~【NEW!!活動快報】~ 全景玻片影像掃描器,精準對焦與掃描,染色結果從此數位化
MoticEasyScan 全景玻片影像掃描器,3D多層次掃描,快速對焦精準掃描為數位玻片。提供最佳解析度0.25um/pixel ;6片式片夾,walk-away設計。搭配簡易操作軟體,優質影像數位永久保存。歡迎來電洽詢(02)86609496許虹宜

目前分類:【黴漿菌偵測、抑菌劑、抗生素】 (13)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

雷帕黴菌(Rapamycin)Romidepsin (FK228, depsipeptide) | Daptomycin G-418 (80 S 核醣體延伸抑制劑) 

羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin) | CAS# 4800-94-6 APExBIO  貨號A2511


Carbenicillin 通過使細菌細胞膜內表面的轉肽酶(transpeptidase)失活來抑制細胞壁(cell-wall synthesis)合成(peptidoglycan cross-linking, 肽聚醣交聯)。羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)是一種白色至微黃色的吸濕性粉末(hygroscopic powder soluble),可溶於水(water)和酒精(alcohol)。羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)對革蘭氏陰性菌(gram-negative bacteria)最有效,但對革蘭氏陽性菌(gram-positive bacteria)也可能有一定作用。羧芐青黴素水溶液(Carbenicillin)在室溫下可穩定保存 24 小時,在 0-5°C 下可保存長達 72 小時。建議使用羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)代替氨芐青黴素以維持選擇性標記物 bla(β-內酰胺酶或氨芐青黴素抗性)羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)以 50mg/ml 溶於水和酒精。推薦的工作濃度高達 500µg/ml 抗生素在 4°C 下保持乾燥,打開前加熱至室溫羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)是一種白色至淡黃色的吸濕性粉末,可溶於水和酒精。羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)對革蘭氏陰性菌最有效,但對革蘭氏陽性菌也可能有一定作用。羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)水溶液在室溫下可穩定保存 24 小時,在 0-5°C 下可保存長達 72 小時。建議使羧芐青黴素(Carbenicillin)代替氨芐青黴素以維持選擇性標記物 bla(β-內酰胺酶或氨芐青黴素抗性)羧芐青黴素以 50mg/ml 溶於水和酒精。推薦工作濃度高達 500µg/ml 抗生素 在 4°C 下保持乾燥,打開前加熱至室溫。



Physical Appearance A solid
Storage Store at -20°C
M.Wt 422.4
Cas No. 4800-94-6
Formula C17H16N2O6SNa2
Solubility insoluble in EtOH; ≥8.64 mg/mL in DMSO with gentle warming and ultrasonic; ≥80.8 mg/mL in H2O
Chemical Name disodium;(2S,5R,6R)-6-[(2-carboxylato-2-phenylacetyl)amino]-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylate
SDF Download SDF
Canonical SMILES CC1(C(N2C(S1)C(C2=O)NC(=O)C(C3=CC=CC=C3)C(=O)[O-])C(=O)[O-])C.[Na+].[Na+]
Shipping Condition Ship with blue ice, or upon other requests.
General tips For obtaining a higher solubility, please warm the tube at 37°C and shake it in the ultrasonic bath for a while. We do not recommend long-term storage for the solution, please use it up soon.


APExBIO提供優質的胜肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。


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(NEW) MycoClean spray T-Pro MycoClean spray




加熱法一直是有效去除黴漿菌污染的方法,另也有人使用含甲醛的藥劑來去除黴漿菌。但針對黴漿菌、細菌或病毒選擇 T-Pro MycoClean spray 是可以有效去除的噴劑,噴劑使用後約2~3分鐘即可以拭紙擦除或等待10分鐘使其自然揮發。


  • 可快速去除黴漿菌
  • 噴劑型簡單方便操作
  • 非腐蝕性及致癌性
  • 適用於實驗室各設備器材表面


T-Pro MycoClean spray 是可以有效去除黴漿菌污染,同時它對細菌、病毒也有極佳的清潔效果(如Staphyhococcus aureus、Streptococcus faecalis、Escherichia coli、Proteus mirabilis、Pseudomonas aeruginosa、Candida albicans、HBV、Papova-、Adeno-、Polio- and Vaccinia Viridae),T-Pro MycoClean spray是極佳的抑菌、清潔、去污噴劑一次搞定。




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培養箱或水浴槽去黴抑菌劑, 500ml

CO2 細胞培養箱或水浴槽去黴抑菌劑。T-Pro Aqua EZ Clean, CO2 細胞培養箱或水浴槽是培養細胞實驗室必須的設備,這些設備常常也是細菌或黴菌等汙染物適合生長的環境,所以我們會建議CO2 細胞培養箱或水浴槽等這些設備,每14天或每月最少清洗消毒一次。可有效預防細胞污染

上圖為水中雜菌濃縮後塗盤,再置入disc 37培養72小時。上為control (disc僅含有ddH2O)左下為500X濃度右下為200X濃度



1. 非揮發性。

2. 對於細菌或黴菌具抑菌效果。

3. 操作簡單可用於CO2 細胞培養箱水盤或水浴槽。

4. 抑菌時間可維持2~4週。



用於CO2 細胞培養箱水盤:(200X) 1公升 無菌水添加5ml T-Pro Aqua EZ Clean,請每2~4週更換水盤中之無菌水並添加T-Pro Aqua EZ Clean,可有效預防污染。用於水浴槽:(500X) 每次注入水浴槽每1公升 水添加2ml T-Pro Aqua EZ Clean,可有效預防污染抑菌時間可維持2~4週,請每2~4週清洗水浴槽並重新加入水至水浴槽且含有T-Pro Aqua EZ Clean,可有效預防污


HOT!! 其它黴漿菌相關商品如下連結




◆移除/細胞內黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞內)

預防培養箱添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (培養箱設備)

預防水浴槽添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (水浴槽設備)

預防噴霧式黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞培養設備)



台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

業務代表: 許虹宜 0920312382 email: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net

公司電話: 02-86609496傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw

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品牌ABMGOOD 貨號G238 規格100個反應/25UL





黴漿菌(Mycoplasma)是一種能自我複製的最小原核微生物,和其他細菌不同是-黴漿菌(Mycoplasma) 沒有細胞壁,細胞形態不固定有多種變化,且可以在培養基上形成極小的菌落。許多常見的抗生素(antibiotic),如盤尼西林或β-內醯胺類抗生素對黴漿菌(Mycoplasma)是無效的,難以清除污染






1.     黴漿菌污染,抑制細胞增殖與代謝反應

2.     影響病毒增殖或病毒感染之效率

3.     降低細胞轉染之效率

4.     改變基因表現型態




利用具專一性之primers,經由PCR反應來複製mycoplasma DNAABMGOOD提供之Mycoplasma 黴漿菌偵測套組,不須經由DNA純化,可直接使用培養液進行PCR偵測。免去DNA純化步驟,可於二小時以內完成實驗,達到快速篩檢的目的。


黴漿菌PCR偵測kit產品提供 (產品貨號#G238)

1.     2xPCR tag MasterMix

2.     positive control

3.     protocol




Jagadish, N. et al. "A-kinase anchor protein 4 (AKAP4) a promising therapeutic target of colorectal cancer." Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 1:142 (2015). PubMed: 26590805. Application: Cell culture.


Jagadish, N et al. "A-kinase anchor protein 4 (AKAP4) a promising therapeutic target of colorectal cancer." J Exp Clin Cancer Res 34(1):142 (2015). DOI: 10.1186/s13046-015-0258-y. PubMed: 26590805. Application: Cell Culture.


Saha, A et al. "Effect of Metformin, Rapamycin, and Their Combination on Growth and Progression of Prostate Tumors in HiMyc Mice.." Cancer Prev Res (Phila) 8(7):597-606 (2015). DOI: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-15-0014. PubMed: 25908508. Application: Cell Culture.


Koh, JH et al. "Effect of water-soluble fraction of cherry tomatoes on the adhesion of probiotics and Salmonella to intestinal epithelial cells." J Sci Food Agric : (2013). PubMed: 23749725. Application: Cell Culture.


HOT!! 其它黴漿菌相關商品如下連結




◆移除/細胞內黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞內)

預防培養箱添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (培養箱設備)

預防水浴槽添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (水浴槽設備)

預防噴霧式黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞培養設備)




台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

業務代表: 許虹宜 0920312382 email: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net

公司電話: 02-86609496傳真: 02-86609342


太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


品牌ABMGOOD 貨號G398 規格2 x 1.0ml(1000x/10,000x)
直接添加於細胞中--黴漿菌去除添加劑 ;2 週內移除70種以上黴漿菌Species,不影響細胞之生長及活性

Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail




ABMGOOD提供黴漿菌移除之去除劑 ,直接添加於培養中的細胞株中,有效預防黴漿菌細胞污染。細胞黴漿菌移去,以1000倍使用於繼代過程, 2週內4個繼代即可完成黴漿菌移除


Mycoplasma contamination is one of the most  challenging problem of daily cell culture. Commonly used antibiotics in cell culture are not effective against mycoplasma contamination. Mycoplasma can damage precious cell lines by inducing cellular changes, such as chromosome aberrations, changes in cell morphology and cell growth. For this reason,scientists at abm have developed qPCR-based assay for mycoplasma contamination(PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit (G238)) and Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail (Mycoaway). Compared to similar products on the market, our Mycoaway is much more potent that can eliminate over 50 different species of mycoplama contamination with only 4 treatment. In addition, the drug showed no toxicity to any cell under treatment as determent by gene array assay.




-direct addition of cocktail to cell culture medium – no
change to routine cell culture methods needed.

-effectively eliminates over 70 types of mycoplasma species – broad range.

-not cytotoxic to most mammalian cell lines.

-eliminates mycoplasma in less than 2 weeks (4 cell passages).


HOT!! 其它黴漿菌相關商品如下連結




◆移除/細胞內黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞內)

預防培養箱添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (培養箱設備)

預防水浴槽添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (水浴槽設備)

預防噴霧式黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞培養設備)



台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

業務代表: 許虹宜 0920312382 email: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net

公司電話: 02-86609496傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw

Store at -20°C
Data Sheet  
Product Brochure  



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NEW!! 黴漿菌-培養箱去除噴霧劑, 500ml


品牌T-PRO 貨號JT90-R002 規格500ml

T-Pro MycoClean spray 是可以有效去黴漿菌、細菌或病毒選擇的噴劑,噴劑使用後約2~3分鐘即可以拭紙擦除或等待10分鐘使其自然揮發。 有效去除黴漿菌污染,同時它對細菌、病毒也有極佳的清潔效果。抑菌、清潔、去污噴劑一次搞定。











 (Staphyhococcus aureusStreptococcus faecalisEscherichia
Proteus mirabilisPseudomonas aeruginosaCandida albicansHBVPapova-Adeno-Polio- and Vaccinia Viridae)


HOT!! 其它黴漿菌相關商品如下連結




◆移除/細胞內黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞內)

◆預防/培養箱添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (培養箱設備)

◆預防/水浴槽添加-黴漿菌除去商品 (水浴槽設備)

◆預防/噴霧式黴漿菌除去商品 (細胞培養設備)




台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

業務代表: 許虹宜 0920312382 email: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net

公司電話: 02-86609496傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

品牌ABMGOOD 貨號G238 規格100個反應/25UL



操作手冊-----Data Sheet
黴漿菌相關產品------------Product Brochure
黴漿菌偵測物種/菌株---------Detectable Mycoplasma Species/Strains List



黴漿菌是最小自我複製的生物體,只有0.3~0.8 μm,缺乏細胞壁之特性,造成在細胞培養中,具有很高的含量,卻難以查覺(107 ~109 colony forming units/mL)。培養液不會有細菌污染般的混濁,也沒有pH值的變化,在顯微鏡下觀察也看不到他們的存在。因此,使得黴漿菌成為最嚴重又廣泛且具破壞性的污染源。








  Abmgood 鰴漿菌偵測套組,應用PCR原理,提供快速、高靈敏度2~ 5 f g/DNAmycoplasma偵測方法,可偵測潛在性的mycoplasma之污染。利用具特殊專一性之Primer,經由PCR反應來複製黴漿菌DNAPrimer之設計,針對mycoplasma保留區16S-23S rRNA序列。涵蓋三種mycoplasmatales (mycoplasma,
Ureaplasma)皆可測量到, 準確度高達95%以上。有效監測潛在性的黴漿菌汙染。






1. 樣品可來自細胞培養液。


2. 可測量2~5pg
mycoplasma DNA,


3. 涵蓋三種mycoplasmatales
(mycoplasma, Acholeplasma,




4. 內附有positive
control DNA
、Mycloplasma primer、ddH2OMasterMix。


5. 不會測量到真核及細菌DNA







台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

業務代表: 許虹宜 0920312382 email: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net

公司電話: 02-86609496傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw











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PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit




PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit100 Reactions (25ul)




-detection is often difficult due to its lack of visable appearance, therefore
it can be afflicting your valuable cell and affecting your results without your
knowledge. Cells contaminated by mycoplasma species can have changes in
proliferation, metabolism, gene synthesis and processing, and even adhersion
properties. The solution for quick and easy mycoplasma detection is ABM's PCR
Mycoplasma Detection Kit.

The PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit allows for fast and reliable identification of
mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. Mycoplasma DNA in the cell culture
supernatant is amplified via PCR and visualized using gel electrophoresis. In
addition to the short detection process (less than 2 hours), the easy handling
and high sensitivity makes this PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit a convenient tool
for routine examination of cell cultures and media


direct addition
of cell culture supernatant to PCR reaction — no DNA isolation/purification
steps required.

-ready-to-use primer mix — reduces variability.

-able to detect numerous mycoplasma species – high sensitivity.

-included positive control to verify negative results.

-rapid results in 2 hours.


Data Sheet


Product Brochure
Detectable Mycoplasma Species/Strains List

  Antibiotic Solutions  Penicillin/Streptomycin  Geneticin (G418)  Gentamicin    Antibiotic/Antimycotic   Amphotericin B (Fungizone) 

                              DAPI (4',6-Diamidino-2-Phenylindole, Dihydrochloride)


      PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit

      Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail 

      Mycoplasma Detection Service

      Mycoplasma Elimination Service





台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

公司電話: 02-86609496 /0920312382
公司傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw
連絡業務: 許虹宜 0920312382
連絡信箱: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net







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Tigecycline A glycylglycine type of antibiotic derived from tetracycline. Inhibits protein translation in bacteria by binding to the 30S ribosomal subunit and blocking entry of amino-acyl tRNA molecules into the A site of the ribosome. This prevents incorporation of amino acid residues into elongating peptide chains.

Catalog # Product Name+ Size Price Buy Now
1501-10 A23187 10 mg $119.00
1549-10 Anisomycin 10 mg $95.00
1573-2 Ascomycin 2 mg $195.00
1859-25 Blasticidin S Hydrochloride 25 mg $115.00
1859-100 Blasticidin S Hydrochloride 100 mg $365.00
1560-5 Brefeldin A 5 mg $85.00
1041-1G Cycloheximide 1 g $95.00
1041-1 Cycloheximide (100 mM) 1 ml $70.00
1522-100 Cyclosporine A 100 mg $85.00
1524-500 Daunorubicin.HCl 500 mg $1,450.00
1524-10 Daunorubicin.HCl 10 mg $75.00
1524-50 Daunorubicin.HCl 50 mg $225.00
1527-5 Doxorubicin.HCl 5 mg $75.00
1861-100 EZSolution™ Puromycin Dihydrochloride 100 mg $215.00
1745-01 EZSolution™ Staurosporine 100 µg $79.00
1557-5G G418 Sulfate 5 g $240.00
1557-25G G418 Sulfate 25 g $1,020.00
1557-1G G418 Sulfate 1 g $75.00
1564-1 Geldanamycin 1 mg $79.00
1566-5 Ionomycin (Calcium salt) 5 mg $345.00
1565-5 Ionomycin (free acid) 5 mg $365.00
1860-25 Puromycin Dihydrochloride 25 mg $55.00
1860-100 Puromycin Dihydrochloride 100 mg $175.00
1860-250 Puromycin Dihydrochloride 250 mg $355.00
1860-500 Puromycin Dihydrochloride 500 mg $675.00
1860-1000 Puromycin Dihydrochloride 1 g $1,075.00
1048-01 Staurosporine 100 µg $85.00
1048-1 Staurosporine 1 mg $299.00
1930-100 Streptozocin 100 mg $55.00
1930-500 Streptozocin 500 mg $145.00
1930-1000 Streptozocin 1 g $235.00
1756-100 Teicoplanin 100 mg $55.00
1756-1G Teicoplanin 1 g $395.00
1558-1 Thapsigargin 1 mg $95.00
1956-5 Tigecycline 5 mg $65.00
1956-25 Tigecycline 25 mg $265.00
1606-1 Trichostatin A 1 mg $135.00

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BacAway, G285









2 x 1.25ml


Bacterial contamination is often associated with long-term culture of primary cells, stable cell lines, and stem cells. It is often frustrating that cells got contaminated after weeks or months of clone selection or precious establishment of primary cells. Most antibiotics like Ampicillin and others found in most labs can not solve the problems, leading to loss of precious cells. To this end, scientists at ABM have successfully developed a new formulation of antibiotics that can kill any bacteria associated with cell culture. The reagent is so effective that you will once-for-all worry-free when culturing precious cells.


This product is stored at -20°C , and is stable for 60 months if properly stored. Avoid freeze-thaw cycles by making aliquots upon first thawing this product.

Data Sheet


Prepare 1. treatment medium by adding BacAway to sterile cell culture me­dium in a 1:250 dilution.

Wash contaminated cells three times using sterile medium.2.

Add3. treatment medium to the cell culture. Replace with new treament me­dium after 3 hours and 7 hours.

After incubating the cell culture overnight, visually examine the medium. If 4. bacteria are still visible under the microscope, continue to 5. If not, continue to 7.

Trypsinize and centrifuge the cells. Carefully discard the supernatant, then 5. re-seed the cells in a new culture vessel containing treatment medium.

Incubate the cells for 6-7 hours, then replace the medium with new 6. treatment medium.

After incubating overnight, replace the medium with new 7. treatment medium once per day for one week. This will completely eliminate any remaining bacteria.

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Mycoaway G398 Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail






2 x 1.0ml (濃縮)



Mycoaway 黴漿菌除去試劑產品介紹:

黴漿菌污染細胞,會誘導細胞內之蛋白質表現;例如染色體畸變(chromosome aberrations),造成細胞型態改變及影響細胞生長。因此Abmgood發展一系列黴漿菌除去(Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail)試劑,MycoawayAbmgood提供之黴漿菌除去試劑Mycoaway,其在市場上具有競爭力,其可移除超過70種以上Mycoplasma species。僅需要4次處理 (2週時程)1:1,000倍稀釋為治療。10,000倍稀釋做為預防。Mycoaway 在經由基因點陣分析中,不會造成細胞毒理反應。是黴漿菌除去的最佳選擇。

  Mycoplasma contamination is one of the most challenging problem of daily cell culture. Commonly used antibiotics in cell culture are not effective against mycoplasma contamination. Mycoplasma can damage precious cell lines by inducing cellular changes, such as chromosome aberrations, changes in cell morphology and cell growth. For this reason, scientists at abm have developed qPCR-based assay for mycoplasma contamination (PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit (G238)) and Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail (Mycoaway). Compared to similar products on the market, our Mycoaway is much more potent that can eliminate over 50 different species of mycoplama contamination with only 4 treatment. In addition, the drug showed no toxicity to any cell under treatment as determent by gene array assay.



1. 1:10,000倍稀釋預防。直接添加於細胞培養液中。

2. 可移除超過70種以上Mycoplasma species

3. 僅需要4次處理 (2週時程)

4. 經由基因點陣分析中,不會造成細胞毒理反應。是黴漿菌除去的最佳選擇。


-direct addition of cocktail to cell culture medium – no change to routine cell culture methods needed.
-effectively eliminates over 70 types of mycoplasma species – broad range.
-not cytotoxic to most mammalian cell lines.
-eliminates mycoplasma in less than 2 weeks (4 cell passages).


Store at -20°C

Data Sheet  


Mycoplasma contamination detection and mycoplasma elimination customer service are also provided, please refer to the Mycoplasma Detection and Elimination Service page for details.



Mycoplasma Elimination Protocol

1. a) For adherent cells:

i. Trypsinize cells of 80- 90% confluency and check for complete detachment.

ii. Centrifuge cells at 1500rpm for 10mins. Discard the supernatant, then resuspend cells using appropriate amount of complete culture medium. Make sure to break all visible cell clumps.

b) For suspension cells:

i. Prepare cell suspension using usual method to a cell density of 1X 106 cells/ml in complete culture medium.

2. Add Mycoplasma Elimination Cocktail at a 1:1000 dilution (1μl of cocktail per 1ml of medium) to cell suspension from step 1.a.ii. or 1.b.i. and mix carefully.

3. Transfer the mixture from step 2 to a sterile culture dish and incubate at usual conditions for 3 days.

4. Repeat steps 1-3 for 3 more times or 4 cell passages. The culture should be mycoplasma free after the final treatment.

5. Confirm the success of mycoplasma elimination using the Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit (Cat No. G238).

Recommendations for Optimal Results

Two weeks after treatment, test the cell culture for mycoplasma using the Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit (Cat No. G238) to ensure that fresh infections do not arise.

• Discard all media used for contaminated cell cultures. Use fresh media in order to prevent future mycoplasma infections due to contaminated media.

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1.     100ul細胞培養液就可以測量是否含有黴漿菌污染。不須萃取細胞DNA

2.     ready-to-use primer混合液

3.     測量70種以上mycoplasma,靈敏度超高。

4.     包括positive controlinternal control

5.     快速反應,2個小時得知黴漿菌污染。



-direct addition of cell culture supernatant to PCR reaction — no DNA isolation/purification steps required.
-ready-to-use primer mix — reduces variability.
-able to detect over 70 types of mycoplasma species – high sensitivity.
-included positive control to verify negative results.
-rapid results in 2 hours.


黴漿菌(Mycoplasma) 偵測套組,應用PCR原理, 提供快速及高靈敏度2~ 5 f g/DNA的方法,只要100ul的細胞培養液,可偵測潛在性的mycoplasma (Mycoplasma, AcholeplasmaUreaplasma)污染。每組kit包括100個反應 (1PCR反應體積以50ul為例)



Daniella C. Bartholomeu et al., J. Immunol., Jul 2008; 181: 1333 - 1344.


  Mycoplasma detection is often difficult due to its lack of visable appearance, therefore it can be afflicting your valuable cell and affecting your results without your knowledge. Cells contaminated by mycoplasma species can have changes in proliferation, metabolism, gene synthesis and processing, and even adhersion properties. The solution for quick and easy mycoplasma detection is ABM's PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit.
  The PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit allows for fast and reliable identification of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. Mycoplasma DNA in the cell culture supernatant is amplified via PCR and visualized using gel electrophoresis. In addition to the short detection process (less than 2 hours), the easy handling and high sensitivity makes this PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit a convenient tool for routine examination of cell cultures and media.


詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.abmgood.com 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。 


業務專員: 許 虹宜Hung-Yi Hsu       

電話: 0920312382





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注意!! 注意!! 


您細胞長不好? 實驗做不出來? 因為細胞有Mycoplasma污染了!!


黴漿菌偵測套組, 應用PCR原理, 提供快速及高靈敏度2~ 5 f g/DNA的方法,偵測潛在性的mycoplasma污染。 涵蓋三種mycoplasmatales (mycoplasma, Acholeplasma, Ureaplasma)皆可測量到, 準確度高達95%以上。





○可測量2~5pg mycoplasma DNA, 準確度高達95%以上。

○涵蓋三種mycoplasmatales (mycoplasma, Acholeplasma,


○內附有positive control DNA, internal control DNA,

  Primer/dNTP mix,buffer。再贈送您500支的PCR Tube



原廠連結: http://www.Southernbiotech.com




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