ARCA Cy5 EGFP mRNA (5-moUTP) APExBIO  貨號R1009

5-moUTP-modified mRNA with better performance, Cy5 tag, direct-detection reporter mRNA that suppresses RNA-mediated innate immune activation, used as control and tool for determining mRNA delivery and localization.



5-moUTP 修飾的 mRNA,具有更好的性能,Cy5 標籤,直接檢測報告 mRNA,抑制 RNA 介導的先天免疫激活,用作確定 mRNA 遞送和定位的對照和工具。ARCA Cy5 EGFP mRNA (5-moUTP) 可用於分析 mRNA 傳遞(mRNA delivery)和翻譯效率(translation efficiency)。 EGFP mRNA 將表達增強版的綠色螢光蛋白(green fluorescent protein),該蛋白最初是從水母維多利亞水母(jellyfish)中分離出來的。 EGFP 是一種直接檢測報告基因(reporter gene),常用於哺乳動物細胞培養,可產生亮綠色螢光,發射峰位於 509 nm。可以直接看到用花青 5 標記的 EGFP mRNA。 ARCA Cy5 EGFP mRNA (5-moUTP) 是用於確定 mRNA 遞送和定位的理想分子,並且獨立於轉譯作用(independent of translation) 。Cyanine 5 是一種合成螢光染料,最大激發(excitation)和發射波長(emission)分別為 650 nm 和 670 nm。 APExBIO ARCA Cy5 EGFP mRNA (5-moUTP) 以 1:3 的比例與花青 5-UTP(Cyanine 5-UTP):5-甲氧基-UTP(5-methoxy-UTP) 轉錄。以這個比例替代會導致 mRNA 易於可視化,並且仍然可以在細胞培養中進行翻譯。翻譯效率與花青 5-UTP replacemen相反。ARCA Cy5 EGFP mRNA (5-moUTP) 使用 APExBIO 專有的共轉錄加帽方法(co-transcriptional capping method)進行限制,以產生具有高封端效率的天然存在的 Cap 0 結構。它是聚腺苷酸化(polyadenylation),用 5-甲氧基尿苷(5-methoxyuridine)修飾,並針對哺乳動物系統進行了優化。它模仿完全加工的成熟 mRNA(mature mRNA)。




  1. Yan Cao, Zongxing He, et al. "Helper-Polymer Based Five-Element Nanoparticles (FNPs) for Lung-Specific mRNA Delivery with Long-Term Stability after Lyophilization." Nano Lett. 2022 Aug 24;22(16):6580-6589.PMID:35969167
  2. Chen Q, Gao M, et al. "Biodegradable nanoparticles decorated with different carbohydrates for efficient macrophage-targeted gene therapy." J Control Release. 2020 Apr 22;323:179-190.PMID:32334322
mRNA Length 996 nucleotides
Concentration 1.0 mg/mL
Buffer 1 mM Sodium Citrate, pH 6.4 Storage -40°C or below
General tips Dissolve it on ice and take care to prevent RNase contamination degradation. Avoid repeated freezing and thawing as much as possible. Do not vortex. For the first time, it is gently centrifuged and divided into several parts for stand-alone use. Use RNase-free reagents and consumables, using appropriate RNase-free technology. It can not be added to the serum-containing medium until it is mixed with the transfection reagent.
Shipping Condition Trial Pack: Dry Ice Transport.



APExBIO提供優質的勝肽和生物分析試劑,廣泛產品線如Protease、Chromatin/Epigenetics表觀遺傳學、MAPK Signal、DNA Damege/DNA repair、細胞凋亡、腫瘤生物學、Stem cell等研究領域, 還提供定制的服務,包括多肽合成,抗體的生產和檢測的發展。產品線DNA/RNA prep kit、Drug Screening panel、Bioactive peptides、Growth factors、Biotinylation Reagents、tag peptides、amino Acids、Growth factors等。APExBIO產品質量都伴隨著證書的分析,高效液相色譜,質譜,和HMNR數據。


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