英國 SCIE - PLAS是一家著名的電泳系列產品及其它實驗室設備製造廠商,居世界領先地位,產品行銷世界,1997 年獲 ISO 9002 品質認證
Vertical Gel Units 產品介紹--Casting base
Casting base included for 10 x 10cm self-cast PAGE gels 。Cat# TV100Y
The TV100Y twin-plate 10 x 10cm (W x H) mini-gel unit is ideal for standard PAGE applications requiring self-cast or precast gels. Soft silicone gaskets in a precision engineered casting base, included as standard with each unit, act in tandem with our newly modified GRM to provide simple, leak-free gel casting and assembly
Both gel cassettes within the GRM are pulled tightly onto silicone seals by cam pins located in the casting base. Glass plate stops situated within the GRM immediately above the glass plate serve as immovable barrier, locking the plates firmly into position on the casting base as the cam, pins are turned through 120°. The gel may then be poured in total confidence that it will be absolutely leak-free
- TV100Y
- Consort power supplies
- PAGE gel reagents and buffers
- SERVAgel precast PAGE gels
- Complete System
TV100Y unit with GRM, gel tank, lid, 2 (10 x 10cm; W x H) plain glass plates, 4 x 1mm spacers, 2 x spacer aligners, 2 (10 x 10cm) notched glass plates, 1 x dummy plate and 2 x 1mm thick 12-sample combs, plus casting base and 2 x silicone seals
- Unit Dimensions (W x D x H): 20 x 15 x 14cm
- Active Gel Dimensions (W x H): 8 x 8.5cm
- Maximum Sample Capacity: 2 x 16
- Recommended Buffer Volume:
Inner Buffer Chamber: 90ml; Gel Tank: 1200ml
Recommended Power Supplies:
Consort EV243
【Sales業務專員】 Hung-Yi Hsu 許虹宜0920-312382
【email】 taiding.biotech@msn.hinet.net
【原廠連結】 http://www.scie-plas.com/