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MoticEasyScan 全景玻片影像掃描器,3D多層次掃描,快速對焦精準掃描為數位玻片。提供最佳解析度0.25um/pixel ;6片式片夾,walk-away設計。搭配簡易操作軟體,優質影像數位永久保存。歡迎來電洽詢(02)86609496許虹宜

目前分類:【DNA損害 、Comet assay彗星試驗】 (29)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要


----------Comet 彗星分析專用電泳槽--------------------



Comet single cell gel electrophoresis systems



----------Comet 彗星分析專用電泳槽--------------------









----------Comet 彗星分析專用電泳槽--------------------


系統尺寸 (W
x L x H) 31 x 47.5 x 6.5c m

有效槽面積 (W x L x H)  27.5 x
37 x 3.5c m

建議緩衝液容量ml 800

載玻片容量 (25 x 75m m; W x L) 40

建議使用環境 5V/cm ( 300m A) 5V/cm ( 300m A)

輸出電源連接口徑mm 4

建議電源 EV261 600 Volts, 1000
mAmps, 300 Watts

300V可調式電泳供應器資料如下所示: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=118



【負責業務】許虹宜 0920-312382


【臺北公司】02-86609496  傳真02-86609342




太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

-----------Comet 彗星分析專用電泳槽--------------------









-----------Comet 彗星分析專用電泳槽--------------------

Electrophoresis System II

Catalog #:


Maintains constant buffer temperature with
cooling pack chamber and one-piece molded plastic body.

Maintains optimal buffer level for
consistent results with overlay.

Specially designed trays accommodate 2, 20
and 96 well slides and maintain correct position during electrophoresis.

Optimized for use with CometAssay Kits and
CometAssay Control Cells.

Available with area specific power supply.

Trevigen's CometAssay® ES Il enables
investigators to consistently optimize alkaline and neutral comet assays for
highly reproducible results, and to standardize electrophoresis methods
between individual users and laboratories. Comet assay results can be
variable depending on temperature, distance between electrodes, and buffer
height. Trevigen has solved these problems by developing a specialized
electrophoresis unit.


【負責業務】許虹宜 0920-312382


【臺北公司】02-86609496  傳真02-86609342




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-------Comet 彗星分析套組----------------








彗星分析方法,可直接觀察單一細胞DNA損傷的程度。是一種快速、 簡易性、及高靈敏度檢測各別細胞DNA受損的方法(Singh et al., 1988) 應用電泳設備,即可進行分析












單細胞凝膠電泳(Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay)是一種快速、 簡易性、及高靈敏度檢測各別細胞DNA受損的方法(Singh et al., 1988)結合傳統生物化學的技術,並利用細胞在膠體電泳的分析下,偵測DNA單股斷裂﹔斷裂之DNA會移出細胞外,形成拖尾的現象﹔若細胞DNA未損害則移動慢且會留在核質體內
































































































 -------Comet 彗星分析套組實驗注意事項----------------
























彗星分析法是設計用來評估單一個細胞DNA受損的情形,所以只要是細胞皆可做彗星分析試驗樣品須使用新鮮樣品,且須在4℃ 下製備,以避免細胞大量死亡每片CometSlide最佳細胞數為500~1000(75ul),是觀察彗星影像的最佳條件
























 溶於無Ca++Mg++PBS懸浮細胞: 1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBSmedium會干擾agarose的附著能力








貼附型細胞:刮取1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBS








組織細胞: 剪碎細胞取1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBS
























100 uM hydrogen
peroxide     20
/ 4℃








25 uM
/ 4℃
































(2)PBS(Ca Mg
















50ul 1x105/ml
Cells  500ul LMAgrose  è~700 Cells/75ul 5000 Cells  




























彗星分析法是設計用來評估單一個細胞DNA受損的情形,所以細胞間必須能分開,才能進行評估(傳統方法製作分離膠要平穩,以避免DNA位於不同水平面而產生模糊的彗星影響)< span>提供獨特的CometSlide可快速分析DNA受損>
































目的在去除細胞膜及核膜極大部份的蛋白質,同時將DNA雙股斷裂展開形成單股斷裂,以增加分析的敏感性(傳統方法溶解緩衝液的濃度、酸鹼值及浸泡時間等因素會影響細胞的溶解程度)< span>提供最佳化的Alkaline Lysis可提高分析靈敏度>(浸泡溶解緩衝液,可將殘留部份的鹽類中和,因為殘留在DNA的部份鹽類,會中和DNA的磷酸根,進而抑制DNA的電泳情形
























電泳DNA單股斷裂,可因為電泳槽中電極的驅使而自DNA團塊中被拖引出來,經由適當的染劑染色後,在螢光顯微鏡下可以看見很像彗星的影像提供SYBR green染色或銀染








可選擇電泳方式: 1xTBE Buffer or alkaline electrophoresis solution (二擇一) Alkaline electrophoresis : 靈敏度高且可偵測微量的DNA損傷(單股DNA斷裂、雙股DNA斷裂、AP-site缺失(gamma irradiation) 電泳設定為低安培下電泳延長為40分。












 ---------------Comet 彗星分析影像分析--------------------
































隨機選取至少75個彗星影像,於螢光顯微鏡下觀察並照相,並計算尾部長度百分比( of tail lenghth)、尾部亮度百分比 ( of tail lenghth)、尾部動量(tail moment)等參數
















尾部DNA長度 (tail lenghth, TL) = 彗星影像全長-頭部區域長度








尾部區域長度百分比( of tail lenghth, %TL)= ( 尾部DNA長度/彗星影像全長 ) x100








尾部亮度百分比 ( of tail intensity, %TI) = [(彗星影像總亮度和-頭部區域亮度)/彗星影像總亮度和]x100尾部動量 (tail moment, TM) =尾部長度百分比x 尾部亮度百分比























































































銀染染色套組Silver Staining Kit


Catalog #


Product Name










Silver (CometAssay Kit w/silver staining reagents)


50 samples








Silver Staining Kit


200 samples






































水平電泳槽設備  NT$8500 (限量買完為止)




















Mupid-2電泳槽資料如下所示: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=124




















300V可調式電泳供應器資料如下所示: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=118























































彗星分析專用電泳槽相關資料如下所示: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=1103&prev=-1&next=1100 
























Comet single cell
gel electrophoresis systems



































































【負責業務】許虹宜 0920-312382
















【臺北公司】02-86609496  傳真02-86609342






































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UVssDNA單股DNA--單株抗體 (C3B6)


is pleased to provide highly qualified enzymes, antibodies, and assay kits for
DNA damage and repair research. As always, our products are accompanied by
detailed product data sheets or instructions for use, and backed with expert
technical support.

DNA Repair
Deficient Cell Lines

DNA repair
pathways maintain the integrity of the genome reducing the onset of cancer,
disease and aging phenotypes. To further study repair pathways, Trevigen offers
panels of human cell lines each deficient in proteins associated with DNA
repair. This consists of cell lines deficient for proteins in the Base
Excision Repair Pathway
, Non
Homologous End Joining,
and Mismatch
For the availability of other DNA repair deficient
cell lines contact Trevigen.


contributes to the sequence of events that occurs during DNA base excision
repair. Trevigen offers kits that measure the in vivo and in vitro activities
of PARP and PARG.


The single
cell gel electrophoresis or CometAssay®
is a state-of-the-art technique for quantitating DNA damage and repair from in
vivo and in vitro samples of eukaryotic cells and some prokaryotic cells. In
conjunction with Trevigen’s new CometAssay® Electrophoresis System, which
eliminates known causes of assay variability, it is the only technique that
directly measures DNA damage in individual cells and as a result has rapidly
gained importance in the fields of genetic toxicology and human biomonitoring.

DNA Repair Enzymes
and Antibodies

unique FLARE™ Assays characterize DNA damage in single cells using a variety of
DNA repair enzymes that recognize oxidative and UV damage in conjunction with
Trevigen’s CometAssay® Electrophoresis System.
variety of DNA repair enzymes and antibodies are available as individual
components with optimized assay conditions and buffers for research in areas of
double-strand break repair, base excision repair, DNA methylation, oxidative
damage, UV damage, and radiation damage.


Anti-UVssDNA Monoclonal Antibody (clone










UV輻射的小牛胸腺偶聯甲基化BSA之單鏈DNA (UV輻射的dT-mBSA聚合物)


抗體subtypeIgG1/κ。抗體經由小鼠腹水免疫後,再純化。抗體力價高。抗體濃度含有1mg/mlPBS 0.01%疊氮鈉。


識別單鏈DNA4個核苷酸長度的(6-4)-dipyrimidines。能特異識別(6-4)-dithymidine,不能識別(6-4)-dicytidines or cyclo-butadipyrimidines,與寡核苷酸序列裡的(6-4)-thymine/cytidines有較低的交叉反應。

Immunological assays for DNA photoproducts provide a rapid means to quantitate photodamage in DNA. Photochemical damage is considered to be an important factor in the development of skin cancer. Sensitive immunological methods that detect individual DNA adducts facilitate the study of the biological significance of DNA lesions. Trevigen’s monoclonal UVssDNA antibody (clone C3B6) (cat# 4350-MC-100) detects (6-4)-dipyrimidine photoproducts. Specificity has been demonstrated for (6-4)-dithymidine, whereas the (6-4)-dicytidines or cyclobutadipyrimidines are not recognized. A low level of cross reactivity was observed with repeating (6-4)-thymine/cytidines within an oligonucleotide sequence. The UVssDNA clone C3B6 antibody recognizes (6-4)-dipyrimidines in single stranded DNA at least 4 nucleotides long. 








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基因合成服務OptimumGeneTM 軟體免費提供基因設計方案,Gene-On-DemandTM










ORF克隆:GenescriptORF(Open Reading Frame)克隆庫含有來自53個物種的610,283ORFORF克隆至pDream2.1,在細菌、Sf9和哺乳動物細胞中高效表達


RT-PCR即時螢光定量PCR服務包括SYBR Green螢光定量PCRTaqMan探針PCR,提供檢驗設計,標準品製備,資料分析






【台北公司】02-86609496 【台中公司】0935-229803 陳俊豪

【公司網址】 www.biopioneer.com.tw



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DNA Damage Quantification Kit

Catalog#: K253-25 | Size: 25 assays




Kit Summary:
• Detection method- Absorbance (450 and 650 nm)
• Sample type- Purified damaged DNA
• Species reactivity- Mammalian
• Applications- Kit provides all necessary reagents for convenient determination of DNA damage (abasic sites) in sample DNA

Features & Benefits:
• Kit provides all necessary reagents for 25 reactions

Kit components:
• ARP Solution
• TE Buffer
• Glycogen Solution
• 0 ARP-DNA Standard
• 40 ARP-DNA Standard
• DNA Binding Solution
• HRP-Streptavidin
• 10X Wash Buffer
• HRP Developer
• 96-well Microplate (8 x 12 strips)

Apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites are one of the major types of DNA lesions formed during the course of base excision and repair of oxidized, deaminated or alkylated bases. It has been estimated that about 2x105 base lesions are generated per cell per day. The level of AP sites in cells can be a good indicator of DNA lesion and repair against chemical damage and cell aging. The DNA Damage Quantification Kit utilizes the ARP (Aldehyde Reactive Probe) reagent that reacts specifically with an aldehyde group which is the open ring form of the AP sites. After treating DNA containing AP sites with ARP reagents, AP sites are tagged with biotin residues, which can be quantified using avidin-biotin assay followed by a colorimetric detection. The kit provides the necessary reagents for convenient determination of abasic sites in purified DNA sample in 96-well plate format.

Storage Conditions:

Shipping Conditions:
gel pack

USAGE: For Research Use Only! Not For Use in Humans.

太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

文獻來自: http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/bitstream/1822/15787/1/Manuscript.pdf


Yeast strain, culture and sample preparation



The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain BY4741 (MATa his3Δ1 leu2Δ0 met15Δ0ura3Δ0) [Brachmann et al., 1998]
was used throughout this work. This organism was
maintained on standard solid yeast extract (1% w/v),
peptone (2% w/v), dextrose (2% w/v)
and agar (2% w/v)
medium (YPD). For experiments, the yeast cells were grown in liquid YPD medium
at 30ºC using 500-mL or 50-mL Erlenmeyer flasks, with air-liquid ratio of 10:1
and agitation by a mechanical shaker at 200 revolutions per minute (rpm).
preparation of cells for the comet protocol was necessary
for obtaining reproducible results. A liquid pre-culture of 5-10 mL was
inoculated with a small amount of yeast cells and incubated overnight. Cells
were then suspended in fresh medium to a density of 1.2*10
7 cells per milliliter. The cells were harvested after two
generations by centrifugation (2 min at 4500 g , 4ºC), washed twice with the same volume of
deionized water and diluted back to the same
concentration in ice-cold S-buffer ( 1 M
sorbitol, 25 mM
2PO4, pH 6.5).


Viability assay



Yeast cells were serially diluted to 10-4 in deionized sterilized water and 100 μL were spread on
solid YPD medium. Hydrogen peroxide was immediately added to the undiluted
suspension ( 5 mM
or 10 mM final concentration) and
incubated at 30ºC, 200 rpm. The same procedure was followed at different time points
and all plates were incubated at 30ºC for 48 h. Colonies were counted and
viability was calculated as percentage of colony forming units in relation to
the untreated sample.


The yeast comet assay



Aliquots of this suspension with approximately 106 cells were harvested by
(2 min at 18000 g ,
4ºC) and mixed with 1.5% (w/v) low melting agarose (in S buffer) containing
approximately 2 mg/mL of zymolyase (20T; 20000U/g). Eighty microliters of this
mixture were spread over an agarose-coated slide (slide coated with a water

107 of 0.5% (w/v) normal melting agarose), covered with a
cover slip and incubated for 20
min at 30ºC for
cell wall enzymatic degradation, after which the cover slips were
removed. All further procedures were performed in a cold
room at 4ºC. Slides were
incubated in lysis
solution ( 30 mM NaOH, 1 M NaCl, 0.05% w/v laurylsarcosine, 50 mMEDTA,
10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 10) for 20
min in order to lyse spheroplasts. The slides were rinsed three times for 20
min each in electrophoresis buffer ( 30mM
NaOH, 10 Mm EDTA, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 10) to remove lysis
solution. Samples were then submitted to  electrophoresis in the same buffer for 10 min
at 0.7 V/cm. After electrophoresis, the slides

were incubated in neutralization buffer ( 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4) for 10 min followed
by consecutive 10 min incubation in 76 and 96% ethanol. The slides were then
air-dried and
were visualized immediately or stored at 4ºC for later observation.
For visualization in a
microscope the slides were stained with ethidium bromide (10 μg/mL) and 20
representative images of each slide were acquired at magnification of 400
using a Leica Microsystems DM fluorescence microscope.
The images were analyzed with the

help of the free edition of CometScore™ Software and the
analytic parameter Tail Length
(in μm) was chosen
as the unit of DNA damage. In each slide, at least 20 comets were analyzed and
error bars represent variability between the mean of at least three different slides
obtained from biologically independent experiments.Cell treatments for the
comet assay

If the experiment involved pre-treatment with quercetin,
acid or plant extracts prior to addition of the genotoxic agent on the slide, 50 μL of
the natural compound or extract
was placed on top
of the gel-embedded spheroplasts, covered with cover slip and
incubated at 30ºC for 20 min. The cover slip was removed
and the slides were washed in S-buffer for 5 min.

 If the experimental setup required treatment with
hydrogen peroxide, about 80 uL of a hydrogen peroxide solution were placed on
top of the gel-embedded spheroplasts after incubation for cell wall
degradation. The solution was covered by a cover slip and incubated for 20 min
at 4ºC. After this incubation the slides were washed once with S buffer for 5
min before spheroplast lysis. For the study of DNA repair temperature dependence,
the procedure was performed with 5 mM
2O2 and cells were
incubated at
0ºC, 16ºC, 30ºC or 37ºC during 0-60 min after the washing
step to allow DNA repair.Alternatively, incubations were done with cells
directly harvested from the culture (5 mL

aliquots of the cell suspension in 50 mL Erlenmeyer
flasks) for 20 min at 30ºC with different concentrations of the natural
compounds or plant extracts, washed and subsequently incubated with a hydrogen
peroxide solution for 20 min. At the end of this incubation, cells were washed,
embedded in low melting agarose containing zymolyase, spread on glass slides,
covered with cover slips and then incubated for 20 min to allow
digestion of the cell wall by zymolyase. For background
DNA damage recovery, the comet assay was applied with extended incubation of
cells embedded in low melting agarose containing zymolyase to 90 min, instead
with the usual 20 min.Chemicals

All reagents were of analytical grade. Quercetin and
ursolic acid were obtained from Sigma and were dissolved in DMSO 1% (v/v) at
the specified concentrations. Sage water extracts (
Salvia officinalis and Salvia
) were a kind
gift from Cristina Pereira-Wilson [Lima et al., 2005]



太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


專一性佳之8-oxo-dG 單株抗體 (4345-MC-50)-Trevigen

造成 DNA 損傷:最為人所熟知的DNA損傷指的是DNA的鹼基被ROS氧化, DOX會經由氧化還 原過程產生的自由基,例如 OH 會氧化DNA鹼基產生8-oxo-dG 8-oxo-dA

8 - 羥基-2'-脫氧鳥苷(8-羰基-dG)為修飾核苷酸。為最常見的研究和檢測指標; 例如, 氧化自由基造成的DNA損傷、炎症、癌變、帕金森的和阿爾茨海默氏症的相關疾病。8 - oxo-dG可以作為生理和環境中破壞DNA的一個敏感指標。Trevigen提供專一性佳之8-oxo-dG單株抗體, (4354-MC-050), 可供為ELISA, immunohistochemistry, or by immunocytochemistry之應用。

Catalog #Product NameSize
4354-MC-050Anti-8-oxo-dG Monoclonal Antibody (clone 2E2)50 µl


  • Immunocytochemistry
  • Immunohistochemistry

8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG) is a modified nucleoside, which is the most commonly studied and detected by-product of DNA damage, caused by oxidative radicals associated with inflammation, carcinogenesis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, and also aging. 8-oxo-dG can serve as a sensitive indicator of physiological and environmental damage to DNA. This mouse monoclonal antibody is provided to enable the detection of 8-oxo-dG by ELISA, immunohistochemistry, or by immunocytochemistry.






This mouse monoclonal antibody specifically binds to 8-hydroxy-2'- deoxyguanosine within DNA




This antibody is provided as purified immunoglobulin from mouse ascites in 1X PBS containing

0.01% sodium azide.


Freeze in working aliquots at -20°C in a manual defrost freezer to avoid repeated freeze-thawings.


1. Soultanakis RP, Melamede RJ, Bespalov IA, Wallace SS, Beckman KB, Ames BN, Taatjes DJ, Janssen-Heininger YMW. (2000) Flourescence detection of 8-oxoguanine in nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of cultured cells using a recombinant Fab and confocal scanning laser microscopy. Free Rad Biol Med 28:987-998.


Catalog #Product NameSize
4354-MC-050Anti-8-oxo-dG Monoclonal Antibody (clone 2E2)50 µl

Anti-8-oxo-dG Monoclonal Antibody (clone 2E2)
Catalog #: 4354-MC-050

Description: This mouse monoclonal antibody specifically binds to 8-hydroxy -2’ -deoxyguanosine within DNA in H2O2-treated cells. It can be used to detect oxidative damage by ELISA (cat# 4370-096-K) and immunocytochemistry. Sufficient antibody is provided for approximately 50 slides, when a 1:250 dilution is used.

Physical state: This antibody is provided as purified immunoglobulin from mouse ascites at 0.5 mg/ml in 1X TBS containing 0.1% sodium azide.

Ig Class: IgG 2a

Storage Conditions: This antibody can be stored at -20°C or -80°C . Avoid repeated

freeze-thawing by aliquoting into smaller portions.

Applications: Immunodetection of 8-oxo-dG by ELISA, immunocytochemistry, and immunofluorescence.

Empirical determination will be required for optimal results. For optimal

outcomes, cells should be grown on a surface that allows for fixation and direct labeling

such as sterile chamber slides and coverslips. Alternatively, paraffin-embedded samples

may be used.

Immunocytochemistry Protocol:

1. Plate cells 5x 104 cells (sub-confluent) on cover slips or chamber slides o/n

2. Aspirate medium, wash cells with 1X PBS, and treat with 300μl of 100-300μM H2O 2 in 1X PBS, on ice for 20 minutes. (Be sure to establish untreated controls.)

3. Wash 3x with 1X PBS, and fix with -20°C MeOH followed by -20°C acetone at -20°C for

15 minutes each. Alternatively, cells may be fixed with 1:1 MeOH, acetone for 20minutes at -20°C . Allow to air dry.

4. Treat fixed cells with 0.05N HCl for 5 minutes on ice.

5. Wash 3x with 1X PBS, 5 minutes each.

6. Incubate with 250μl of 100μg/ml RNAse in 150mM NaCl, 15mM sodium citrate for 1hour at 37°C .

7. Wash sequentially in 1X PBS, 35%, 50% and 75% EtOH, for 3 minutes each.

8. Denature DNA in situ with 250μl 0.15N NaOH in 70% EtOH for 4 minutes.

9. Wash briefly 2x with 1X PBS.

10. Use 0.2 μg/ml (250μl) Hoechst 33342 (Immunochemistry Technologies, LLC) in 1XPBS to stain DNA for 10 minutes.

11. Wash sequentially in 70% EtOH containing 4% v/v formaldehyde, 50% and 35% EtOH, and 1X PBS for 2 minutes each.

12. Incubate in 250μl of 5μg/ml proteinase K in 20mM Tris, 1mM EDTA, pH 7.5 (TE) for10 minutes at 37°C .

13. Wash several times with 1X PBS.

14. Block non-specific binding with 5% normal goat serum in 1X PBS, 1hour at RT.

15. Wash 3x with 1X PBS, and incubate with 250μl anti-8-hydroxyguanine antibody at a concentration of 1:250 diluted in 1X PBS containing 1% BSA, 0.01% Tween 20 at 4°C o/n in a humidified chamber.


太鼎生物科技 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity Assay Kit
Catalog#: K335-100  | Size: 100 assays

















SOD Activity Assay Kit



















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超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide Dismutase, SOD)又稱過氧化物歧化酶。SOD屬於金屬酶,按照結合金屬離子種類不同,該酶有以下三種:含銅與鋅超氧化物歧化酶(CUZNSOD)、含錳超氧化物歧化酶(MN—SOD)和含鐵超氧化物歧化酶(Fe—SOD)。SOD主要存在於胞液和線粒體基質中,是防禦生物體氧化損傷的一種十分重要的酶。它的作用底物是超氧陰離子自由基O2-·,可將其催化歧化為氧氣和過氧化氫。這種酶在保護生物細胞免受超氧自由基和由其形成的活性氧類(例如H2O2,·OH)的毒害方面起著重要作用。























Kit Summary:








• Detection method- Absorbance (450 nm)
• Sample type- Cell and Tissue lysates, culture media, urine, plasma and serum, as well as many other biological fluids
• Species reactivity- Mammalian
• Applications- Kit contains the necessary reagents for convenient measurement of activity of Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) by colorimetric method.



Features & Benefits:
• Simple one-step procedure; takes around than 30 minutes
• Fast and convenient



Kit components:
• WST Solution
• SOD Enzyme Solution
• SOD Assay Buffer
• SOD Dilution Buffer



Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of the most important antioxidative enzymes. It catalyzes the dis mutation of the superoxide anion into hydrogen peroxide and molecular oxygen. The sensitive SOD assay kit utilizes WST-1 that produces a water-soluble formazan dye upon reduction with superoxide anion. The rate of the reduction with a superoxide anion is linearly related to the xanthine oxidase (XO) activity, and is inhibited by SOD (below). Therefore, the inhibition activity of SOD can be determined by a colorimetric method.



II. Reagent Preparation and Storage Conditions:



WST Working Solution: Dilute the 1 ml of WST solution with 19 ml of Assay Buffer Solution. The diluted solution is stable for up to 2 months at 4C .



Enzyme Working Solution: Centrifuge the Enzyme Solution for 5 seconds. Mix well by pipeting (The step is necessary, as the enzyme has two layers and must be mixed well before dilution). Dilute 15 l with 2.5 ml of Dilution Buffer. The diluted enzyme solution is stable for up to 3 weeks at 4C .



III. Sample Preparation:



1. Blood samples: Collect blood using citrate or EDTA. Centrifuge at 1,000 x g for 10 min at 4C . Transfer the plasma layer to a new tube without disturbing the buffy layer and store at -80°C until ready for analysis. Remove the buffy layer from the red cell pellet. Resuspend the erythrocytes in 5x volume of ice cold distilled water and centrifuge at 10,000 x g for 10 min to pellet the erythrocyte membranes. Store the supernatant at -80C until ready for analysis. Plasma can be diluted approx. 3-10x and the red cell lysate diluted approx. 100x prior to SOD assay.



2. Tissue and cells: Tissue should be perfused with PBS or 150mM KCl to remove any red blood cells. Homogenize tissue or lyse cells in ice cold 0.1M Tris/HCl, pH 7.4 containing 0.5 % Triton X-100, 5mM β-ME, 0.1mg/ml PMSF. Centrifuge the crude tissue homogenate/cell lysate at 14000 x g for 5 minutes at 4C and discard the cell debris. The supernatant contains total SOD activity from cytosolic and mitochondria.






 Fractionation Kit. SOD activity is then measured from the Mitochondria and Cytosol fractions separately.



 SOD Assay Protocol:



*Refer to Table 1 for the amount of solution in each well. If you are using a SOD standard (not included with the kit), set up wells for it in the same manner as the sample.



1. Add 20 l of Sample Solution to each sample and blank 2 well and add 20 l H2O to each Blank 1 and Blank 3 well (See Table I).



2. Add 200 l of the WST Working Solution to each well.



3. Add 20 l of Dilution Buffer to each Blank 2 and Blank 3 well.



4. Add 20 l of Enzyme Working solution to each sample and Blank 1 well, mix thoroughly.






Note: since the superoxide will release immediately after the addition of Enzyme working Solution to each well, use a multiple channel pipette to avoid reaction time lag of each well.



5. Incubate plates at 37C for 20 minutes.



6. Read the absorbance at 450 nm using a microplate reader.



7. Calculate the SOD activity (inhibition rate%) using the following equation.









If it is desired to measure SOD activity from cytosol and mitochondria separately, cytosol and Mitochondria can be separated by using BioVision K256-100 Mitochondrial/Cytoso



Storage Conditions:
+ 4°C


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Cell Damage & Oxidative Stress

While histone acetylation provides increased accessibility of transcription factors to DNA, the deacetylation of histones is associated with transcriptional silencing. Oxidative stress is often defined as an imbalance of pro-oxidants and antioxidants. Oxidative stress and the associated damage to cellular lipids, proteins and DNA can contribute to a decline in cellular function, leading to a number of human pathologies. BioVision offers various convenient kits for analyzing transcriptional regulation, DNA damage, oxidative stress, energy transforming and redox state, and more are coming in the pipeline.


Cell Damage & Oxidative Stress Assay Kits


 Catalog # 

 Product Name+ 



 Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit II (FRASC)  

 100 assays 


 Catalase Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 DNA Damage Quantification Kit  

 25 assays 


 Glutamate Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione (GSH/GSSG/Total) Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione Peroxidase Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 GST Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 GST Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HAT Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HDAC Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HDAC Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HDAC Inhibitor Drug Screening Kit  

 100 assays 


 Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit  

 400 assays 


 LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit II  

 500 assays 


 Malate Assay Kit   

 100 assays 


 NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit  

 100 assays 


 NADP/NADPH Quantitation Kit  

 100 assays 


 Nitric Oxide Colorimetric Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 Nitric Oxide Fluorometric Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 Proteasome Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Thioredoxin Reductase Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Uric Acid Assay Kit  

 100 assays 



Glutathione & Related Products


 Catalog # 

 Product Name+ 



 Active GST Protein  

 1 mg 


 Glutathione (GSH/GSSG/Total) Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione Colorimetric Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione Fluorometric Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione Peroxidase Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione Reductase Activity Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 GST Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 GST Inhibitor-1 (Cibacron Blue 3G-A, Sodium Salt)  

  1 g  


 GST Inhibitor-2 (Ethacrynic acid))  

  1 g  


 IL-18, human recombinant  

 100 µg 


 IL-18, human recombinant  

 1 mg 


 Oxidized Glutathione (GSSG)  

  1 g  


 Reduced Glutathione (GSH)  

  1 g  


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Biochemicals (A-Z)

Activators/Inducers, Agonists, etc.


Anticancer Agents


Apoptosis Inducers

Apoptosis Inhibitors


Calcium Modulators

Detergents and Related Products

Dyes/Stains, Probes, Substrates, etc.

Enzyme Inhibitors



Molecular Biology Tools

Other Biochemicals

Protein Purification Reagents

Stem Cell Research Tools

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HT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit II


-8 - 氧代-2' -脫氧鳥苷(8 - oxo- dG),經常使用的DNA氧化損傷生物標誌物,是從 DNA鹼基切除修復途徑,並隨後運到唾液,尿液和血漿。為了測量全部的8 - oxo- dGTrevigen開發了經過驗證的競爭 ELISA試劑盒,定量的DNA,血漿,尿液和唾液中的8 - 氧代- dG的。


8-Oxo-2'-deoxyguanosine (8-oxo-dG), a frequently used biomarker of oxidative DNA damage, is removed from DNA by the base excision repair pathway, and subsequently transported into saliva, urine and plasma. In order to measure the total pool of 8-oxo-dG, Trevigen has developed a validated competitive ELISA kit that quantifies 8-oxo-dG in DNA, plasma, urine and saliva.  Trevigen’s HT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit II, employs a 96 strip wells pre coated with 8-oxo-dG, an anti-8-oxo-dG monoclonal mouse antibody, an HRP conjugated secondary antibody, and colorimetric detection substrate to construct a high throughput assay flexible for your experimental design. The 8-OHdG monoclonal antibody binds competitively to 8-oxo-dG immobilized on pre-coated wells and in solution. Antibody bound to 8-oxo-dG in the sample is washed away while antibody bound to 8-oxo-dG attached to the well is retained. Detection of the retained antibody is performed using an HRP conjugate and colorimetric substrate. Product formation is inversely proportional to the amount of 8-oxo-dG present in the sample.

Catalog #Product NameSize
4380-096-KHT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit II96 tests

HT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit II
Catalog #: 4380-096-K

Catalog #Product NameSize
4380-096-KHT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit II96 tests

HT 8-oxo-dG ELISA kit II
Catalog #: 4380-096-K


  • Colormetric, non-radioactive format
  • High throughput 96 strip wells
  • Dynamic range from 3.13 nM to 200 nM (0.89 ng/ml to 56.7 ng/ml)
  • Sensitivity at 2 nM (0.57 ng/ml) 8-OHdG


For the detection and quantitation of 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG) in DNA, plasma, urine and saliva samples.


1. Nunomura, A., Perry, G., Pappolla, M.A., Wade, R., Hirai, K., Chiba, S., and Smith, M.A. (1999) Journal of Neuroscience 19:1959-1964.
2. Sancar, A., Lindsey-Boltz, L. A., Unsal-Kacmaz, K., and Linn, S. (2004) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 73: 39-85.
3. Wood, M. L., Dizdaroglu, M., Gajewski, E. and Essigmann, J. M. (1990) Biochemistry, 29, 7024-7032.
4. Marnett, L.J. (2000) Carcinogenesis. 21 (3): 361-370.
5. Tsou, T., Chen, C., Liu, T., and Yang, J. (1996) Carcinogenesis 17, 103-108

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Comet Assay Tanks

Comet Assay Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis


The comet assay tanks are available in four slide formats to study single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE), a technique made popular by drug toxicology and carcinogenesis studies for the detection and quantitation of DNA damage in cells. Each tank’s robust construction from ebony acrylic ensures that cells remain free of exposure to background light and DNA damage during electrophoresis, while a cooled central platform provides a convenient surface for slide preparation and control of slide temperature during the assay.

  • For Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis
  • Minimise exposure to light and reduce background DNA damage
  • High efficiency cooling for enhanced resolution


 Comet Assay Tank for 10 Slides


 Comet Assay Tank for 20 Slides


 Comet Assay Tank for 40 Slides


 Comet Assay Tank for 80 Slides

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彗星分析方法,可直接觀察單一細胞DNA損傷的程度。是一種快速、 簡易性、及高靈敏度檢測各別細胞DNA受損的方法(Singh et al., 1988) 應用電泳設備,即可進行分析

彗星分析方法,可直接觀察單一細胞DNA損傷的程度。是一種快速、 簡易性、及高靈敏度檢測各別細胞DNA受損的方法(Singh et al., 1988) 應用電泳設備,即可進行分析


單細胞凝膠電泳(Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis Assay)是一種快速、 簡易性、及高靈敏度檢測各別細胞DNA受損的方法(Singh et al., 1988)結合傳統生物化學的技術,並利用細胞在膠體電泳的分析下,偵測DNA單股斷裂﹔斷裂之DNA會移出細胞外,形成拖尾的現象﹔若細胞DNA未損害則移動慢且會留在核質體內




1. 如紫外光、電離輻射、氧自由基等因素造成的DNA受損

2. 細胞凋亡

3. 抗癌藥物的藥物毒理學研究

4. 遺傳毒理學研究(取代傳統UDS分析)

5. 腫瘤治療的跟蹤監測



1. 統計分析

2. 每個檢體只要<10,000即可做分析

3. 偵測DNA受損的靈敏度高

4. 適用各種試驗的細胞



      彗星分析法是設計用來評估單一個細胞DNA受損的情形,所以只要是細胞皆可做彗星分析試驗樣品須使用新鮮樣品,且須在4℃ 下製備,以避免細胞大量死亡每片CometSlide最佳細胞數為500~1000(75ul),是觀察彗星影像的最佳條件



 溶於無Ca++Mg++PBS懸浮細胞: 1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBSmedium會干擾agarose的附著能力

貼附型細胞:刮取1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBS

組織細胞: 剪碎細胞取1 x 105 c ells/ml於預冷的1xPBS



      100 uM hydrogen peroxide     20/ 4℃

      25 uM KMnO4                 20/ 4℃




(2)PBS(Ca Mg free)先預冷至4C,以抑制細胞在準備過程中內源性酵素的損害或抑制repair反應


50ul 1x105/ml Cells  500ul LMAgrose  è~700 Cells/75ul 5000 Cells  




彗星分析法是設計用來評估單一個細胞DNA受損的情形,所以細胞間必須能分開,才能進行評估(傳統方法製作分離膠要平穩,以避免DNA位於不同水平面而產生模糊的彗星影響)< span>提供獨特的CometSlide可快速分析DNA受損>





目的在去除細胞膜及核膜極大部份的蛋白質,同時將DNA雙股斷裂展開形成單股斷裂,以增加分析的敏感性(傳統方法溶解緩衝液的濃度、酸鹼值及浸泡時間等因素會影響細胞的溶解程度)< span>提供最佳化的Alkaline Lysis可提高分析靈敏度>(浸泡溶解緩衝液,可將殘留部份的鹽類中和,因為殘留在DNA的部份鹽類,會中和DNA的磷酸根,進而抑制DNA的電泳情形


< span>提供SYBR green染色或銀染 將彗星影像最佳化呈現>

可選擇電泳方式: 1xTBE Buffer or alkaline electrophoresis solution (二擇一) Alkaline electrophoresis : 靈敏度高且可偵測微量的DNA損傷(單股DNA斷裂、雙股DNA斷裂、AP-site缺失(gamma irradiation) 電泳設定為低安培下電泳延長為40




隨機選取至少75個彗星影像,於螢光顯微鏡下觀察並照相,並計算尾部長度百分比( of tail lenghth)、尾部亮度百分比 ( of tail lenghth)、尾部動量

 (tail moment)等參數


尾部DNA長度 (tail lenghth, TL) = 彗星影像全長-頭部區域長度

尾部區域長度百分比( of tail lenghth, %TL)= ( 尾部DNA長度/彗星影像全長 ) x100

尾部亮度百分比 ( of tail intensity, %TI) = [(彗星影像總亮度和-頭部區域亮度)/彗星影像總亮度和]x100尾部動量 (tail moment, TM) =尾部長度百分比x 尾部亮度百分比



原廠連結: http://www.trevigen.com/





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The single cell gel electrophoresis or CometAssay® is a state-of-the-art technique for quantitating DNA damage and repair from in vivo and in vitro samples of eukaryotic cells and some prokaryotic cells. In conjunction with Trevigen's new CometAssay® Electrophoresis System, which eliminates known causes of assay variability, it is the only technique that directly measures DNA damage in individual cells and as a result has rapidly gained importance in the fields of genetic toxicology and human biomonitoring.



  1.  Cells mixed with low melting agarose at 37oC (LM Agarose)

  2.  Immobilize cells on CometSlide™

  3.  Treat cells with Lysis Solution (removes membranes and histones from the DNA)

  4.  Samples treated with alkali (unwinds and denatures DNA)

  5.  Samples stained with intercalating dye and visualized by epifluorescence microscopy following alkaline electrophoresis, which reveals DNA breaks.

CometAssay® Reagents

Catalog #Product NameSize
4250-050-01CometAssay® Lysis Solution2 x 500 ml
4250-050-02CometAssay® LM Agarose15 ml
4250-050-05SYBR Green5 μl

CometAssay® Reagent Starter Kits

Catalog #Product NameSize
4250-050-KCometAssay® Kit 50 Samples ( 25X2 well slides)50 samples
4252-040-KCometAssay® Kit, 40 Samples (2X20 well slides)40 samples
4253-096-KCometAssay® Kit 96 Samples (1X96)96 samples

Silver Staining Kit

Catalog #Product NameSize
4251-050-KCometAssay® Silver (CommetAssay Kit w/silver staining reagents)50 samples
4254-200-KCometAssay® Silver Staining Kit200 samples

CometAssay® Electrophoresis Systems

Catalog #Product NameSize
4250-050-ESCometAssay® Electrophoresis System1 system
4250-050-ESKCometAssay® 2 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit1 system, 1 starter kit
4252-040-ESKCometAssay® 20 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit1 system,1 starter kit
4252-040-ESK-PS1CometAssay® 20 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit plus Power Supply for North America1 system, 1 starter kit, 1 power supply
4253-096-ESKCometAssay® 96 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit1 system, 1 stater kit
4253-096-ESK-PS1CometAssay® 96 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit plus Power Supply for North America1 system, 1 starter kit, 1 power supply
4250-050-ESK-PS1CometAssay® 2 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit and Power Supply1 system, 1 starter kit, 1 power supply

CometAsssay®Control Cells

Catalog #Product NameSize
4256-010-CCCometAssay® Alkaline Control Cells10 assays
4257-010-NCCometAssay® Neutral Control Cells10 assays

Slides and Rack System

Catalog #Product NameSize
3950-075-02FLARE™ Slides (3 Well, 25 Slides)25 slides
3950-300-02FLARE™ Slides (3 Well, 100 Slides)100 slides
4250-004-03CometSlide™ (2 Well, 2 Slides)2 slides
4250-050-03CometSlides™ (2 Well, 25, Slides)25 each
4250-200-03CometSlides™ (2 Well, 100 Slides)100 slides
4252-02K-01CometAssay® HT Slides (20 Well, 100 Slides)100 slides
4252-040-01CometAssay® HT Slides (20 Well, 2 Slides)2 slides
4252-040-02CometSlide™ Rack Systemeach
4252-200-01CometAssay® HT (20 Well, 10 Slides)10 slides
4252-500-01CometAssay® HT (20 Well, 25 Slides)25 slides
4253-096-03CometSlide™ (96 Well)1 slide

FLARE™ Assay Kits and Modules

Catalog #Product NameSize
3950-075-SPFLARE™ Sample Prep75 tests
4040-100-FKFpg FLARE™ Assay Kit75 samples
4040-100-FMFpg FLARE™ Module>100 samples
4045-01K-FKE. coli Endonuclease III FLARE™ Kit>75 samples
4045-01K-FME. coli Endonuclease III FLARE™ Module>100 samples
4055-100-FKT4-PDG FLARE™ Assay Kit75 samples
4055-100-FMT4-PDG FLARE™ Module>100 samples
4065-100-FKcv-PDG FLARE™ Assay Kit75 samples
4065-100-FMcv-PDG FLARE™ Module>100 samples
4100-100-FKUVDE FLARE™ Assay Kit75 samples
4100-100-FMUVDE FLARE™ Module>100 samples
4130-100-FKhOGG1 FLARE™ Assay Kit75 samples
4130-100-FMhOGG1 FLARE™ Module100 samples

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Trevigen is pleased to provide highly qualified enzymes, antibodies, and assay kits for DNA damage and repair research.  As always, our products are accompanied by detailed product data sheets or instructions for use, and backed with expert technical support.

DNA Repair Deficient Cell Lines

DNA repair pathways maintain the integrity of the genome reducing the onset of cancer, disease and aging phenotypes.  To further study repair pathways, Trevigen offers panels of human cell lines each deficient in proteins associated with DNA repair. The first panel consists of cell lines deficient for proteins in the Base Excision Repair Pathway. For the availability of other DNA repair deficient cell lines contact Trevigen.

Catalog #Product Name# of Cells Per VialSize%KD by RT-PCR
5500-001-01PARP1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial72%
5501-001-01PARG Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial84%
5502-001-01BRCA1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial83%
5503-001-01Knock Down Control Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vialN/A
5504-001-01OGG1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial63%
5505-001-01NTHL1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial91%
5507-001-01NEIL2 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial86%
5508-001-01NEIL3 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial95%
5509-001-01UNG Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial87%
5510-001-01SMUG1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial63%
5511-001-01MPG Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial98%
5512-001-01MultYH Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial87%
5513-001-01Neil1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial92%
5514-001-01PARP2 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial83%
5515-001-01PARP3 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial70%
5516-001-01XRCC1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial81%
5517-001-01APE1 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial90%
5518-001-01APE2 Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial80%
5519-001-01TDG Knock Down Cell Line (MTA Required prior to shipment)1x1061 vial74%


PARP-1 contributes to the sequence of events that occurs during DNA base excision repair.  Trevigen offers kits that measure the in vivo and in vitro activities of PARP and PARG. 


The single cell gel electrophoresis or CometAssay® is a state-of-the-art technique for quantitating DNA damage and repair from in vivo and in vitro samples of eukaryotic cells and some prokaryotic cells. In conjunction with Trevigen’s new CometAssay® Electrophoresis System, which eliminates known causes of assay variability, it is the only technique that directly measures DNA damage in individual cells and as a result has rapidly gained importance in the fields of genetic toxicology and human biomonitoring. 

DNA Repair Enzymes and Antibodies

Trevigen’s unique FLARE™ Assays characterize DNA damage in single cells using a variety of DNA repair enzymes that recognize oxidative and UV damage in conjunction with Trevigen’s CometAssay® Electrophoresis System. A variety of DNA repair enzymes and antibodies are available as individual components with optimized assay conditions and buffers for research in areas of double-strand break repair, base excision repair, DNA methylation, oxidative damage, UV damage, and radiation damage.

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抗氧化分析試劑套組, 種類多, 品質優


 Catalog # 

 Product Name+ 



 Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit II (FRASC)  

 100 assays 


 Catalase Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 DNA Damage Quantification Kit  

 25 assays 


 Glutamate Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione (GSH/GSSG/Total) Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Glutathione Peroxidase Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 GST Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 GST Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HAT Activity Colorimetric Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HDAC Colorimetric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HDAC Fluorometric Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 HDAC Inhibitor Drug Screening Kit  

 100 assays 


 Hydrogen Peroxide Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit  

 400 assays 


 LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit II  

 500 assays 


 Malate Assay Kit   

 100 assays 


 NAD/NADH Quantitation Kit  

 100 assays 


 NADP/NADPH Quantitation Kit  

 100 assays 


 Nitric Oxide Colorimetric Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 Nitric Oxide Fluorometric Assay Kit  

 200 assays 


 Proteasome Activity Assay Kit    

 100 assays 


 Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Activity Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Thioredoxin Reductase Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) Assay Kit  

 100 assays 


 Uric Acid Assay Kit  

 100 assays 

太鼎生物科技公司0920312382 負責業務許虹宜




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Comet Assay 中文操作手冊 【太鼎生物科技有限公司】

業務專員 許 虹宜 0920312382

 § 請先將95℃ 、37℃ 水浴 (乾浴) 打開並達到設定溫度 § 

1.   收細胞,用PBS使其懸浮,配成 1×105 cells/mL

2.   Lysis solution 置於4℃ 或冰上至少20分鐘

3.   LMAgarose置於沸水5分鐘 (記得將瓶蓋旋鬆),後移至37℃ 水浴   20分鐘以上以確保其溫度降為37

4.  將細胞與LMAgarose1:10 的比例混合,立刻將75ml的混合液以tip均勻塗抹於CometSlide

5.  將玻片置於4 (避光) 10分鐘,直到LMAgarose邊緣出現 0.5m m的透明環 (可將時間延長至30分鐘,以促進樣品的黏付)

6.  將玻片浸入Lysis solution,置於4℃ 或冰上30-60分鐘

7.  輕輕敲去多餘buffer,並浸入新鮮配置Alkaline solution (pH>13),置於室溫 (避光) 20-60分鐘

8. 輕輕敲去多餘buffer,並浸入1xTBE 5分鐘,共兩次

9.    將玻片移入水平電泳槽,電泳10分鐘,使用電壓: (兩電極間距cm/V=1)

10. 輕輕敲去TBE,將玻片浸入70%乙醇5分鐘

11. 室溫乾燥sample

12.  50m l SYBR Green Solution染色,置於冰箱5分鐘,輕敲去多餘染劑並使玻片乾燥完全

13. 以螢光顯微鏡透過 FITC 濾片觀察


CometAssay® Reagents

Catalog #Product NameSize
4250-050-01CometAssay® Lysis Solution2 x 500 ml
4250-050-02CometAssay® LM Agarose15 ml
4250-050-05SYBR Green

5 μl


CometAssay® Reagent Starter Kits

Catalog #Product NameSize
4250-050-KCometAssay® Kit 50 Samples ( 25X2 well slides)50 samples
4252-040-KCometAssay® Kit, 40 Samples (2X20 well slides)40 samples
4253-096-KCometAssay® Kit 96 Samples (1X96)96 samples


Silver Staining Kit

Catalog #Product NameSize
4251-050-KCometAssay® Silver (CommetAssay Kit w/silver staining reagents)50 samples
4254-200-KCometAssay® Silver Staining Kit200 samples

CometAssay® Electrophoresis Systems

Catalog #Product NameSize
4250-050-ESCometAssay® Electrophoresis System1 system
4250-050-ESKCometAssay® 2 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit1 system, 1 starter kit
4252-040-ESKCometAssay® 20 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit1 system,1 starter kit
4252-040-ESK-PS1CometAssay® 20 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit plus Power Supply for North America1 system, 1 starter kit, 1 power supply
4253-096-ESKCometAssay® 96 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit1 system, 1 stater kit
4253-096-ESK-PS1CometAssay® 96 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit plus Power Supply for North America1 system, 1 starter kit, 1 power supply
4250-050-ESK-PS1CometAssay® 2 Well ES Unit w/ Starter Kit and Power Supply1 system, 1 starter kit, 1 power supply

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業務專員 許 虹宜 0920312382



1.      將影像儲存為 8-bit BMP圖檔。

2.      開啟彗星試驗分析軟體                         

3.      開啟新檔案 File | Open  選取欲分析的圖檔。

4.      調整右邊工具列Cut off值,避免過飽和。

5.      選定欲分析之細胞,按住滑鼠左鍵,拉出一個長方形框,將分隔線對準細胞核的中心。

6.      出現儲存檔案的視窗,將檔案命名後(*. txt)儲存。

7.      再隨機選取75~100個細胞進行框選分析。

8.      可以將框選結果另存新檔 File | Export BMP,將檔案命名後儲存(*. BMP)

9.      結果顯示:打開儲存的txt檔案,選擇另存新檔,將檔名命名為*.xls

10. 結果分析:可以選擇Tail Moment作為計算指標。


太鼎生物科技有限公司  02-86609496 


選取Setting | calibration ,按+或減,長度會改變,若長度為五個刻度,請按右鍵在數值處輸入5即完成校正工作















使用TriTek CometScore™ 免費軟體分析彗星試驗結果之參考文獻

1.      M. Aghi, S. Rabkin, and R.L. Martuza. 2006. Effect of Chemotherapy-Induced DNA Repair on Oncolytic Herpes Simplex Viral Replication. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 98, No. 1, 38-50

2.      E. Gallmeier, J.M. Winter, S.C. Cunningham, S.R.Kahn and S.E. Kern. 2005. Novel genotoxicity assays identify norethindrone to activate p53 and phosphorylate H2AX Carcinogenesis vol.26 no.10 pp.1811–1820

3.      R.V. Pusapati, R.J. Rounbehler, S. Hong, J.T. Powers, M. Yan, K. Kiguchi, M.J. McArthur, P.K. Wong, and D.G. Johnson. 2006. ATM promotes apoptosis and suppresses tumorigenesis in response to Myc. PNAS 103;1446-1451

4.      J. R. Alt, A. Bouska, M.R. Fernandez, R.L. Cerny, H. Xiao, and C.M. Eischen. 2006. Mdm2 Binds to Nbs1 at Sites of DNA Damage and Regulates Double Strand Break Repair.Joural of Biological Chemistry Vol. 280, No.19, pp.18771–18781


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TdTBrdu方法,專業品質值得信賴­—Tunel assays

業務專員 許 虹宜 0920312382

TACS•XL® In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kits

      TACS•XL®原位凋亡檢測試劑盒,使用bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU),經TdT作用加入凋亡細胞DNA碎片的3’ 端。這與使用生物素或地高辛標記核苷酸的Tunel方法相比,效率更高。通過使用biotin conjugated anti-BrdU antibodystreptavidin-HRP,提高了細胞內染色的信噪比。試劑盒分為:TACS•XL® DABTACS•XL® Blue LabelTACS•XL® Basic三種規格。







• DAB TACS Blue Label™ 可供選擇


• TACS-Nuclease™試劑,供陽性對照片製作





儲存: 不同組分-20°C4°C 分別儲存


1. Murray, N., L.A. Davidson, R.S. Chapkin, W.C. Gustafson, D.G. Schattenberg, and A.P. Fields. 1999. Overexpression of protein kinase C II induces colonic hyperproliferation and increased sensitivity to colon carcinogenesis. J. Cell. Biol. 45:699-711.

2. Bank, N., M. Kiroycheva, P.C. Singhal, G.M. Anthony, G.J. Southan, and C. Szabo. 2000. Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase ameliorates cellular injury in sickle cell mouse kidneys. Kidney Int. 58(1):82-89.

3. Li, X. and Z. Darzynkiewicz. 1995. Labelling DNA strand breaks with BrdUTP. Detection of apoptosis and cell proliferation. Cell Prolif. 28:571-579.

4. Gavrieli. Y., Y. Sherman, and S.A. Ben-Sasson. 1992. Identification of programmed cell death in situ via specific labeling of nuclear DNA fragmentation. J. Cell. Biol. 119:493-501.








 30 Samples


 TACS.XL Blue Labeling Kit

 30 Samples



 30 Samples


 TACS.XL Replenisher Kit

 30 Samples


 TACS.XL Antibody Module

 30 Samples


 TACS Blue Label Detection Module

 30 Samples


 TACS.XL DAB Detection Module

 30 Samples


 TACS.XL Nuclease Module

 15 Samples



 30 µl 


 anti-BrdU antibody

 30 µl



 7.5 ml 


 Methyl Green

 50 ml




獨有的陽離子優化系統、Cytonin™透化技術—Tunel assays更清晰


TACS™ 2 TdT In Situ Apoptosis Detection Kits

       The TACS™ 2 TdT Kits採用Trevigen所獨有的陽離子優化系統增強了對特殊組織的標記能力。選用高度純化的TdT enzyme,配以生物素化核苷酸,可供DAB TACS Blue Label™顯色或熒光檢測。






• TdT酶原位標記


• DABTACS Blue Label™或熒光檢測可供選擇


• TACS-Nuclease™試劑,供陽性對照片製作








儲存: 不同組分-20°C4°C 、室溫分別儲存



1. Cooper, L.F., J.C. Tiffee, J.P. Griffin, H. Hamano, and Z. Guo. 2000. Estrogen-induced resistance to osteoblast apoptosis is associated with increased hsp27 expression. J. Cell Physiology 185:401-407.

2. Kasahara, Y., R. Tuder, L. Taraseviciene-Stewart, T. LeCras, S. Abman, P. Hirth, J. Waltenberger, and N. Voelkel. 2000. Inhibition of VEGF receptors causes lung cell apoptosis and emphysema. J. Clin. Inves. 106:1311-1319.

3. Gavrieli, Y., Y. Sherman, and S.A. Ben-Sasson. 1992. Identification of programmed cell death in situ via specific labeling of nuclear DNA fragmentation. J. Cell. Biol. 119:493-501.

4. Lovelace, C.I.P., J. Zhang, P.G. Vanek, and G.B. Collier. 1996. Detecting apoptotic cells in situ. Biomedical Products 21:76-77.







 Cations (1 of each)

 30 µl each 


 TACS 2 TdT-Core Kit

 30 Samples



 30 Samples


 TdT 2 Replenisher Kit

 30 Samples


 TACS 2 TdT-Blue Label Kit

 30 Samples


 TACS 2 TdT-Fluorescein Kit

 30 Samples


 TACS 2 TdT Labeling Buffer

 100 ml


 TACS 2 TdT Stop Buffer

 100 ml



 30 µl


 TdT Enzyme

 30 µl


 Colbalt Cation (Sold as 4810-90-09)

 30 µl


 Magnesium Cation

 30 µl


 Manganese Cation (Sold as 4810-90-14)

 30 µl


 Cobalt Cation

 3 x  30 µl


 Magnesium Cation

 3 x  30 µl


 Manganese Cation

 3 x  30 µl



 5 ml

< body>

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