginine vasopressin
A3363 DGAT-1 inhibitor 701232-20-4 99.64% Diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT1) inhibitor
A3366 Dipraglurant 872363-17-2 98.00% mGluR5 antagonist
A3368 DMAT 749234-11-5 98.60% CK2 inhibitor,potent and selective
A3369 DMP 777 157341-41-8 98.00% Leukocyte elastase (HLE) inhibitor
A3370 Docetaxel Trihydrate 148408-66-6 99.78% Depolymerisation of microtubules inhibitor
A3371 Doramectin 117704-25-3 97.08% Antiparasitic antibiotic
A3374 Dronedarone 141626-36-0 99.58% CYP3A4 and 2D6 inhibitor,moderate
A3375 DY131 95167-41-2 99.82% ERRγ agonist
A3378 E-3810 1058137-23-7 98.00% VEGF/FGF dual inhibitor, potent and selective
A3380 Ebrotidine 100981-43-9 98.00% H2-receptor antagonist,competitive
A3381 Edoxaban 480449-70-5 99.27% Factor Xa inhibitor
A3383 Edoxaban tosylate monohydrate 1229194-11-9 99.34% Oral factor Xa inhibitor
A3384 Elacridar 143664-11-3 98.17% BCRP inhibitor
A3385 Elacridar hydrochloride 143851-98-3 98.00% BCRP and P-GP inhibitor
A3387 Eltrombopag Olamine 496775-62-3 98.49% C-mpl agonist
A3389 EMD638683 1181770-72-8 98.46% SGK1 inhibitor
A3392 Emodin 518-82-1 99.09% Naturally occurring anthraquinone,antiproliferative
A3394 Epothilone D 189453-10-9 98.00% Natural polyketide compound
A3395 Ercalcidiol 21343-40-8 98.00% Vitamin D2 metabolite,ligand of VDR-like receptors
A3396 Ercalcitriol 60133-18-8 98.00% Active metabolite of vitamin D2
A3397 Erlotinib 183321-74-6 99.47% EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor
A3399 Esomeprazole Magnesium trihydrate 217087-09-7 98.32% Proton pump inhibitor
A3401 Etifoxine hydrochloride 56776-32-0 99.87% GABAA receptor potentiator
A3403 Etofenamate 30544-47-9 98.05% Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
A3404 Etomoxir 124083-20-1 99.75% (CPT)-1 and DGAT activity inhibitor
A3405 Etoricoxib 202409-33-4 99.82% Specific COX-2 inhibitor
A3407 EVP-6124 hydrochloride 550999-74-1 99.85% Alpha7 nAChR agonist
A3408 Exendin-4 141758-74-9 99.66% GLP-1 activator
A3411 Faropenem daloxate 141702-36-5 98.00% Oral penem,beta-lactam antibiotic
A3412 Fenretinide 65646-68-6 98.00% Synthetic retinoid agonist
A3413 FH535 108409-83-2 99.62% Wnt/B-catenin inhibitor
A3415 Firategrast 402567-16-2 99.56% α4β1/α4β7 integrin antagonist
A3416 FK 3311 116686-15-8 98.00% Selective COX-2 inhibitor
A3417 Flavopiridol 146426-40-6 99.52% Pan-cdk inhibitor
A3418 Flecainide acetate 54143-56-5 99.82% Antiarrhythmic drug
A3419 Fluvastatin 93957-54-1 98.33% HMGCR inhibitor
A3420 FMK 821794-92-7 98.82% RSK inhibitor
A3421 Fosamprenavir Calcium Salt 226700-81-8 99.71% Prodrug of antiretroviral protease inhibitor amprenavir
A3423 Galanthamine 357-70-0 99.12% Acetylcholinesterase inhibitor
A3424 Gambogic Acid 2752-65-0 98.54% Caspase activator and apoptosis inducer
A3429 GANT 58 64048-12-0 99.38% GLI antagonist,novel and potent
A3432 GDC-0941 dimethanesulfonate 957054-33-0 99.78% PI3K inhibitor
A3433 Gefitinib hydrochloride 184475-55-6 99.87% Potent EGFR inhibitor
A3434 Genz-644282 529488-28-6 98.00% Non-camptothecin inhibitor of topoisomerase I
A3435 glucagon receptor antagonists 1 503559-84-0 98.00% Glucagon receptor antagonist,highly potent
A3436 glucagon receptor antagonists 2 202917-18-8 98.00% Glucagon receptor antagonist,highly potent
A3437 glucagon receptor antagonists 3 202917-17-7 98.00% Glucagon receptor antagonist
A3438 Glucocorticoid receptor agonist 1245526-82-2 98.00% Glucagon receptor antagonist
A3440 Glyoxalase I inhibitor 221174-33-0 98.00% Glyoxalase I inhibitor
A3441 GPR120 modulator 1 1050506-75-6 98.00% GPR120 modulator
A3442 GPR120 modulator 2 1050506-87-0 98.00% GPR120 modulator
A3443 Granisetron 109889-09-0 98.00% Serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist
A3444 GS-9620 1228585-88-3 98.01% TLR-7 agonist
A3445 GSK 525768A 1260530-25-3 98.00% inactive stereoisomer of I-BET-762
A3446 GSK126 1346574-57-9 98.32% EZH2 inhibitor
A3448 GSK2606414 1337531-36-8 98.18% PERK inhibitor,potent and selective
A3449 GSK343 1346704-33-3 98.95% EZH2 inhibitor,potent,selective and cell permeable
A3450 GSK-923295 1088965-37-0 98.28% CENP-E inhibitor,small-molecule
A3451 Guanfacine hydrochloride 29110-48-3 99.41% α2A-adrenoceptor agonist
A3452 GW-1100 306974-70-9 98.00% GPR40 antagonist
A3453 GW1929 196808-24-9 98.00% Potent PPARγ agonist
A3454 GW3965 405911-09-3 98.00% HLXRα/hLXRβ agonist,potent and selective
A3456 GW843682X 660868-91-7 98.00% PLK1/PLK3 inhibitor,potent and selective
A3460 HhAntag 496794-70-8 98.95% GLI1-mediated transcription inhibitor
A3461 HIV-1 integrase inhibitor 544467-07-4 98.00% Uesful for anti-HIV
A3465 HOE 33187 23623-08-7 98.00% Blue fluorescent dyes
A3466 Hoechst 33258 23491-45-4 99.88% Blue fluorescent dyes
A3472 Hoechst 33342 875756-97-1 98.84% Blue fluorescent dyes

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雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin G-418 (80 S 核醣體延伸抑制劑)

APExBIO –抗生素化合物系列產品 amphipathic polyene antibiotic


兩性黴素 B (Amphotericin B) | CAS# 1397-89-3 APExBIO貨號B1885

兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B) 是一種多烯類抗真菌抗生素(polyene antifungal antibiotic),由結節鏈黴菌菌株(Streptomyces nodosus)生產,IC50 為 0.028–0.290 μg/ml。體外試驗:兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B)  是治療許多危及生命的真菌感染(fungal infections)最有效的藥物。在表達 TLR2 和 CD14 的細胞中,兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B)  誘導信號轉導(signal transduction)和炎性細胞因子釋放(inflammatory cytokine release)。在表達 TLR2、CD14 和銜接蛋白 MyD88 的原代鼠巨噬細胞(primary murine macrophages)和人類細胞株中,兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B)誘導 NF-κB 依賴性報告基因活性和細胞因子釋放,而缺乏任何這些的細胞都沒有反應。與表達正常 TLR4 的細胞相比,具有 TLR4 突變的細胞對兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B)刺激的反應較弱 

兩性黴素 B (Amphotericin B) CAS# 1397-89-3 APExBIO貨號B1885 1.png


兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B)  可與膽固醇(cholesterol)(哺乳動物細胞膜的主要甾醇)相互作用,因此由於其相對較高的毒性而限制了兩性黴素 B(Amphotericin B)  的用途 [2]。低 AmB 濃度 (≤ 0.1 μM) 在懸浮在等滲蔗糖溶液中的 KCl 負載脂質體中誘導極化電位,表明 K+ leakage。 AmB (> 0.1 μM) 允許陽離子和陰離子運動。懸浮在等滲 NaCl 溶液中並暴露於 AmB (0.05 μM) 的 LP 表現出幾乎完全的負膜電位collapse,表明 Na+ 進入了細胞 [3]。

兩性黴素 B (Amphotericin B) CAS# 1397-89-3 APExBIO貨號B1885 2.jpg



[1]. Sau K1,Mambula SS,Latz E,Henneke P,Golenbock DT,Levitz SM.The antifungal drug amphotericin B promotes inflammatory cytokine release by a Toll-like receptor- and CD14-dependent mechanism.J Biol Chem.2003 Sep 26;278(39):37561-8. Epub 2003 Jul 14.

[2]. Demaimay R1,Adjou K,Lasmézas C,Lazarini F,Cherifi K,Seman M,Deslys JP,Dormont D.Pharmacological studies of a new derivative of amphotericin B, MS-8209, in mouse and hamster scrapie.J Gen Virol.1994 Sep;75 ( Pt 9):2499-503.

兩性黴素 B (Amphotericin B) CAS# 1397-89-3 APExBIO貨號B1885 3.jpg

Storage Store at -20°C
M.Wt 924.08
Cas No. 1397-89-3
Formula C47H73NO17
Solubility ≥46.2 mg/mL in DMSO; insoluble in EtOH; insoluble in H2O
SDF Download SDF
Canonical SMILES O=C(C[C@@H](C[C@@H](CC[C@@H](O)[C@@H]1O)O)O)O[C@@H](C)[C@H](C)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)/C=C/C=C/C=C/C=C/C=C/C=C/C=C/[C@H](O[C@H]2[C@@H](O)[C@@H](N)[C@H](O)[C@@H](C)O2)C[C@@H]([C@H](C(O)=O)[C@@H](O)C3)OC3(O)C[C@H](C1)O
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.




APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。









你的食安 太鼎把關!

太鼎是食品安全檢測設備的專業供應商,擁有實驗室等級的分子生物、光學實驗儀器,免疫分析研究領域所需的試劑和設備,技術領先、品質穩定、產品設備齊全。太鼎食安科技是食品安全檢測設備的專,提供3M Petrifilm 檢測試藥: 食品微生物檢測、大腸桿菌檢測、大腸菌群檢測、李氏特菌、3M Petrifilm 金黃色葡萄球菌、3M Petrifilm 沙門氏桿菌檢測等快檢片、ATP微生物冷光儀、水質微生物檢測。擁有實驗室等級的分子生物、光學實驗儀器,免疫分析研究領域所需的試劑和設備,技術領先、品質穩定、產品設備齊全。我們的專業團隊能幫助研究單位計算出精確的數據、臨床檢測的及時需要,提供客戶專業的服務,是太鼎最大的一直以此為職志,並且自豪於此。太鼎的SLOGAN是:「我們或許不是最龐大的供應商,但我們希望成為你最可靠的及時雨」。太鼎以追求專業自期,就如大鼎具深而見廣。太鼎將盡其所能,提供生物科技界眾多先輩後進之需求,為學術發展和良性互動貢獻一份力量。


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太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

細胞遷移 | Cell Migration Assay Kit (24 well,8μM)貨號KTA5010

活動期間2022/10/01-2022/12/31 (來電洽詢0920312382許虹宜) 

3800活動試劑DM1 (1).jpg

Cell Migration Assay Kit


細胞遷移(Cell migration)是指細胞受外界信號刺激,從一個地方遷移(migrate到)另一個地方的特性。另一種,通常發生在傷口癒合(wound healing)、細胞分化(cell differentiation)、胚胎發育(embryonic development)和腫瘤轉移(tumor metastasis等)過程中。Transwell 是一種實驗技術,可以在體外模擬人體的許多黏膜(mucosal)和生物屏障系統(biological barrier systems)。這該技術的主要材料是 Transwell 小室,Abbkine Cell Migration Assay Kit (24-Well Plate, 8 µm) 使用聚碳酸酯膜(polycarbonate membrane,  8 µm 孔徑)來測量細胞的遷移特性(migration characteristics)。原理是把Transwell將小室放入培養板中,小室稱為上室,培養板內部稱為下室腔室,上下層培養基由聚碳酸酯膜(polycarbonate membrane,  8 µm 孔徑)隔開。聚碳酸酯膜(polycarbonate membrane,  8 µm 孔徑)是可滲透的,下層培養基中的成分會影響上層的細胞。通過染色(staining)和洗脫(elution),計數細胞數以反映細胞的遷移能力(migration ability)。



活細胞和死細胞雙染色套組  |  CCK-8細胞增殖和細胞毒性試劑盒  | LDH細胞毒性測定試劑盒 | 細胞衰老檢測試劑盒(β-半乳糖苷酶 | 細胞增殖EdU Image試劑盒 


Product name Cell Migration Assay Kit (24 well,8μM)
Applications notes Cell Migration Assay Kit (24 well,8μM) is used to detect cell migration with relative accuracy.
Kit components •24-Well Migration Plate
•Fixation Solution
•Staining Solution
•Elution Solution
Features & Benefits • Easy to operate.
• Simple, optimized experimental method.
• To detect the migration ability of cells.
Storage instructions Refer to list of materials supplied for storage conditions of individual components. Stable for at least 6 months at recommended temperature from date of shipment.
Shipping Gel pack with blue ice.
Precautions The product listed herein is for research use only and is not intended for use in human or clinical diagnosis. Suggested applications of our products are not recommendations to use our products in violation of any patent or as a license. We cannot be responsible for patent infringements or other violations that may occur with the use of this product.


貨號 產品名稱 胞器染色位置 螢光波段  
貨號KTC4003 TraKine™粒線體染色 粒線體(mitochondria) Ex / Em = 490/523 nm 增殖(proliferating)和非增殖細胞(non-proliferating cells)
貨號KTC4100 Pro活細胞微管蛋白染色 微管蛋白(Tubulin) Ex/Em = 500/520 nm 活細胞或固定之細胞
貨號KTC4001 Abbkine 細胞膜染色  細胞膜 (plasma membrane) Ex/Em = 484/501 nm 活細胞、固定懸浮、貼附細胞
貨號BMD00063 DAPI Staining Solution 細胞核 dsDNA Ex/Em: 358/461 nm (with DNA)  染色活細胞和固定細胞
貨號KTC4210 活細胞Lysosome染色 Lysosome deep red fluorescent dye , Ex/Em:650/665nm  染色活細胞和固定細胞



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

雷帕黴菌(RapamycinRomidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin G-418 (80 S 核醣體延伸抑制劑) 

β - 半乳糖苷酶  | β – Galactosidase CAS#7240-90-6  APExBIO  貨號A2539


β - 半乳糖苷酶 (β – Galactosidase) 的底物,可產生豐富的藍色,可在背景中輕鬆檢測到。選擇具有 lac + 基因型 (lac + genotype) 的重組細菌菌落的藍/白選擇底物(blue/white selection)。以 20mg/ml 溶解於二甲基甲醯胺 (AB00450) DMSO (AB00435) Substrate for β - Galactosidase which produces a rich blue color that can easily be detected visually over background. Substrate of choice for blue/white selection of recombinant bacterial colonies with the lac + genotype. dissolve in dimethylformamide (AB00450) or DMSO (AB00435) at 20mg/ml X-GAL (sizes 100mg, 250mg, 500mg, 1g) is supplied with a vial of freshly distilled DMF to ensure optimum color development store at -20°C



Physical Appearance

A crystalline solid


Store at -20°C



Cas No.





insoluble in H2O; ≥109.4 mg/mL in DMSO; ≥3.7 mg/mL in EtOH with gentle warming and ultrasonic

Chemical Name



Download SDF

Canonical SMILES


Shipping Condition

Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.

General tips

For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.





APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如ProteaseChromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK SignalDNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kitDrug Screening panelBioactive peptidesGrowth factorsBiotinylation Reagentstag peptidesamino AcidsGrowth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。







CAS# 187389-52-2

貨號 A1902


ICE-like proteases



貨號 B4686


TACE/ADAM17 inhibitor Product Citation+3

Talabostat mesylate

CAS# 150080-09-4



DPP4 二肽基肽酶特異性抑制劑


CAS# 210344-98-2


inhibitor of caspase 8


CAS# 15663-27-1



17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl



Hsp90 inhibitor

CA-074 Me 

CAS# 147859-80-1


Cathepsin B inhibitor


CAS# 273404-37-8


Caspase-1 inhibitor



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin G-418 (80 S 核醣體延伸抑制劑) 

JNJ-26854165 (Serdemetan) | CAS# 881202-45-5 APExBIO  貨號A4204


Product Citation+1

P53 activator, blocking Mdm2-p53 interaction

JNJ-26854165,也稱為 Serdemetan,最初是作為 p53 的激活劑(activator)開發的,現在被認為是一種新型的口服 Human Double Minute-2 (HDM-2) 泛素連接酶拮抗劑(ubiquitin ligase antagonist)。它可以通過抑制 HDM-2-客戶蛋白複合物(HDM-2-client protein complex)與蛋白酶體的結合來增加 HDM-2 client proteins的水平,例如 p53。在廣泛的 p53 野生型和突變型腫瘤模型中,JNJ-26854165 顯示出有效的抗增殖和凋亡誘導活性。在體內,與對照相比,JNJ-26854165 在 37 個實體瘤中的 18 個和可評估的 ALL 異種移植物(xenografts)中的 7 個中的 5 個中可能引起 EFS 分佈的重要差異。


  1. Chen R, Zhou J, et al. "A Fusion Protein of the p53 Transaction Domain and the p53-Binding Domain of the Oncoprotein MdmX as an Efficient System for High-Throughput Screening of MdmX Inhibitors." Biochemistry. 2017 Jun 27;56(25):3273-3282.PMID:28581721
Physical Appearance A solid
Storage Store at -20°C
M.Wt 328.41
Cas No. 881202-45-5
Formula C21H20N4
Synonyms JNJ 26854165
Solubility insoluble in EtOH; insoluble in H2O; ≥14.8 mg/mL in DMSO
Chemical Name 1-N-[2-(1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]-4-N-pyridin-4-ylbenzene-1,4-diamine
SDF Download SDF
Canonical SMILES C1=CC=C2C(=C1)C(=CN2)CCNC3=CC=C(C=C3)NC4=CC=NC=C4
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.



APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。

A7010 Fmoc-Cl 28920-43-6
A7012 Fmoc-Osu 82911-69-1
A7015 BOP reagent 56602-33-6
A7017 CDI (1,1′-Carbonyldiimidazole) 530-62-1
A7018 DCC 538-75-0
A7021 EDC.HCl 25952-53-8
A7022 HATU 148893-10-1
A7023 HBTU 94790-37-1
A7024 HOAt 39968-33-7
A7025 HOBt 2592-95-2
A7026 HOOBt 28230-32-2
A7027 HCTU 330645-87-9
A7029 PyBOP 128625-52-5
A7032 TBTU 125700-67-6
A7041 HMP Linker 68858-21-9
A7042 Rink Amide Linker 145069-56-3
A7043 Ramage Linker,Fmoc-Suberol 212783-75-0
A7046 AMC 26093-31-2
A7052 DBU 6674-22-2
A7053 Diethyl Acetamidomalonate 1068-90-2
A7055 DMAP 1122-58-3
A7058 5-Ethyltio-1H-Tetrazole 89797-68-2
A7059 HOSu 6066-82-6
A7061 Tetrazole 288-94-8
A7070 H-D-Ala-OBzl·TosOH 41036-32-2
A7088 L-NAME hydrochloride 51298-62-5
A7093 H-D-Arg-NH2•2HCl 203308-91-2
A7132 H-Cys-OH 52-90-4
A7143 H-Cys(Trt)-OH 2799-07-7
A7158 Bz-Glu-OH 6094-36-6
A7170 H-Glu(OEt)-OEt·HCl 1118-89-4
A7175 H-Glu(OtBu)-OtBu·HCl 32677-01-3
A7231 H-Lys(Ac)-OH.HCl 1820580-06-0
A7232 H-Lys(Boc)-OH 2418-95-3
A7237 H-Lys(Z)-OH 1155-64-2
A7270 H-Phe-pNA 2360-97-6
A7281 H-Pro-OtBu 2812-46-6
A7291 H-Ser-OH 56-45-1
A7294 H-Ser-OBzl.HCl 1738-72-3
A7295 H-Ser(Bzl)-OH 4726-96-9
A7300 Fmoc-Ala-OH 35661-39-3
A7301 Fmoc-Ala-OMe 146346-88-5
A7306 Fmoc-Arg-OH 91000-69-0
A7308 Fmoc-Arg(Pbf)-OH 154445-77-9
A7331 Z-Ala-OH 1142-20-7
A7349 Boc-Asp-OtBu 34582-32-6
A7352 Fmoc-Arg(Tos)-OH 83792-47-6
A7357 Fmoc-Asn(Trt)-OH 132388-59-1
A7361 Fmoc-Asp-OH 119062-05-4
A7362 Fmoc-Asp-OAll 144120-53-6
A7364 Fmoc-Asp-OtBu 129460-09-9
A7380 H-Ser(tBu)-OBzl.HCl  
A7441 H-Val-OtBu.HCl 13518-40-6
A7460 Fmoc-Cha-OH 135673-97-1
A7482 Fmoc-D-Phe(4-Cl)-OH 142994-19-2
A7486 H-Cit-OH 372-75-8
A7493 H-D-Dab-OH•2HCl 127531-11-7
A7498 Fmoc-Dap(Boc)-OH 162558-25-0
A7499 Fmoc-D-Tyr(4-Et)-OH  
A7522 Boc-N-Me-Ala-OH 16948-16-6
A7526 Fmoc-N-Me-Asp(OtBu)-OH 152548-66-8
A7527 Fmoc-N-Me-Glu(OtBu)-OH 200616-40-6
A7528 Fmoc-N-Me-Ile-OH 138775-22-1
A7529 H-N-Me-Leu-OBzl.TosOH 42807-66-9
A7530 H-D-N-Me-Leu-OBzl.TosOH 1208162-98-4
A7531 H-Phe(4-F)-OH 1132-68-9
A7539 H-D-Phe(2-F)-OH.HCl 122839-51-4
A7541 Boc-ß-HoAla-OH 158851-30-0
A7542 Fmoc-ß-HoAla-OH 193954-26-6
A7543 H-HoArg-OH 156-86-5
A7544 Boc-HoArg(NO2)-OH 28968-64-1
A7583 H-HoSer-OH 672-15-1
A7599 Fmoc-Hyp-OH 88050-17-3
A7656 H-DL-Nva-OH 760-78-1
A7658 Fmoc-Oic-OH 130309-37-4
A7704 Z-N-Me-Ala-OH 21691-41-8
A7705 Fmoc-N-Me-Leu-OH 103478-62-2
A7706 Fmoc-D-N-Me-Leu-OH 103478-63-3
A7707 Boc-D-N-Me-Phe.DCHA 102185-45-5
A7708 Boc-N-Me-Phe.DCHA 40163-88-0
A7709 Z-N-Me-Phe-OH 2899-07-2
A7710 Boc-N-Me-Phg-OH 30925-11-2
A7711 Boc-D-N-Me-Phg-OH  
A7712 H-N-Me-Pro-OH 475-11-6
A7713 H-N-Me-Ser-OH.HCl 2480-26-4
A7714 Boc-N-Me-Ser(tBu)-OH 1313054-71-5
A7715 Fmoc-N-Me-Ser(tBu)-OH 197632-77-2
A7716 Fmoc-N-Me-Thr(tBu)-OH 117106-20-4
A7717 Boc-N-Me-Tyr-OH.DCHA 95105-25-2
A7718 Boc-N-Me-Tyr(Bzl)-OH 64263-81-6
A7719 Fmoc-N-Me-Tyr(tBu)-OH 133373-24-7
A7720 H-N-Me-D-Val-OH.HCl 210830-32-3
A7721 Boc-N-Me-Val-OH 45170-31-8
A7722 Fmoc-N-Me-Val-OH 84000-11-3
A7723 Fmoc-D-N- Me-Val-OH 103478-58-6
A7724 Z-D-N-Me-Val-OH  
A7728 Boc-Asp-OBzl 30925-18-9
A7740 Boc-D-Asp(OtBu)-OH.DCHA 200334-95-8
A7775 Boc-His(Dnp)-OH 25024-53-7
A7786 Boc-Lys-OH 13734-28-6
A7815 Boc-Pro-OH 15761-39-4
A7829 Boc-Ser(tBu)-OH.DCHA 18942-50-2
A7862 Fmoc-Asp(OtBu)-OH 71989-14-5
A7874 Fmoc-Cys(Trt)-OH 103213-32-7
A7881 Fmoc-Gln(Trt)-OH 132327-80-1
A7882 Fmoc-Gln(Trt)-OPfp 132388-65-9
A7884 Fmoc-D-Gln(Trt)-OH 200623-62-7
A7895 Fmoc-Glu(OtBu)-OH 71989-18-9
A7896 Fmoc-Glu(OtBu)-OPfp 86061-04-3
A7901 Fmoc-Gly-OH 29022-11-5
A7902 Fmoc-Gly-OPfp 86060-85-7
A7904 Fmoc-His(Trt)-OH 109425-51-6
A7908 Fmoc-Ile-OH 71989-23-6
A7909 Fmoc-Ile-OPfp 86060-89-1
A7912 Fmoc-Leu-OH 35661-60-0
A7913 Fmoc-Leu-OPfp 86060-88-0
A7914 Fmoc-D-Leu-OH 114360-54-2
A7916 Fmoc-Lys-OH 105047-45-8
A7918 Fmoc-Lys(2-Cl-Z)-OH 133970-31-7
A7922 Fmoc-Lys(Boc)-OH 71989-26-9
A7926 Fmoc-Lys(Dnp)-OH 148083-64-1
A7927 Fmoc-Lys(ivDde)-OH 204777-78-6
A7928 Fmoc-Lys(Fmoc)-OH 78081-87-5
A7930 Fmoc-Lys(Mtt)-OH 167393-62-6
A7935 Fmoc-D-Lys(Boc)-OH 92122-45-7
A7939 Fmoc-Met-OH 71989-28-1
A7947 Fmoc-Phe-OH 35661-40-6
A7948 Fmoc-Phe-OPfp 86060-92-6
A7952 Fmoc-Pro-OH 71989-31-6
A7956 Fmoc-Ser-OH 73724-45-5
A7959 Fmoc-Ser(HPO3Bzl)-OH 158171-14-3
A7960 Fmoc-Ser(tBu)-OH 71989-33-8
A7967 Fmoc-Thr-OH 73731-37-0
A7971 Fmoc-Thr(tBu)-OH 71989-35-0
A7975 Fmoc-D-Thr(tBu)-OH 138797-71-4
A7977 Fmoc-Trp-OH 35737-15-6
A7979 Fmoc-Trp(Boc)-OH 143824-78-6
A7985 Fmoc-O-Phospho-Tyr-OH 147762-53-6
A7989 Fmoc-Tyr(tBu)-OH 71989-38-3
A7993 Fmoc-Val-OH 68858-20-8
A7994 Fmoc-Val-OPfp 86060-87-9
A8001 Sulfo-NHS-Biotin 119616-38-5
A8002 NHS-Biotin 35013-72-0
A8003 Sulfo-NHS-LC-Biotin 127062-22-0
A8004 NHS-LC-Biotin 72040-63-2
A8005 Sulfo-NHS-SS-Biotin 325143-98-4
A8006 NHS-SS-Biotin 122266-55-1
A8007 Biotin Hydrazide 66640-86-6
A8008 Biotin-HPDP 129179-83-5
A8009 Iodoacetyl-LC-Biotin 93285-75-7
A8010 Biotin 58-85-5
A8011 Biotin-tyramide 41994-02-9
A8012 Biotin-XX Tyramide Reagent  
A8013 Biotin-azide 908007-17-0
A8015 Sulfo-NHS-SS-11-Biotin  
A8016 NHS-SS-11-Biotin 142439-92-7
A8019 Perindopril Erbumine 107133-36-8


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你的食安 太鼎把關!

太鼎是食品安全檢測設備的專業供應商,擁有實驗室等級的分子生物、光學實驗儀器,免疫分析研究領域所需的試劑和設備,技術領先、品質穩定、產品設備齊全。太鼎食安科技是食品安全檢測設備的專,提供3M Petrifilm 檢測試藥: 食品微生物檢測、大腸桿菌檢測、大腸菌群檢測、李氏特菌、3M Petrifilm 金黃色葡萄球菌、3M Petrifilm 沙門氏桿菌檢測等快檢片、ATP微生物冷光儀、水質微生物檢測。擁有實驗室等級的分子生物、光學實驗儀器,免疫分析研究領域所需的試劑和設備,技術領先、品質穩定、產品設備齊全。我們的專業團隊能幫助研究單位計算出精確的數據、臨床檢測的及時需要,提供客戶專業的服務,是太鼎最大的一直以此為職志,並且自豪於此。太鼎的SLOGAN是:「我們或許不是最龐大的供應商,但我們希望成為你最可靠的及時雨」。


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SALE.png雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin G-418 (80 S 核醣體延伸抑制劑) 




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表觀遺傳學(Epigenetics)是基因表達的可遺傳修飾(heritable modifications),與 DNA 序列(DNA sequence)的變化無關。表觀遺傳修飾(Epigenetic modifications)主要發生在 DNA 或組蛋白八聚體(histone octamer)上。有幾種類型的表觀遺傳學修飾(epigenetics modifications),DNA-甲基轉移酶 (DNMT) 的 DNA 甲基化和組蛋白的共價修飾,例如乙醯化(acetylation)、甲基化(methylation)、磷酸化(phosphorylation)和泛素化(ubiquitination)。組蛋白乙醯轉移酶 (HAT) 的組蛋白乙醯化參與轉錄啟動,而組蛋白去乙醯化酶 (HDAC) 的組蛋白去乙醯化與轉錄抑制(transcriptional repression)有關。組蛋白去甲基化(Histone demethylation)與賴氨酸特異性去甲基化酶 (lysine-specific demethylase , LSD) 和含有組蛋白去甲基化酶 (JHDM) 的 JmjC 結構域(JmjC domain)有關。核小體(nucleosome)由四種組蛋白(H2A、H2B、H3 和 H4)組成,它們是染色質(chromatin)的主要組成部分。特定化學基團的添加和去除稱為表觀遺傳標記(epigenetic marks),它調節染色質結構並影響基因表達。此外,RNA 與抑制性染色質狀態(repressive chromatin state)的形成密切相關。表觀遺傳(Epigenetic)機制在細胞水準上響應環境變化,從而影響細胞可塑性(plasticity)。染色質(Chromatin)和表觀遺傳調控(epigenetic regulation)在發育和應激反應期間的基因組編程中發揮重要作用,表觀遺傳學缺陷(defects in epigenetics)可導致癌症(cancer)、炎症(inflammation)和代謝紊亂(metabolic disorders)等。

epigenetics APEXBIO.png

MG 149 | CAS# 1243583-85-8 APExBIO  貨號B3276HAT inhibitor

Product Citation+2

HAT inhibitor

MG 149 是一種組蛋白乙醯轉移酶 (histone acetyltransferases , HAT) 抑制劑,對 Tip60 和 MOF 的 IC50 值分別為 74μM 和 47μM [1]。MG 149 是漆樹酸衍生物(anacardic acid derivative)。它顯示對 MYST 類型的 HAT:Tip60 和 MOF 的選擇性抑制,IC50 值分別為 74μM 和 47μM。docking study表明,MG 149 對 Tip60 的抑制作用相對於 Tip60 的 Ac-CoA 結合口袋中的 Ac-CoA 具有競爭性。 MG 149 還使用生物素化組蛋白 H3 (biotinylated histone H3)或組蛋白 H4 肽(histone H4 peptides)作為底物抑制 HeLa 細胞核提取物中 HAT 的活性。與組蛋白 H4 (histone H4)相比,它被發現對組蛋白 H3 (histone H3)更有效。此外,DNA 微陣列顯示 MG149 抑制 p53 和 NF-kB 通路以及數量非常有限的其他通路 [1, 2]。


  1. Zichong Li. "Functional characterization of transcription elongation machinery in HIV transcription and latency." University of California. 2019.
  2. Li Z, Mbonye U, et al. "The KAT5-Acetyl-Histone4-Brd4 axis silences HIV-1 transcription and promotes viral latency." PLoS Pathog. 2018 Apr 23;14(4):e1007012.PMID:29684085


Storage Store at RT
M.Wt 340.46
Cas No. 1243583-85-8
Formula C22H28O3
Solubility ≥114 mg/mL in DMSO; ≥30.5 mg/mL in EtOH; insoluble in H2O
Chemical Name 2-(4-heptylphenethyl)-6-hydroxybenzoic acid
SDF Download SDF
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.



APExBIO提供優質的勝肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。




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Innova Biosciences 提供之GTPase分析套組,可探討酵素活性是否扮演transportsignal transduction,protein biosynthesiscell differentiation之角色。應用於GTPase活性分析。提供high-throughput screen 大量GTPase inhibitor。可建立快速藥物篩選系統。內附有GTPase inhibitorGTPase酵素活性分析,採用超高靈敏度Malachite green磷酸根呈色方法,克服傳統呈色方法,低靈敏度限制。測量目標樣本中, GTPases酵素活性



1. 提供high-throughput screen 大量GTPase inhibitor

2. GTPase酵素分析套組,包括stabilizing solution,可避開acid labile substrate所造成的高背景值,其背景值很低(
1mM )

3. 其分析波段為600~660nm,避開一般colored compounds之干擾。

4. Pi-dye複合物極為穩定,其訊號強度可維持數小時之久。

5. Superior呈色系統。採用Malachite Green磷酸根呈色方式,呈色靈敏度比傳統呈色方法高,克服低靈敏度的限制。

6. 適用於大部份的assay buffer

7. 蛋白質濃度高時,不會抑制顏色的形成。



1 x 10ml of PiColorLock™ Gold* (1 x 25ml)

1 x 0.25ml of Accelerator (1 x 0.5ml)

1 x 5ml of Stabiliser (1 x 10ml)

1 x 1.5ml of 0.1M MgCl2 (2 x 1.5ml)

1 x 5ml of 0.5M Tris pH 7.5 (1 x 10ml)

1 x 5ml of 0.1mM Pi standard (1 x 10ml)

更多參考內容: 原廠連結: http://www.innovabiosciences.com/


訂購貨號# 602-0120,196 assays (靈敏度4~40uM)

訂購貨號# 602-0121,480 assays (靈敏度4~40uM)

訂購貨號# 602-0122,480*5 assays (靈敏度4~40uM)





The selenocysteine-specific elongation factor
contains a novel and multi-functional domain
- The
Journal of Biological Chemistry (2012)


Tubulin nucleotide status controls Sas-4-dependent
pericentriolar material recruitment
- Nature Cell
Biology (2012)


The Mitochondrial Phosphatase PGAM5 Functions at
the Convergence Point of Multiple Necrotic Death Pathways

- Cell (2012)


Leucyl-tRNA Synthetase Is an Intracellular
Leucine Sensor for the mTORC1-Signaling Pathway
- Cell



GTPase Activity and Neuronal Toxicity of
Parkinson's Disease–Associated LRRK2 Is Regulated by ArfGAP1

- PLoS Genetics (2012)


AIP1 Functions as Arf6-GAP to Negatively
Regulate TLR4 Signaling
- JBC (2010)


GTPase activity plays a key role in the
pathobiology of LRRK2
- PLoS Genetics (2010)


Role of the
G-protein and tyrosine kinase—Rho/ROK pathways in
15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid induced pulmonary vasoconstriction in
hypoxic rats
- J Biochem (2010)


AIP1 Functions as Arf6-GAP to Negatively
Regulate TLR4 Signaling
- JBC (2010)


Identification and Characterization of a
Leucine-Rich Repeat Kinase 2 (LRRK2) Consensus Phosphorylation Motif

- PLoS One (2010)


Speckled-like Pattern in the Germinal Center
(SLIP-GC), a Nuclear GTPase Expressed in Activation-induced
Deaminase-expressing Lymphomas and Germinal Center B Cells

- JBC (2009)


High-level production and characterization of a
G-protein coupled receptor signaling complex
FEBS Journal (2009)


Structure of ERA in
complex with the 3′ end of 16S rRNA: Implications for ribosome biogenesis

PNAS (2009)


G Protein-Coupled Receptor-Promoted Trafficking
of Gβ1γ2 Leads to AKT Activation at Endosomes via a Mechanism Mediated by
Gβ1γ2-Rab11a Interaction
Molecular Biology of
the Cell (2008)


of Human GTPBP3, a GTP-Binding Protein Involved in Mitochondrial tRNA
- Molecular and Cellular Biology


Comparative real-time PCR and enzyme analysis of
selected gender-associated molecules in
Schistosoma japonicum

- Parasitology (2008)


台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

業務代表: 許虹宜 0920312382 email: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net

公司電話: 02-86609496傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

癌化特性之分析套組-Tube formation kit

trevigen提供 Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Kit ,可以偵測血管細胞血管形成之inducersinhibitors分析。微孔板上預包埋Trevigen專利的BME基質及其它組分蛋白,具有極低的細胞毒性,經嚴格的無細菌/真菌/支原體等驗證,接近真實體內環境;螢光定量具更高的精準度


Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Tube Formation Kit

Catalog #: 3470-096-K 體外血管新生分析套組


癌化過程中具有血管新生之過程,藉以提供癌細胞養份及氧氣血管新生作用是由內皮細胞所引導的過程中細胞會分泌酵素來分解基底膜造成細胞之遊走經由一連串的增生分化後最後形成管狀般的血管構造。trevigen提供 Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Kit ,可以偵測血管細胞血管形成之inducers及inhibitors分析。

Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Tube Formation Kit


Under permissive
conditions, endothelial cells respond by self organizing into structures that
resemble microvessels or tubes. Trevigen's Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay
Kit allows for the detection of inducers and inhibitors of endothelial cell tube
formation. Cultrex
® Reduced Growth Factor (RGF) Basement Membrane
Extract (BME) is a soluble form of basement membrane purified from
Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor, which gels at room temperature to form a
reconstituted protein matrix comprised mainly of laminin, collagen IV,
entactin, and heparin sulfate proteoglycan. Sulforaphane [1-
isothiocyanato-(4R)- methylsulfinyl)-butane], found in broccoli and other
cruciferous vegetables, is a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive agent,
and is provided as a control for inhibition of in vitro endothelial cell tube
formation on Cultrex
® RGF BME. Calcein AM is provided for rapid and
accurate measurement of cell viability and/or cytotoxicity, and kinetic
analysis of tube formation. Trevigen's Cultrex
® In Vitro
Angiogenesis Assay Kit provides a cost-effective method for investigation of
prospective angiogenesis inhibitors in a 96 well plate format.



Basement Memrane Extract (BME) growth (3433-005-01)
factor reduced

Calcein AM  (螢光顯微鏡)

Cell staining solution (倒立顯微鏡/相位差顯微鏡)

Sulphoraphane 10mM

100 µM Sulforaphane working solution




1. Folkman J.
2007. Angiogenesis: an organizing principle for drug discovery? Nat. Rev. Drug
Discov. 6:273-286.

2. Jaffe EA, Nachman RL, Becker CG, Minick CR. 1973. Culture of human
endothelial cells derived from umbilical veins. J. Clin. Invest. 52:2745-2756.

3. Folkman J, Haudenschild C. 1980. Angiogenesis in vitro. Nature 288:551- 556.

4. Kleinman HK, McGarvey ML, Hassell JR, Star VL, Cannon FB, Laurie GW, Martin
GR. 1986. Basement membrane complexes with biological activity. Biochemistry

5. Lawley TJ, Kubota Y. 1989. Induction to morphologic differentiation of
endothelial cells in culture. J. Invest. Dermatol. 93:59S-61S.

6. Ucuzian AA, Greisler HP. 2007. In vitro models of angiogenesis. World J.
Surg. 31:654-663.

7. Salcedo R, Zhang X, Young HA, Michael N, Wasserman K, Ma W-H, Martins-Green
M, Murphy WJ, Oppenheim JJ. 2003. Angiogenic effects of prostaglandin E2 are
mediated by up-regulation of CXCR4 on human microvascular endothelial cells.
Blood 102:1966-1977.

8. Mochizuki M, Philp D, Hozumi K, Suzuki N, Yamada Y, Kleinman HK, Nomizu M.
2007. Angiogenic activity of syndecan-binding laminin peptide AG73
(RKRLQVQLSIRT). Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 459:249-255.

9. Arnaoutova, I. , J. George, H.K. Kleinman,
and G. Benton. 2009. The endothelial cell tube formation assay on basement
membrane turns 20: state of the science and the art. Angiogensis. 12(3):267-74.

10. Arnaoutova I, and Kleinman HK. 2010. In vitro angiogenesis: endothelial
cell tube formation on gelled basement membrane extract. Nat Protoc.




Kit Components:




TrevigenCultrex體外血管生成分析試劑盒可進行內皮細胞管形成誘導劑和抑制劑的檢測.不含生長因數(RGF)的BME是從EHS腫瘤中純化出的可溶形式基底膜,其在室溫條件下凝固形成由層連蛋白、型膠原蛋白、Entactin蛋白以及肝素硫酸鹽糖蛋白形成的重構蛋白基質.在花椰菜和其他十字花科蔬菜中發現的萊菔硫烷,是一種天然的癌症化學抑制劑,被用於體外內皮細胞在Cultrex BME上血管形成的抑制劑陰性對照.鈣黃綠素-AM用於快速準確檢測細胞的生存能力和/或細胞毒性,以及血管形成的即時動力學分析.Trevigen Cultrex體外血管生成分析試劑盒以96孔方式為檢測潛在的血管生成抑制劑提供高效的方案.



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ROCK抑制劑(A Rho kinase) 體用包裝5mg


品牌BIOVISION/貨號#1784-5/ 包裝5MG (純度>98%)

Y-27632ROCK (A Rho kinase)之抑制劑。Y-27632 is a cell-permeable, highly potent and selective inhibitor of Rho-associated, coiled-coil containing protein kinase (ROCK). Y-27632 inhibits both ROCKI (Ki = 220 nM) and ROCKII (Ki = 300 nM) by competing with ATP for binding to the catalytic site. (Davies et al., Ishizaki et al.)



體外試驗或體內試驗, 抑制ROCK酵素活性



Liquid 10mM (5MG) 純度>98%





Product Name: EZSolution™ Y-27632

Alternate Name/Synonyms: trans-4-[(1R)-1-Aminoethyl]-N-4-pyridinylcyclohexanecar boxamide dihydrochloride

Description: A 10 mM (5 mg in 1550 µl) solution of Y-27632, Dihydrochloride (Cat. No. 1596-5) in deionized water.

Peptide Sequence: N/A

Appearance: Liquid

Formulation: 10 mM (HO)

CAS Number: 146986-50-7

Molecular Formula: C₁₄H₂₁NO.2HCl

Molecular Weight: 320.26

Purity: 98% by HPLC


Storage Temp.: -20°C

Shipping Conditions: gel pack

Handling: Protect from air and light


InChi: InChI=1S/C14H21N3O.2ClH/c1-10(15)11-2-4-12(5-3-11)14(18)17-13-6-8-16-9-7-13;;/h6-12H,2-5,15H2,1H3,(H,16,17,18);2*1H/t10-,11?,12?;;/m1../s1


PubChem CID: 9901617

MDL Number: MFCD03490488

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.









台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

公司電話: 02-86609496 /0920312382
公司傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw

連絡業務: 許虹宜 0920312382
連絡信箱: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net




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ABT-263, B-細胞淋巴瘤基因Bcl-2抑制劑

Bcl-2, B-細胞淋巴瘤基因, 抑制劑如ABT-265。貨號2467-25


Product Name: ABT-263 An inhibitor of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 proteins

Alternate Name/Synonyms: (R)-4-(4-((4-chloro-4,4-dimethyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-[1,1-biphenyl]-2-yl)methyl)piperazin-1-yl)-N-((4-((4-morpholino-1-(phenylthio)butan-2-yl)amino)-3-((trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl)phenyl)sulfonyl)benzamide; Navitoclax

Description: A potent, small molecule Bcl-2 family protein inhibitor (Ki’s of <1 nmol/L for Bcl-2, Bcl-XL and Bcl-w). Displays anticancer properties. Selectively binds to apoptosis suppressor proteins Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and Bcl-w and prevents their binding to the apoptotic effectors Bax and Bak proteins, which may trigger apoptosis in tumor cells overexpressing Bcl-2, Bcl-XL, and Bcl-w.

Peptide Sequence: N/A

Appearance: White to off-white solid

Formulation: N/A

CAS Number: 923564-51-6

Molecular Formula: C45H55ClF3N5O6S3

Molecular Weight: 974.61

Purity: ≥98% by HPLC

Solubility:DMSO (> 50 mg/ml)

Storage Temp.: -20 ̊C

Shipping Conditions: gel pack

Handling: Protect from air and light


InChi: InChI=1S/C47H55ClF3N5O6S3/c1-46(2)20-18-42(34-8-12-37(48)13-9-34)36(31-46)32-55-22-24-56(25-23-55)39-14-10-35(11-15-39)45(57)53-65(60,61)41-16-17-43(44(30-41)64(58,59)47(49,50)51)52-38(19-21-54-26-28-62-29-27-54)33-63-40-6-4-3-5-7-40/h3-17,30,38,52H,18-29,31-33H2,1-2H3,(H,53,57)/t38-/m1/s1


PubChem CID: 24978538

MDL Number: N/A

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans








台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司
公司電話: 02-86609496 /0920312382
公司傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw
連絡業務: 許虹宜 0920312382
連絡信箱: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net


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Rapamycin 免疫抑制劑, 5g


Catalog#: 1568-5  | Size: 5


Rapamycin,雷帕黴素,是新型大環內酯的抗排斥藥物,是目前世界上最新的強效免疫抑制劑,臨床上用於器官移植的抗排斥反應和自身免疫性疾病的治療。可能通過阻斷IL-2啟動的T細胞增殖而選擇性抑制T細胞,用於抗移植排斥反應。20097月的《Nature》雜誌上,文章Rapamycin fed from 20 months of
age extends lifespan in genetically heterogeneous mice




AY 22989, Sirolimus

Appearance: Off-white solid

Formulation: N/A

CAS Number: 53123-88-9



Purity: ≥99%

Solubility: DMSO and EtOH

Storage Temp.: -20°C


Description: An immunosuppressant.
Selectively blocks signaling that leads to p70 S6 kinase activation (IC50 = 50
pM). Inhibits lymphokine-induced cell proliferation at the G1 phase. Induce apoptosis
in a murine B cell line. Rapamycin has been used in vivo studies by i.p., i.m.,
and i.v. administrations..

Handling: Protect from light and



Detection Kits & Reagents

 Annexin V Kits & Bulk Reagents

 Caspase Assay Kits & Reagents

 Mitochondrial Apoptosis Kits & Reagents

 Nuclear Apoptosis Kits & Reagents

 Apoptosis Inducers & Inhibitors

 Apoptosis siRNA


Fractionation System

 Mitochondria/Cytosol Fractionation Kit

 Nuclear/Cytosol Fractionation Kit

 Membrane Protein Extraction Kit

 Cytosol/Particulate Rapid Separation Kit

 Mammalian Cell Extraction Kit

 FractionPREP
Fractionation System


Proliferation & Senescence

 Quick Cell Proliferation Assay Kit

 Senescence Detection Kit

 High Throughput Apoptosis/Cell Viability Assay Kits

 LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit

 Bioluminescence Cytotoxicity Assay Kit

 Live/Dead Cell
Staining Kit


Damage & Repair

 HDAC Fluorometric & Colorimetric Assays &
Drug Discovery Kits

 HAT Colorimetric Assay Kit & Reagents

 DNA Damage Quantification Kit

 Glutathione &
Nitric Oxide Fluorometric & Colorimetric Assay Kits



 cAMP & cGMP Assay Kits

 Akt & JNK Activity Assay Kits

 Beta-Secretase
Activity Assay Kit


& Lipid Transfer

 Recombinant Adiponectin, Survivin, & Leptin

 CETP Activity Assay & Drug Discovery Kits

 PLTP Activity Assay & Drug Discovery Kits

 Cholesterol
Quantification Kit


Biology & Reporter Assays

 siRNA Vectors

 Cloning Insert Quick Screening Kit

 Mitochondrial & Genomic DNA Isolation Kits

 5 Minutes DNA Ligation Kit

 20 Minutes Gel
Staining/Destaining Kit


Factors and Cytokines (many)

Polyclonal and
Monoclonal Antibodies


【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 Hung-Yi Hsu







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DUB相關抑制劑/Spautin-1 貨號#2037-5


An USP10 and USP13 inhibitor

Product Name: Spautin-1

Alternate Name/Synonyms: 6-Fluoro-N-(4-fluorobenzyl)quinozaline-4-amine

Description: Cell-permeable. A specific and potent
autophagy inhibitor in mammalian cells. It promotes the degradation of Vps34
PI3 kinase complexes by inhibiting two ubiquitin specific peptidases, USP10 and
USP13, that target the Beclin1 subunit of Vps34 complexes. Spautin-1 blocks the
prosurvival autophagy pathway in cancer cells.

Peptide Sequence: N/A

Appearance: White solid

Formulation: N/A

CAS Number: 1262888-28-7

Molecular Formula: C15H11F2

Molecular Weight: 271.26

Purity: ≥97% by HPLC

Solubility: DMSO (~ 100 mM)

Storage Temp.: -20°C

Shipping Conditions: Gel pack

Handling: Protect from air and light



RP-619  貨號#2302-5


LDN-57444 貨號#2016-5


P22077 貨號#2301-5


IU-1 貨號#2301-5


WP-1130 貨號#2014-5


Spautin-1 貨號#2037-5





LDN-57444 (Cat. No. 2016-5, 25)

Spautin-1 (Cat. No. 2037-5, 25)

USP14 Inhibitor, IU-1 (Cat. No. 1845-5, 25)

USP7/USP47 Inhibitor P22077 (Cat. No. 2301-5, 25)

WP-1130 (Cat. No. 2014-5, 25)



【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 Hung-Yi Hsu







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DUB相關抑制劑/WP-1130 貨號#2014-5


A selective DUB (deubiquitinases) inhibitor

WP1130 (degrasyn) is a selective deubiquitinase
inhibitor and also inhibits Bcr/Abl with IC50 of 1.8

Product Name: WP-1130

Alternate Name/Synonyms: (S,E)-3-(6-Bromopyridin-2-yl)-2-cyano-N-(1-phenylbutyl)acrylamide;

Description: Cell-permeable. WP1130 acts as a
partly selective DUB (deubiquitinases) inhibitor, directly inhibiting DUB
activity of USP9x, USP5, USP14, and UCH37, which are known to regulate survival
protein stability and 26S proteasome function. WP1130-mediated inhibition of
tumor-activated DUBs results in downregulation of antiapoptotic and
upregulation of proapoptotic proteins, such as MCL-1 and p53. Blocks JAK2
signaling via JAK2 ubiquitination.

Peptide Sequence: N/A

Appearance: Pale yellow solid

Formulation: N/A

CAS Number: 856243-80-6

Molecular Formula: C19H18BrN3O

Molecular Weight: 384.27

Purity: ≥98% by TLC

Solubility: DMSO (40 mg/ml) or EtOH (25 mg/ml)

Storage Temp.: -20°C

Shipping Conditions: Gel pack

Handling: Protect from air and light



RP-619  貨號#2302-5


LDN-57444 貨號#2016-5


P22077 貨號#2301-5


IU-1 貨號#2301-5


WP-1130 貨號#2014-5


Spautin-1 貨號#2037-5





LDN-57444 (Cat. No. 2016-5, 25)

Spautin-1 (Cat. No. 2037-5, 25)

USP14 Inhibitor, IU-1 (Cat. No. 1845-5, 25)

USP7/USP47 Inhibitor P22077 (Cat. No. 2301-5, 25)

WP-1130 (Cat. No. 2014-5, 25)



【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 Hung-Yi Hsu






太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

DUB相關抑制劑/IU-1 貨號#2301-5

Inhibitor, IU1

A USP14 inhibitor

IU1是一種細胞滲透性的,可逆的proteasome(蛋白酶)選擇性抑制劑,作用於USP14 時,IC504.7 μ M,比作用於IsoT 選擇性高25倍。


to off-white solid





(20 mg/ml)


gel pack

cell-permeable, reversible and selective inhibitor of the deubiquitinating
activity of human USP14 (IC
₅₀ = 4-5 µM). IU1 promotes
cell survival during proteotoxic stress and selectively stimulates
ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation in vitro at 34 μM. 

from air and light




RP-619  貨號#2302-5


LDN-57444 貨號#2016-5


P22077 貨號#2301-5


IU-1 貨號#2301-5


WP-1130 貨號#2014-5


Spautin-1 貨號#2037-5





LDN-57444 (Cat. No. 2016-5, 25)

Spautin-1 (Cat. No. 2037-5, 25)

USP14 Inhibitor, IU-1 (Cat. No. 1845-5, 25)

USP7/USP47 Inhibitor P22077 (Cat. No. 2301-5, 25)

WP-1130 (Cat. No. 2014-5, 25)



【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 Hung-Yi Hsu







太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

DUB相關抑制劑/IU-1 貨號#2301-5

Inhibitor, IU1

A USP14 inhibitor

IU1是一種細胞滲透性的,可逆的proteasome(蛋白酶)選擇性抑制劑,作用於USP14 時,IC504.7 μ M,比作用於IsoT 選擇性高25倍。


to off-white solid





(20 mg/ml)


gel pack

cell-permeable, reversible and selective inhibitor of the deubiquitinating
activity of human USP14 (IC
₅₀ = 4-5 µM). IU1 promotes
cell survival during proteotoxic stress and selectively stimulates
ubiquitin-dependent protein degradation in vitro at 34 μM. 

from air and light

【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 Hung-Yi Hsu







太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

DUB相關抑制劑/ P22077 貨號#2301-5

Inhibitor, P 22077

P22077 ubiquitin-specific
protease USP7
(泛素特異性蛋白酶USP7抑制劑,EC508.6 μM, 也抑制緊密相關的去泛素化酶(DUB) USP47

A USP7/USP47 inhibitor

Product Name: USP7/USP47
Inhibitor, P 22077

Alternate Name/Synonyms: 1-(5-(2,4-Difluorophenylthio)-4-nitrothiophen-2-yl)ethanone;
DUB inhibitor

Description: A cell-permeable inhibitor of the
ubiquitin-specific protease (IC
₅₀ = 8.6 µM) and
the closely related deubiquitinase (DUB) USP47. P22077 displays weak or no
inhibition (EC
₅₀>50 µM) towards a panel of 14
isopeptidases and other proteases. Inhibits USP7-mediated p53 deubiquitination.

Peptide Sequence: No

Appearance: Yellow solid

Formulation: N/A

CAS Number: 1247819-59-5

Molecular Formula: C12H7F2NO3S

Molecular Weight: 315.32

Purity: ≥98% by HPLC

Solubility: DMSO (~ 30 mg/ml)

Storage Temp.: -20°C

Shipping Conditions: gel pack

Handling: Protect from air and light



RP-619  貨號#2302-5


LDN-57444 貨號#2016-5


P22077 貨號#2301-5


IU-1 貨號#2301-5


WP-1130 貨號#2014-5


Spautin-1 貨號#2037-5





LDN-57444 (Cat. No. 2016-5, 25)

Spautin-1 (Cat. No. 2037-5, 25)

USP14 Inhibitor, IU-1 (Cat. No. 1845-5, 25)

USP7/USP47 Inhibitor P22077 (Cat. No. 2301-5, 25)

WP-1130 (Cat. No. 2014-5, 25)



【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 Hung-Yi Hsu







太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()



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