癌化特性之分析套組-Tube formation kit
trevigen提供 Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Kit ,可以偵測血管細胞血管形成之inducers及inhibitors分析。微孔板上預包埋Trevigen專利的BME基質及其它組分蛋白,具有極低的細胞毒性,經嚴格的無細菌/真菌/支原體等驗證,接近真實體內環境;螢光定量具更高的精準度
Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Tube Formation Kit
Catalog #: 3470-096-K 體外血管新生分析套組
癌化過程中具有血管新生之過程,藉以提供癌細胞養份及氧氣。血管新生作用是由內皮細胞所引導的。過程中細胞會分泌酵素來分解基底膜,造成細胞之遊走,經由一連串的增生分化後,最後形成管狀般的血管構造。trevigen提供 Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Kit ,可以偵測血管細胞血管形成之inducers及inhibitors分析。
Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay Tube Formation Kit
Under permissive
conditions, endothelial cells respond by self organizing into structures that
resemble microvessels or tubes. Trevigen's Cultrex® In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay
Kit allows for the detection of inducers and inhibitors of endothelial cell tube
formation. Cultrex® Reduced Growth Factor (RGF) Basement Membrane
Extract (BME) is a soluble form of basement membrane purified from
Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor, which gels at room temperature to form a
reconstituted protein matrix comprised mainly of laminin, collagen IV,
entactin, and heparin sulfate proteoglycan. Sulforaphane [1-
isothiocyanato-(4R)- methylsulfinyl)-butane], found in broccoli and other
cruciferous vegetables, is a naturally occurring cancer chemopreventive agent,
and is provided as a control for inhibition of in vitro endothelial cell tube
formation on Cultrex® RGF BME. Calcein AM is provided for rapid and
accurate measurement of cell viability and/or cytotoxicity, and kinetic
analysis of tube formation. Trevigen's Cultrex® In Vitro
Angiogenesis Assay Kit provides a cost-effective method for investigation of
prospective angiogenesis inhibitors in a 96 well plate format.
Basement Memrane Extract (BME) growth (3433-005-01)
factor reduced
Calcein AM (螢光顯微鏡)
Cell staining solution (倒立顯微鏡/相位差顯微鏡)
Sulphoraphane 10mM
100 µM Sulforaphane working solution
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Kit Components:
Trevigen的Cultrex體外血管生成分析試劑盒可進行內皮細胞管形成誘導劑和抑制劑的檢測.不含生長因數(RGF)的BME是從EHS腫瘤中純化出的可溶形式基底膜,其在室溫條件下凝固形成由層連蛋白、Ⅳ型膠原蛋白、Entactin蛋白以及肝素硫酸鹽糖蛋白形成的重構蛋白基質.在花椰菜和其他十字花科蔬菜中發現的萊菔硫烷,是一種天然的癌症化學抑制劑,被用於體外內皮細胞在Cultrex BME上血管形成的抑制劑陰性對照.鈣黃綠素-AM用於快速準確檢測細胞的生存能力和/或細胞毒性,以及血管形成的即時動力學分析.Trevigen Cultrex體外血管生成分析試劑盒以96孔方式為檢測潛在的血管生成抑制劑提供高效的方案.