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目前分類:【Stain kit染色試劑盒】 (11)

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酸性快速細菌染色 | Acid-fast Staining Solution Servicebio貨號G1047-100ML


酸性快速細菌染色試劑 (貨號G1047-100ML),本品適用於對酸性快速細菌 ( Acid Fast Bacteria)進行染色,可用於區分酸性快速細菌 ( Acid Fast Bacteria)和非酸性快速細菌 ( non-Acid Fast Bacteria)。其基本原理是結核菌(tuberculosis bacteria)、麻風桿菌(Mycobacterium leprae)等酸性快速細菌 ( Acid Fast Bacteria)表面有一層脂類包圍肽聚醣(peptidoglycan),染色時不易染色,一旦通過某些方法促進染色,很難用酸性脫色劑(acid decolorizing agent)脫色(decolorized),故名酸性快速染色(acid-fast staining)。

2 酸性快速細菌染色溶液  Acid-fast Staining Solution Servicebio貨號G1047-100ML.jpg

本套抗酸染色液(acid-fast staining solution)適用於檢測組織(tissues)中的酸性快速細菌 ( Acid Fast Bacteria)。染色後細胞核(nuclei)呈藍色(blue),酸性快速細菌 ( Acid Fast Bacteria)呈紫紅色(purplish red)。

酸性快速細菌染色溶液 Acid-fast Staining Solution Servicebio貨號G1047-100ML.jpg


Component Number Component G1047-100ML
G1047-1 Carbonic acid-magenta solution 100 mL
G1047-2 Acidic decolorizing solution 100 mL
G1047-3 Hematoxylin solution 100 mL
Product Manual

Assay Protocol

Prepare hematoxylin differentiation solution (G1039), hematoxylin blue returning solution (G1040), xylene, ethanol, neutral gum, etc.

  1. Paraffin sections are dewaxed to water.
  2. Slice into acid fast dye A, cover and soak for 30 min, and rinse with running water for 2 min.
  3. The slice enters the acid fast dye B for 1-2 seconds, and then it is washed with water. Repeat the steps of differentiation and washing, and observe with microscope in time. The acid fast bacteria can differentiate into purple red, and the tissue background is basically colorless.
  4. The slices were stained with acid fast dye C for 30 seconds, then differentiated with hematoxylin differentiation solution for 2 seconds, washed with tap water, and then blued with hematoxylin blue returning solution for 3-5 seconds, washed with tap water.
  5. The slices were dehydrated by 3 cylinders of absolute ethanol for 5 min each, then transparent by xylene for 5 min, and sealed with neutral gum.


  1. The dyeing time of acid-fast dye solution A can be appropriately prolonged when the room temperature is low in winter.
  2. Tighten the cap in time after using the reagent to prevent volatilization of active ingredients or product deterioration.
  3. Wear a lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.


Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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剛果紅(Congo red dye solution)染色溶液 | Congo red dye solution Servicebio貨號G1056-250ML


澱粉樣物質(Amyloid substance)是一種沒有固定形狀的細胞外嗜酸性物質(extracellular eosinophilic substance),主要由蛋白質(proteins)組成,其中大部分以反向β-折疊層(reverse β- Folding layer)結構排列,這種澱粉樣物質可存在於不同的組織和器官中,這種疾病稱為澱粉樣變性(amyloidosis)。剛果紅(Congo red dye solution)可用於活體和組織切片中澱粉樣蛋白(amyloid)的著色。基本原理是澱粉樣蛋白對剛果紅染料(Congo red dye)具有高親和力。它的羥基(hydroxyl group)與剛果紅的氨基(amino group)結合形成澱粉樣蛋白紅。剛果紅染色是澱粉樣蛋白染色(amyloid staining)的經典方法。

剛果紅(Congo red dye solution)染色溶液, 由剛果紅染料溶液(Congo red dye solution)和鹼性分化液(alkaline differentiation solution)組成,可用於澱粉樣物質(amyloid substances)的染色。染色後,澱粉樣物質呈淡粉色至橙紅色的雲狀(orange red cloud)或斑塊狀patch shape,在偏振光(polarized light)下,澱粉樣物質也呈黃綠色雙折射(yellow green double refraction)。

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑 2_工作區域 1.jpg

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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碘化碘化鉀染色溶液 | Lodine-Potassium Lodide (I-KI) Dye Solution Servicebio貨號G1070-50ML

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑 2_工作區域 1.jpg


該產品可用於顯示植物組織中的澱粉(starch)或鑑定花粉育性(pollen fertility)。其原理是碘化的碘化鉀溶液(iodized potassium iodide solution)與澱粉作用形成碘化澱粉(iodized starch),呈特殊的藍色反應(special blue reaction)。碘化碘化鉀溶液(Iodized potassium iodide solution)是鑑定澱粉的經典方法,是植物組織化學鑑定的重要試劑。本產品含有兩種成分:碘-碘化鉀染色液(iodine-potassium iodide staining solution)和植物固綠染色液(plant solid green staining solution)。染色後澱粉粒呈藍色或藍黑色,細胞壁(cell walls)呈綠色。如果用來鑑定花粉的可育性(pollen fertility),可育的花粉粒(fertile pollen grains)圓形、大而飽滿,呈均勻的深藍色。



Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) 染色試劑 | PAS Staining Kit Servicebio貨號G1008-100ML

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑3_工作區域 1.jpg


Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) 染色是組織病理學實驗室(histopathology laboratory)中最常用的特殊染色技術之一,用於突出顯示組織中常見的糖原(glycogen)、糖蛋白(glycoproteins)和蛋白多醣(proteoglycans)等碳水化合物(carbohydrate)含量高的分子。

PAS 方法通過將組織暴露於高碘酸(periodic acid)來發揮作用。高碘酸(Periodic acid)用作氧化劑(oxidizing agent),可氧化具有游離羥基(free hydroxyl group , -OH 基團)或氨基/烷基胺基團(amino/alkylamine group)的化合物,生成二醛(dialdehydes)。當這些二醛(dialdehydes)暴露於席夫試劑(Schiff’s reagent)時,會形成一種不溶性的洋紅色複合物(insoluble magenta colored complex)。合適的鹼性染料用作複染劑。

Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) 染色試劑盒,含有三種溶液。其中PAS solution A為席夫試劑,PAS solution B液為0.5%高碘酸鹽溶液,PAS solution C為蘇木精染料。

染色結果:糖原(glycogen)、中性粘液(neutral mucilage)、軟骨基質(cartilage Matrix)、上皮基底膜(epithelial basement membrane)、植物真菌(plant fungi)和細胞壁(cell wall)被染成紫色,細胞核(nuclei)被染成藍色(blue)。

Component Number Component G1008-20ML G1008-100ML
G1008-1 PAS solution A 20 mL 100 mL
G1008-2 PAS solution B 20 mL 100 mL
G1008-3 PAS solution C 20 mL 100 mL
Instruction Manual 1 pc


Bring your own Hematoxylin differentiation solution (recommended G1039), Hematoxylin blue solution (recommended G1040), xylene, gradient ethanol, anhydrous ethanol, neutral gum, etc.

Assay Protocol / Procedures

  1. Dewaxing as followed:

Xylene I for 10 min;

Xylene II for 10 min;

100% ethanol I for 5 min;

100% ethanol II for 5 min;

90% ethanol for 5 min;

Rinsing with tap water;

  1. Stain sections with PAS solution B for 10-15 min, rinse with tap water, and rinse twice with distilled water. Stain with PAS solutino A for 25-30 min in the dark, rinse for 5 min.
  2. (Optional) Then stain it with PAS solution C for 30s, and rinse with tap water. Treat the slices with Hydrochloric acid solution and Ammonia, each step required washing with water.
  3. Dehydrate as followed:

100% ethanol I for 5 min;

100% ethanol II for 5 min;

100% ethanol III for 5 min;

Xylene I for 5 min;

Xylene II for 5 min;

Finally seal with neutral gum.


  1. PAS solution B can be reused. The dye solution is transparent. If it is obviously yellow, contains impurities, or the staining of the tissue is too light, it needs to be replaced with a new dye solution.
  2. PAS solution A needs to be stored at 4°C, take it out before use and return to room temperature before using. It is recommended to replace the dye solution with a new one when the color of the solution is obviously red.
  3. Please wear lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)

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Alcian blue stain(艾爾遜藍染色劑) | Alcian blue dye solution Servicebio貨號G1027-100ML

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染色試劑_工作區域 1.jpg

Alcian blue stain(阿利新藍染液) 是多價鹼性染料家族(polyvalent basic dyes)的任何成員,屬於陽離子染料(cationic dye),最初用於染色紡織纖維(dyeing textile fibers)。由於分子中存在銅(copper),這種染料可溶於水並呈藍色。它是一種酸性粘蛋白(acid mucins)特異性染料,可與酸性基團(acid mucopolysaccharides)結合形成鹽鍵,並用含有陰離子基團(anionic groups)的化合物染色組織,如酸性粘蛋白(acid mucosubstances)和酸性粘蛋白(acidic mucins)。Alcian blue可使細胞質中的酸性粘多醣呈藍色,而中性粘蛋白(neutral mucins)不染色。它常用於石蠟切片技術中,以區分羧基粘液(carboxyl mucus)和硫酸鹽粘液(sulphate mucus),識別粘液性上皮腫瘤(mucinous epithelial tumors),並標記骨組織中的軟骨(cartilage)。一般的方法使用 pH 值為 2.5 的Alcian blue stain(阿利新藍染液) ,它可以染色許多酸性粘蛋白(acidic mucins)和酸性粘液物質(acid mucosubstances)。具有更低 pH 值的Alcian blue stain(阿利新藍染液) 僅染色強酸性硫酸化黏液物質(acidic sulfated mucosubstances) (pH 0.4) 或酸性硫酸化黏液物質 (acidic sulfated mucosubstances )(pH 1.0)。

本品含1%阿利新藍染液,pH約為2.5,可用於軟骨組織染色(cartilage tissue staining)。也可與PAS合用,可區分酸性粘蛋白(acidic mucins)和中性粘蛋白(neutral mucins),酸性粘蛋白(acid mucins)呈藍色,中性粘蛋白(neutral mucins)呈紅色。

Assay Protocol

  1. 石蠟載玻片脫蠟如下:兩次換純二甲苯20分鐘,兩次換純乙醇5分鐘; 75% 乙醇 5 分鐘;將載玻片放在自來水中。
  2. 載玻片在阿新藍染料中染色 10~15 分鐘,然後用running water沖洗。
  3. 載玻片用核固紅 (G1035) 染色 3 分鐘,然後用running water沖洗(最佳化)。
  4. 次換純乙醇5min,2次純二甲苯5min透明,中性樹脂蓋玻片。顯微鏡下觀察並拍照。

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)

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衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 | Aging Cell β-galactosidase Staining Kit Servicebio貨號G1073-100T (1ml為一個反應單位)

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑 細胞老化_工作區域 1.jpg


大多數正常細胞的分裂能力(division ability)是有限的。當它們不能分裂(divide)時,就會進入衰老狀態(senescence),稱為細胞衰老(cell senescence)。細胞衰老(Cell senescence)是細胞控制其生長潛能(growth potential)的保證機制,一般指複製性衰老(replicative senescence)。正常細胞在分裂次數有限後停止分裂,並發生不可逆的生長停滯(irreversible growth arrest)。此時,細胞還活著,但細胞形態(cell morphology)和生理代謝活動(physiological metabolic activity)發生了顯著變化,通常表現為細胞體積變大和與衰老相關的β-半乳糖苷酶(β-galactosidase)激活。 β-半乳糖苷酶(β-galactosidase)是細胞溶酶體(cell lysosomes)中的一種水解酶(hydrolytic enzyme)。它通常在 pH 4.0 時有活性,但在衰老細胞(senescent cell)中它在 pH 6.0 時有活性。本試劑盒正是基於這一現象和原理對衰老組織或細胞進行染色,以對抗與衰老相關的β-半乳糖苷酶(β-galactosidase)活性水平的上調。具體反應原理是以X-Gal為底物,衰老細胞(senescent cell)特異性β-半乳糖苷酶催化底物生成藍色產物,在細胞質中表現為藍色沉澱物,在光照下可觀察到顯微鏡。按每個樣品染色液用量1 mL計算,該試劑盒可完成100個樣品的染色。

衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Aging Cell β-galactosidase Staining Kit Servicebio貨號G1073-100T.jpg

Fig.1 WI-38 cells were stained with β-galactosidase kit. The left picture shows senescence WI-38 cells without division and proliferation ability but still alive. After staining, the positive staining cells were more than 95%. The image on the right shows newly resuscitated WI-38 cells (early passage) with less than 3 passages, and no obvious positive cells after staining.

Component Number Component G1073
G1073-1 β-galactosidase staining fixation solution 100 mL
G1073-2 β-galactosidase staining solution A 100 mL
G1073-3 β-galactosidase stain B 1.2 mL
G1073-4 DMF 5 mL
G1073-5 X-Gal(powder) 100 mg


衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒Aging Cell β-galactosidase Staining Kit Servicebio貨號G1073-100T.jpg

Assay Protocol

l Preparation of reagents

  1. Prepare your own PBS buffer (G4202 recommended).
  2. 100 mg X-Gal powder was fully dissolved and mixed with 5 mL DMF (dimethylformamide), and then divided into 1.5 mL clean centrifuge tubes, 0.5 mL for each tube, and stored at -20℃ away from light. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing.
  3. Preparation of β-galactosidase staining solution according to the proportion in the table below. For cells cultured in 6-well plates, 1.0-1.5 mL of staining working solution is required per well, and for 12-well plates, 0.5-1.0 mL of staining working solution is required per well. The staining solution was prepared according to the sample size to avoid waste.
Component Volume
β-galactosidase staining solution A 940 μL
β-galactosidase stain B 10 μL
X - Gal solution 50 μL
Total Volume 1 mL

l Staining procedure

  1. For adherent cells

(1) The cultured cells (or cell crawling sheets) in 6-well plates were aspirated and the cell culture medium was removed, washed twice with PBS, and 1 mL β-galactosidase staining fixing solution was added, and the cells were fixed for 15 min at room temperature.

(2) The fixed solution was discarded, and the cells were washed with PBS for 3 times, 2 min each time.

(3) PBS was removed by suction with a pipette, and 1 mL of β-galactosidase staining working solution was added to each well and incubated at 37℃ for 2 h to overnight. Note: Do not incubate in carbon dioxide incubator at 37 ° C. During the staining period, the color development should be observed in time. If the expression of β-galactosidase in the sample is high, the staining can be completed within a few hours. If β-galactosidase expression was low, the incubation time should be extended appropriately, during which the 6-well plate should be sealed with plastic wrap or parafilm to prevent liquid evaporation from affecting the staining results.

(4) Under the ordinary light microscope, the staining solution was removed after the positive cells developed color. If nuclei need to be counterstained, add a small amount of nucleosinophilic red dye solution (G1035 is recommended) to the well plate to cover the cells and stain at room temperature for 3 min, remove the staining solution, and wash with PBS several times.

(5) 2 mL PBS was added to cover the cells and the staining was completed. The sample could be stored at 4℃ for 1 week. Or add 70% glycerol to cover the cells, 4℃ can be stored for a long time. If it is the cell climbing sheet, the climbing sheet can be fully dried, xylene transparent after dropping neutral gum seal sheet, can be stored for a long time.

  1. For frozen sections

(1) Rewarm frozen sections at room temperature for 10 min. Circle the tissue with tissue strokes.

(2) A proper amount of β-galactosidase staining fixing solution was added to the tissue to completely cover the tissue, and the solution was fixed at room temperature for 20 min.

(3) The tissue sections were soaked and washed in PBS for 3 times, 5 min each time.

(4) The sections were placed in a wet box to avoid light, and an appropriate amount of β-galactosidase staining solution was added to the tissue to completely cover the tissue. The wet box was incubated at 37℃ and the color development was observed under a microscope every 2 h. If no color development was observed, the culture was continued until the senescent cells on the tissue showed color. If the sample is to be incubated overnight, a sufficient amount of β-galactosidase staining solution should be added to prevent the staining solution from evaporating and drying the tablets.

(5) After the tissue developed color, the staining solution was removed, and the sections were immersed in PBS and washed twice, and then immersed in pure water and washed twice.

(6) (optional) Add nuclear solid red dye solution (G1035 is recommended) for 3 min and wash for 3 times.

(7) The slices were dehydrated with absolute ethanol for 2 times, then transparent with xylene for 5 min each time, and then sealed with neutral gum drop.

  1. Staining results

The cytoplasm of senescent cells is scattered blue.


  1. X-Gal solution should be thawed and mixed completely at room temperature before use.
  2. β-galactosidase staining solution A and B should be restored to room temperature in advance before use, and the prepared staining solution should be thoroughly mixed without precipitation before use.
  3. The β-galactosidase staining reaction of senescent cells is dependent on specific pH conditions, so it cannot be incubated in a CO2 incubator for color development, otherwise it will affect the pH of the staining solution and lead to staining failure.
  4. When preparing dyeing solution, please choose consumables made of polypropylene (PP) or glass instead of polystyrene (PS).
  5. The color development should be observed several times during the 2 h-overnight color development period, too short a time may lead to negative results; too much time can lead to false positives. The chromogenic time is closely related to the amount of β-galactosidase contained in the sample itself.
  6. Before preparing the staining solution, check the pH value of staining solution A. If it is not 6.0 (which may be changed due to storage conditions), adjust the pH value to 6.0 with HCl or NaOH before use.
  7. β-galactosidase staining of tissue sections requires high preparation of samples, which should be stored at -80℃ and tested as soon as possible. Because β-galactosidase is very easy to inactivate, improper storage or too long of the sample may lead to enzyme inactivation, then no positive staining.
  8. Please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves during operation



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油紅O溶液 | Oil Red O Solution中性脂質染色劑 Servicebio貨號G1015-100ML  (6:4 以ddH2O混合 60-70 ℃ 加熱後使用)


油紅O溶液  Oil Red O Solution中性脂質染色劑 Servicebio貨號G1015-100ML.png

油紅O又稱蘇丹紅5B(Sudan red 5B),是一種脂溶性偶氮染料(fat soluble azo dye)。這種染料可以特異性地染色細胞(cells)或組織(tissues)中的甘油三酯等中性脂質(neutral lipids),但對磷脂(phospholipids)和類固醇(steroids)的染色較弱。基本原理是油紅O(oil red O)溶於脂類(lipids),使脂類(lipids)呈紅色至橙紅色(orange red)。

本品飽和油紅O染料溶液(saturated oil red O dye solution)為油紅O飽和溶液(oil red O),臨用前用蒸餾水稀釋後用於組織切片(tissue sections)或細胞染色。染色後,組織中的脂肪滴(fat drops)呈紅色(red)至橙紅色。 可搭配脂肪專用固定溶劑使用 脂肪專用固定液試劑盒 | Special Fixative Solution for Fat Servicebio貨號G1119-250ML

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑-紅油O_工作區域 1.jpg


Oil red O, also known as Sudan red 5B, is a fat soluble azo dye. This dye can specifically stain neutral lipids such as triglycerides in cells or tissues, but it is weak for phospholipids and steroids. The basic principle is that oil red O dissolves in lipids to make lipids red to orange red.

The saturated oil red O dye solution of this product is the saturated solution of oil red O. It can be used to dye tissue sections or cells after being diluted with distilled water before use. After dyeing, the fat drops in the tissues are red to orange red.

Assay Protocol 

l Preparation of working solution: before use, (6:4) six portions of saturated oil red O dye solution and four portions of distilled water shall be fully mixed, placed in a 60-70 ℃ water bath for 30 minutes, and then filtered with qualitative filter paper after natural cooling to obtain oil red O working solution. It needs to be prepared and used now. In addition, 60% isopropanol is required.

l Sample preparation

  1. For cells: aspirate the cell culture medium, slowly add PBS (G4202 is recommended) to the edge of the orifice plate to simply clean the cells. Add 4% paraformaldehyde fixative (G1101 is recommended) and fix it at room temperature for 8-10 min, and rinse it twice with PBS.
  2. For frozen sections: take out the sections from - 20 ℃ and let them stand at room temperature for 5-10 min to recover to normal temperature.

l Dyeing steps

  1. For cells

(1) Add a small amount of 60% isopropyl alcohol into the pore plate to cover the cells for 15-20 seconds, and then suck out 60% isopropyl alcohol and dry the water slightly.

(2) Add oil red O working solution to the orifice plate to cover the cells, and dye them at room temperature in dark for 30 min to remove the dye.

(3) Add 60% isopropanol for rapid differentiation for 3-5 seconds, wash with pure water for 3 times, and each time for 5 minutes.

(4) (Optional) Add hematoxylin dye solution (G1004 is recommended) to dye the nucleus, wash with water, turn blue and then wash with water.

(5) PBS was added to cover the cells and observed under microscope. In case of cell climbing, glycerol gelatin film sealant (G1402 is recommended) can be used for slide mounting.

  1. For frozen sections

(1) Frozen sections recovered to room temperature were gently immersed in oil Red O working solution and stained for 8-10 min (covered to avoid light).

(2) The sections were taken out, stayed for 3 s, and then immersed in two cylinders of 60% isopropanol for differentiation for 3-5 s.

(3) Sections were immersed in two cylinders of pure water for 10 s each time.

(4) (Optional) The sections were immersed in hematoxylin dye solution to stain the nuclei, washed with water, then returned to blue and washed again. After slightly drying, glycerin gelatin was added to mount the slide.


  1. If it is a frozen section of fresh tissue, the section should be fixed before staining.
  2. Oil Red O working fluid must be prepared and used at present. The heating process must be sealed to prevent solvent volatilization.
  3. During the whole operation, pay attention to the gentle action to avoid fat loss or displacement.
  4. Samples stained with oil Red O cannot be stored for a long time, and should be observed and photographed as soon as possible.
  5. When using glycerin gelatin to mountslides, attention should be paid to avoid bubbles as far as possible. If bubbles are not allowed to press the glass slide or forcibly tear the cover glass after mounting the slides, it will cause fat displacement. The slide can be immersed in warm water at 50-60 °C to allow the cover slide to fall off and then re-mount the slide.
  6. For your safety and health, please wear a lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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甲苯胺藍染劑溶液 (Nissl's body Staining) | Toluidine Blue Dye Solution Servicebio貨號G1032-100ML


甲苯胺藍(Toluidine Blue)是一種醌亞胺鹼性染色劑(quinone imine basic staining),可與組織細胞中的酸性物質(acidic substances)結合,實現組織染色。用甲苯胺藍(toluidine blue)將神經元的細胞核(nuclei)和尼氏小體(Nissl's body)染成藍色,可用於尼氏小體(Nissl's body)的初步病理診斷;肥大細胞(mast cells)的細胞質(cytoplasm)含有肝素(heparin)和組胺(histamine),軟骨(cartilage)含有硫酸軟骨素(chondroitin sulfate)。這些物質具有異色性(metachromatic),被甲苯胺藍染成紅色。因此甲苯胺藍(toluidine blue)染色可用於觀察肥大細胞(mast cells)的分佈和異常變化及軟骨(cartilage)的形態結構(morphological structure),如潮線(tide lines);可以對植物組織進行染色和觀察。木質部(xylem)、導管(ducts)、篩管(sieve tubes)等結構,木質部(xylem)染成藍綠色(blue-green),纖維素(cellulose)細胞壁染成藍紫色。

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑Toluidine Blue Dye_工作區域 1.jpg


Assay Protocol / Procedures

  1. Remove the embedding agent and rehydration;
  2. Toluidine blue stain: Putthe section into the toluidine blue dye solution for 2-5 minutes. Then wash with water quickly, don’t too long, or else the color would fade.

For plant tissue: Controll the degree of staining under the microscope,and according to the degree of staining, use 0.1% glacial acetic acid for proper differentiation. Wash it with tap water, then dry it in the oven at 60°C .

For animal tissue: Wash animal tissue sections with water and differentiated with 0.1% glacial acetic acid. When the background color is light blue and the staining of Nissl body, cartilage and mast cells is obvious, the differentiation stops. Rinse with tap water to terminate differentiation and then dry it in an oven at 60℃.

  1. Transparent and mount

Put sections into three cylinders of anhydrous ethanol for 10 mins and two cylinders of xylene for 5 min. Finally, mount the sections with neutral balsam.


  1. 1. Tissue must be completely dried and then mount the sections with neutral balsam.
  2. Please wear lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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蘇木精-伊紅染色試劑 (H&E Staining Kit) | H&E Staining Kit Servicebio貨號G1005-500ML (2X500ML)

蘇木精-伊紅染色,又稱蘇木素-伊紅染色,或「H&E染色」H&E 染色試劑盒 (H&E Staining Kit, Hematoxylin and Eosin) 旨在用於組織學(histology)和細胞學(cytology)應用。H&E Staining Kit (Hematoxylin and Eosin) is intended for use in histology and cytology applications. Included in this kit is a newly formulated Eosin that provides the benefits of a traditional alcoholic formula with significant improvements in usability. Advantages include lower evaporation rate, better color patterns, reduced tendency to spill over container, hands, and countertops, and improved surface tension to remain on tissue section. The Hematoxylin produces crisp, intense blue nuclei providing optimal contrast to the Eosin Y stained cytoplasm. After tissue sections or cells are stained, the nuclei are blue, the cytoplasm are light pink, collagen are pink, muscle are pink to rose, and erythrocytes are pink to red.


試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑H%26;E_工作區域 1.jpg

H&E 染色試劑盒 (H&E Staining Kit, Hematoxylin and Eosin) 。該套件中包含一種新配製的曙紅(Eosin),它具有傳統酒精配方的優點,並顯著提高了可用性。優點包括較低的蒸發率(evaporation rate)、更好的顏色圖案(better color patterns)、減少溢出容器(spill over container)、手和工作檯面的可能性,以及提高表面張力以保留在組織切片上。蘇木精(Hematoxylin)產生清晰、強烈的藍色細胞核(nuclei),與伊紅 Y 染色(Eosin Y stained)的細胞質(cytoplasm)形成最佳對比。組織切片(tissue sections)或細胞(cells)染色後,細胞核(nuclei)呈藍色,細胞質(cytoplasm)呈淡粉色,膠原蛋白(collagen)呈粉紅色,肌肉(muscle)呈粉紅色至玫瑰色,紅血球細胞(erythrocytes)呈粉紅色至紅色。

Directions for Use 

  1. Deparaffinize sections if necessary and hydrate to distilled water.
  2. Rinse slide in distilled water.
  3. Stain slide in Hematoxylin, Mayer’s for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Rinse slide in running tap water.
  5. Apply Differentiation Reagent for 2-5 seconds, rinse slide in running water.
  6. Apply Bluing Reagent for 30 seconds.
  7. Rinse in distilled water.
  8. Dip slide in 85% alcohol for 3-5 min, and then 95% alcohol for 3-5 min, and blot excess off.
  9. Apply adequate Eosin Y Solution (Alcoholic) to completely cover tissue section to excess and incubate for 2-5 minutes.
  10. Rinse slide using absolute alcohol.
  11. Dehydrate slide in 3 changes of absolute alcohol.
  12. Clear slide and mount in synthetic resin.



Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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Masson's three-color staining | 膠原纖維染色Servicebio貨號G1006-100mL(6×100 mL)


Masson's三色染色法,又稱Masson's染色,是比較經典的膠原纖維染色法(collagen fiber staining method)。該方法利用結締組織(connective tissues)中陰離子生物染料(anionic biological dyes)和分子量(molecular weights)的不同滲透性。分子量小的染料很容易穿透結構緻密、滲透性低的組織,而分子量大的染料只能進入結構疏鬆、滲透性好的組織,因此不同的組織成分呈現出不同的顏色。

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑_工作區域 1.jpg

本品為試劑盒,主要成分如下:A液為2.5%重鉻酸鉀(2.5% Potassium dichromate),B液、C液等體積混合為魏格鐵蘇木精染液(Weigert iron hematoxylin dye solution),D液為麗春紅酸品紅(Ponceau acid fuchsin),E液為1 %磷鉬酸溶液(phosphomolybdic acid solution),F液為2.5%苯胺藍溶液(2.5% aniline blue solution)。結締組織切片(connective tissue sections stain)經Masson's三色染色液染色後,膠原纖維(collagen fibers)呈天藍色至亮深藍色,肌纖維(muscle fibers)、細胞質(cytoplasm)、纖維素(cellulose)、角質白(keratinous white)呈紅色至紫紅色,紅血球細胞(red blood cells)呈淡紅色。

Masson%5Cs three-color staining 膠原纖維染色Servicebio貨號G1006-100mL(6×100 mL).jpg

Component Number Component G1006-20ML G1006-100ML
G1006-1 Masson A solution 30 mL 100 mL
G1006-2 Masson B solution 20 mL 100 mL
G1006-3 Masson C solution 20 mL 100 mL
G1006-4 Masson D solution 20 mL 100 mL
G1006-5 Masson E solution 20 mL 100 mL
G1006-6 Masson F solution 20 mL 100 mL


Assay Protocol

  1. Section preparation: paraffin sections are deparaffinized to water; frozen sections stored at -20°C need to be allowed to stand and return to room temperature.
  2. Soak the slices in Masson Asolution at room temperature overnight (about 15 hours).
  3. Soak the slices in Masson A solution and incubate in a 65° oven for 30 mins. Wash with tap water for 30 s until the yellow color on the tissue fades. At the same time, put Masson D liquid and Masson F liquid in a 65° oven to preheat.
  4. Mix Masson B solution and Masson C solution in equal volume ( prepared for current use, not pre-prepared and preserved ), slice into the mixed solution and soak for 1 min, then rinse with running water.
  5. Put the slices into 1% hydrochloric acid alcohol (concentrated hydrochloric acid: absolute ethanol = 1:100) for differentiation for about 1 min,until the nucleus was gray-black, and the background was almost colorless or light gray.
  6. Rinse with tap water and drain the excess water on the slices. Dip the slices into Masson D solution for 6 minutes. At this time, the tissues will appear bright red. If the red is too light, the staining time can be prolonged.
  7. Drain the slices slightly (not dry slices), and soak in Masson E solution for about 1 min. This step is for differentiation. It is enough to differentiate until the collagen fibers are light red and the fibers are red. The time of E solution can be adjusted according to the degree of staining, usually 1-2 min.
  8. After the section is slightly drained of Masson E solution, without water washing, it is directly stained into Masson F solution for 2-30 s.
  9. The slices are rinsed and differentiated in three consecutive tanks with 1% glacial acetic acid, each tank is about 8 seconds.
  10. The slices are dehydrated in successive three cylinders of absolute ethanol for about 5 s, 10 s, and 30 s. Then two cylinders of n-butanol were dehydrated for 30 s and 2 minutes in sequence, and finally two cylinders of xylene were used to be transparent, 5 minutes each time, and the sheets were sealed with neutral gum.


  1. The temperature is low in winter. It is recommended to use Masson Asolution, Masson D solution and Masson F solution after heating, and the corresponding dyeing time also needs to be adjusted.
  2. Aftertreating the Masson A, the washing time of slices should not be too long, which will lead to the overall weak and dark dyeing effect..
  3. Masson Esolution can be reused. If the dye solution changes color obviously, it needs to be replaced with a new one.
  4. Please wear lab coat and disposable gloves during operation.

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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蛋白凝膠銀染試劑盒 | Protein Silver Stain Kit Servicebio貨號G2080-25T


銀染(Silver staining)是一種高靈敏度的染色方法,其基本原理是通過還原陰離子(reduced anion)在蛋白質上形成黑色沉澱(black precipitate),從而顯示蛋白質條帶。銀染(silver stain)比傳統的考馬斯亮藍染色靈敏 100 倍,可檢測小於 0.5 ng 的蛋白質。由於其高靈敏度,銀染(silver stain)被廣泛用於 2D 凝膠分析(2D gel analysis)和垂直 PAGE 凝膠(vertical PAGE gel)中,用於極低蛋白質含量的測定。它是檢測凝膠中low abundance proteins的常用方法。本產品可用於SDS-PAGE或PAGE聚丙烯酰胺凝膠中的蛋白質檢測,靈敏度高,操作方便,背景幾乎無色,一塊凝膠的銀染可在90分鐘內完成。本試劑盒可對25塊相同規格的凝膠進行染色。

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑 siver stain_工作區域 1.jpg

Component Number Component G2058-25 T Storage Conditions
G2080-1 Silver Stain Enhancer 2 mL Room temperature (dark)
G2080-2 10×Silver Stain Sensitizer 50 mL 4℃
G2080-3 10×Silver Stain 50 mL 4℃ (dark)
G2080-4 4×Silver Stain Developer 125 mL 4℃
Product Manual

Assay Protocol

1、固定(Fixation):配製固定液(如下表)。將凝膠置於乾淨的染缸中,用超純水(ultra-pure water)清洗3次,加入20 mL固定液(fixing solution)覆蓋凝膠,用水平搖床(horizontal shaker)(60-70 rpm)緩慢搖動,孵育30分鐘。為防止醋酸(acetic acid)和乙醇(ethanol)揮發,請用保鮮膜密封染缸。延長固定時間可以進一步降低背景。

Fixing Liquid Preparation
Component Volume20 mL
Ultrapure Water 10 mL
Absolute Alcohol 8 mL
Glacial Acetic Acid 2 mL
Silver Stain Enhancer 40 μL

2、洗滌(Washing):倒出固定液(fixing solution),更換超純水(ultra-pure water)覆蓋膠,水平搖床搖晃3次,每次10 min。

3、敏化(Sensitization):按下表配製敏化工作液。加入敏化液(sensitization solution)覆蓋凝膠,凝膠在水平搖床上緩慢搖動孵育1分鐘。

Sensitizer Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 18 mL
10×Silver Stain Sensitizer 2 mL

4、洗滌(Washing):倒出敏化工作液(sensitization working solution),換上超純水,搖動搖床3次,每次20 s。

5、染銀(Silver dyeing):配製染銀液(如下表)。加入銀染液(Silver staining solution覆蓋凝膠,凝膠緩慢震盪孵育20分鐘。銀染液(Silver dyeing solution)應即配即用,盡量在2小時內用完。

Stainer Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 18 mL
10×Silver Stain 2 mL
Silver Stain Enhancer 16 μL

6、水洗(Wash with water):棄去染液(dye solution),換上超純水,搖動搖床3次,每次20 s。

7、顯色(Color development):按下表配製顯色液(developing solution)。加入顯影液(developing solution) 覆蓋凝膠,將凝膠震盪孵育1-5分鐘,直至出現理想的目的蛋白條帶。

Developer Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 15 mL
4×Silver Stain Developer 5 mL
Silver Stain Enhancer 10 μL

9、終止(Termination):準備開發termination solution (如下表) 。加入顯影終止液(development stop solution)覆蓋凝膠,用搖床孵育凝膠2分鐘。過程中產生氣體屬於正常現象,產生的氣體為CO2。然後棄去終止液,用超純水洗滌凝膠2-5分鐘。

Stopper Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 19 mL
Glacial Acetic Acid 1 mL



  1. To prevent interference from impurities, use high purity water (resistance > 16 MΩ/cm) and clean glassware or plastic containers. Do not use metal containers.
  2. Please take protective measures during the whole experiment. Ultrapure water, absolute ethanol and glacial acetic acid should be prepared by yourself.
  3. Do not directly touch or press the colloid during the operation, and the dye VAT used for dyeing cannot use metal products, glass or plastic containers are the best.
  4. Keep the sensitizer at room temperature away from light. Do not store it at 4℃, otherwise it will fail.
  5. All working fluids shall be prepared and used at present. After opening and using the reagent, it is necessary to tighten the cap of the bottle to prevent the volatilization of the solution and chemical reaction with substances in the air, which will affect the dyeing effect.
  6. The developing solution is stored at 4℃for a long time with crystal precipitation (normal phenomenon), and can be incubated at 37℃ until completely dissolved before use.
  7. When the gel is thick or the operating temperature is low, the color development time can be extended appropriately.
  8. The dyeing time, washing time, color development and termination time of each step should be well controlled, otherwise the glue background will become dark and it is not easy to observe the target band.

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)



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