蛋白凝膠銀染試劑盒 | Protein Silver Stain Kit Servicebio貨號G2080-25T


銀染(Silver staining)是一種高靈敏度的染色方法,其基本原理是通過還原陰離子(reduced anion)在蛋白質上形成黑色沉澱(black precipitate),從而顯示蛋白質條帶。銀染(silver stain)比傳統的考馬斯亮藍染色靈敏 100 倍,可檢測小於 0.5 ng 的蛋白質。由於其高靈敏度,銀染(silver stain)被廣泛用於 2D 凝膠分析(2D gel analysis)和垂直 PAGE 凝膠(vertical PAGE gel)中,用於極低蛋白質含量的測定。它是檢測凝膠中low abundance proteins的常用方法。本產品可用於SDS-PAGE或PAGE聚丙烯酰胺凝膠中的蛋白質檢測,靈敏度高,操作方便,背景幾乎無色,一塊凝膠的銀染可在90分鐘內完成。本試劑盒可對25塊相同規格的凝膠進行染色。

試劑繪圖 (全集) 化學染劑 siver stain_工作區域 1.jpg

Component Number Component G2058-25 T Storage Conditions
G2080-1 Silver Stain Enhancer 2 mL Room temperature (dark)
G2080-2 10×Silver Stain Sensitizer 50 mL 4℃
G2080-3 10×Silver Stain 50 mL 4℃ (dark)
G2080-4 4×Silver Stain Developer 125 mL 4℃
Product Manual

Assay Protocol

1、固定(Fixation):配製固定液(如下表)。將凝膠置於乾淨的染缸中,用超純水(ultra-pure water)清洗3次,加入20 mL固定液(fixing solution)覆蓋凝膠,用水平搖床(horizontal shaker)(60-70 rpm)緩慢搖動,孵育30分鐘。為防止醋酸(acetic acid)和乙醇(ethanol)揮發,請用保鮮膜密封染缸。延長固定時間可以進一步降低背景。

Fixing Liquid Preparation
Component Volume20 mL
Ultrapure Water 10 mL
Absolute Alcohol 8 mL
Glacial Acetic Acid 2 mL
Silver Stain Enhancer 40 μL

2、洗滌(Washing):倒出固定液(fixing solution),更換超純水(ultra-pure water)覆蓋膠,水平搖床搖晃3次,每次10 min。

3、敏化(Sensitization):按下表配製敏化工作液。加入敏化液(sensitization solution)覆蓋凝膠,凝膠在水平搖床上緩慢搖動孵育1分鐘。

Sensitizer Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 18 mL
10×Silver Stain Sensitizer 2 mL

4、洗滌(Washing):倒出敏化工作液(sensitization working solution),換上超純水,搖動搖床3次,每次20 s。

5、染銀(Silver dyeing):配製染銀液(如下表)。加入銀染液(Silver staining solution覆蓋凝膠,凝膠緩慢震盪孵育20分鐘。銀染液(Silver dyeing solution)應即配即用,盡量在2小時內用完。

Stainer Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 18 mL
10×Silver Stain 2 mL
Silver Stain Enhancer 16 μL

6、水洗(Wash with water):棄去染液(dye solution),換上超純水,搖動搖床3次,每次20 s。

7、顯色(Color development):按下表配製顯色液(developing solution)。加入顯影液(developing solution) 覆蓋凝膠,將凝膠震盪孵育1-5分鐘,直至出現理想的目的蛋白條帶。

Developer Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 15 mL
4×Silver Stain Developer 5 mL
Silver Stain Enhancer 10 μL

9、終止(Termination):準備開發termination solution (如下表) 。加入顯影終止液(development stop solution)覆蓋凝膠,用搖床孵育凝膠2分鐘。過程中產生氣體屬於正常現象,產生的氣體為CO2。然後棄去終止液,用超純水洗滌凝膠2-5分鐘。

Stopper Preparation
Component Volume
Ultrapure Water 19 mL
Glacial Acetic Acid 1 mL



  1. To prevent interference from impurities, use high purity water (resistance > 16 MΩ/cm) and clean glassware or plastic containers. Do not use metal containers.
  2. Please take protective measures during the whole experiment. Ultrapure water, absolute ethanol and glacial acetic acid should be prepared by yourself.
  3. Do not directly touch or press the colloid during the operation, and the dye VAT used for dyeing cannot use metal products, glass or plastic containers are the best.
  4. Keep the sensitizer at room temperature away from light. Do not store it at 4℃, otherwise it will fail.
  5. All working fluids shall be prepared and used at present. After opening and using the reagent, it is necessary to tighten the cap of the bottle to prevent the volatilization of the solution and chemical reaction with substances in the air, which will affect the dyeing effect.
  6. The developing solution is stored at 4℃for a long time with crystal precipitation (normal phenomenon), and can be incubated at 37℃ until completely dissolved before use.
  7. When the gel is thick or the operating temperature is low, the color development time can be extended appropriately.
  8. The dyeing time, washing time, color development and termination time of each step should be well controlled, otherwise the glue background will become dark and it is not easy to observe the target band.

Servicebio台灣品牌介紹-BRAND/AGENCY/品牌介紹- Servicebio


貨號 Cat No. 名稱 Name
G1105-500ML EDTA脫鈣液(慢脫) EDTA decalcification solution (Slow decalcification)
G1107-500ML 新型脫鈣液(快脫) decalcification solution (Fast decalcification)
G1115-500ML 植物組織軟化液 Plant tissue malasia solution
G1101-500ML 通用型組織固定液 Tissue Fixative Solution
G1101-3ML 通用型組織固定液(中性) Tissue Fixative Solution(Neutral)
G1109-100ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1109-50ML FAS眼球固定液 FAS Eyeball Fixative Solution
G1120-500ML 卡諾氏固定液(用於固定腸道粘液) Carnoys Fixative Solution(Used to Fix Intestinal Mucus)
G1121-500ML 動物睾丸組織固定液 Animal Testicular Tissue Fixative Solution
G1123-100ML 緻密組織專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Dense Tissue
G1102-100ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1102-10ML 電鏡固定液 Electron Microscope Fixative
G1124-100ML 免疫電鏡專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for IEM
G1110-500ML 原位雜交固定液(植物) In situ Hybridization Fixation Solution (Plant)
G1112-500ML 原位雜交固定液(較嫩植物) ISH Fixative Solution(Tender Plant)
G1113-500ML 原位雜交固定液(動物) ISH Fixative Solution(animal)
G1103-500ML FAA固定液(70%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (70% Ethanol)
G1108-500ML FAA固定液(50%乙醇) FAA Fixative Solution (50% Ethanol)
G1111-100ML 環保型GD固定液 Environment Friendly GD Fixation Solution
G1119-100ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(100mL)
G1119-250ML 脂肪專用固定液 Special Fixative Solution for Fat(250mL)
G6059-110ML OCT包埋劑 OCT Embedding medium
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
G6012-1 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (White paint)
G6012-2 粘附載玻片(冰凍切片)(白漆色帶) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (White paint)
G6017-20 粘附載玻片(石蠟切片)(特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Paraffin section) (Extra large slide)
G6058-20 粘附載玻片(冰切切片、特規大玻片) Adhesion Microscope Slide (Frozen section) (Extra large slide)
WG6012 載玻片(白漆,不防脫)  
WG6004 載玻片(磨砂,不防脫) Microscope Slide (frosted,non adhesion)
G1128-1L 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
G1128-500ML 環保型脫蠟透明液 Environmental Friendly Dewaxing Transparent Liquid
WG654 13mm圓蓋片 13mm Round cover
WG655 18mm圓蓋片 18mm Round cover
WG656 20mm圓蓋片 20mm Round cover
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WGA0019 包埋模具 Embedded mold
WGK0707 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2424 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2430 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGK2437 包埋成形框(不銹鋼) Embedded frame (stainless steel)
WGXFHA0008 抗原修復盒 Antigen repair kit
G6100 免疫組化筆(Liquid Blocker PAP Pen) Liquid Blocker PAP Pen
WG524 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG525 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(避光) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (light-proof)
WG526 免疫組化/免疫螢光濕盒(透明) Immunohistochemistry / immunofluorescence wet box (transparent)
G6008-40ML 標本瓶 Reagent
WG493-24 染色架(塑膠) Dyeing rack(Plastic)
WGRSJ0001-B26 染色架(不銹鋼) Dyeing rack (stainless steel)
WGSPB0002 曬片板(加厚耐酸) Drying plate (thickened acid resistant)
G1001-100ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1001-500ML 伊紅染液(醇溶)  Eosin Y (Alcohol)
G1002-100ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1002-500ML 伊紅染液(水溶)  Eosin Y (Aqueous)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1005-100ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1005-500ML HE染液 Haematoxylin Eosin (HE) Staining Kit
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1006-100ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1006-20ML Masson三色染色液 Masson Tricolor Staining Kit
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue Stain
G1049-100ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1049-20ML AB-PAS染液 AB-PAS Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1030-100ML 髓鞘染液 Luxol Fast Blue (Myelin Sheath) Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1036-100ML 尼氏染液 Nissl Staining Solution
G1052-500T 甘氨酸銀染色試劑盒 glycine silver impregnation kit
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1027-100ML 阿利新藍染液 Alcian Blue
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue
G1050-50T TRAP染色試劑盒 TRAP staining kit
G1053-100ML 骨組織番紅固綠染液 Bone tissue SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1064-20ML Goldner三色法染色液 Goldner trichome Stain
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa Stain
G1008-100ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1008-20ML PAS染液 PAS Staining Solution
G1047-100ML 抗酸染色液 Acid- fast stain
G1065-20ML 革蘭氏染色液 Gram Staining
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1022-100ML 植物過氧化氫染色液(DAB法) Plant Hydrogen peroxide Stain(DAB)
G1023-100ML 植物超氧陰離子染色液(NBT法) Plant superoxide anion Stain(NBT)
G1031-100ML 植物番紅固綠染液 Plant SafraninO-Fast Green Stain
G1032-100ML 甲苯胺藍染液 Toluidine blue stain
G1068-100ML PAS+奈酚黃S染色液 PAS+naphthol yellow Stain
G1070-50ML 碘-碘化鉀染液 Iodine-Potassium Iodide Dye Solution
G1071-100ML 苯胺藍染液(10%) Aniline blue (10%)
G1074-100ML TTC染液(0.1%,種子) TTC Stain(0.1%,Seed)
G1017-100ML TTC染液 TTC Stian
G1007-20ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1007-250ML 瑞氏姬姆薩染液 Wright - Giemsa stain mixture
G1019-10ML 台盼藍染色液 Trypan Blue Stain
G1073-100T 衰老細胞β-半乳糖苷酶染色試劑盒 Senile cell beta-galactosidase stain kit
G1038-100ML 茜素紅S染液 Alizarin Red Stain
G1043-20ML Von Kossa染液 Von Kossa stain
G1056-250ML 剛果紅染液 Congo red stain
G1014-50ML 結晶紫染色液 Crystal violet stain
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G1048-50ML 富爾根染液 Feulgen stain
G1015-100ML 飽和油紅O染液 Oil Red O Stain
G1029-100ML 普魯士藍染液 Prussian blue Stain
G1028-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(綠光) Phalloidine (Green)
G1041-50UL 鬼筆環肽染色試劑(紅光) Phalloidine (Red)
G1061-250ML 品紅(標記用) 品紅(標記用)
G1402-30ML 甘油明膠封片劑 甘油明膠封片劑
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 超淨快幹封片膠
G1405-100ML 環保封片膠 環保封片膠
G1406-100ML 環保封片膠(黃色) 環保封片膠(黃色)
GC305016-100g 明膠 Gelatin
WG10004160 中性樹膠 Neutral balsam
G1221-5ML 組織自發螢光淬滅劑 Tissue Autofluorescence Quencher
G1401-25ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1401-5ML 抗螢光淬滅封片劑 Anti fluorescence Quenching Sealing Agent
G1404-100ML 超淨快幹封片膠 Fast drying Sealer Agent
G0142-100ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G0142-500ML 胃蛋白酶抗原修復液 Gastric protease antigen repair buffer
G1201-1L 檸檬酸(枸櫞酸)修復緩衝液(乾粉) Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Buffer (Dry Powder)
G1202-250ML 20×檸檬酸抗原修復液(pH 6.0) 20x Citric Acid Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 6.0)
G1203-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 9.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 9.0)
G1206-250ML 20×Tris-EDTA抗原修復液(pH 8.0) 20x Tris-EDTA Antigen-Retrieval Solution(PH 8.0)
GC202002 EDTA -Na2 乙二胺四乙酸二鈉 EDTA -Na2
GC202001 EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸 EDTA
G2010-100ML 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用) 封閉液(山羊來源抗體專用)
G1004-100ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1004-500ML 蘇木素染液 Haematoxylin Solution
G1039-500ML 蘇木素分化液 Haematoxylin Differentiation Solution
G1040-500ML 蘇木素返藍液 Dilute ammonia Solution
G1011-10ML Hoechst 33258染液(即用型) Hoechst 33258 Staining Solution (Ready to Use)
G1127-1ML Hoechst 33342染色液(1 mg/mL) Hoechst 33342 Dye Solution (1 mg/mL)
G1012-100ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1012-10ML DAPI染色試劑(即用型) DAPI Staining Reagent (Ready to Use)
G1021-10ML PI染液 PI Staining
G1035-100ML 核固紅染液 Nuclear fastred Kernechtrot
G6056-B 切片盒(避光50片) Slicing box (Light-proof 50 pcs)
G6056-T 切片盒(透明50片) Slicing box (Transparent 50 pcs)
G6057-B 切片盒(避光25片) Slicing box (Light-proof 25 pcs)
G6057-T 切片盒(透明25片) Slicing box (Transparent 25 pcs)
WG10212424C 蓋玻片 24×24 Cover glass 24×24
WG10212432C 蓋玻片 24×32 Cover glass 24×32
WG10212440C 蓋玻片 24×40 Cover glass 24×40
WG10212450C 蓋玻片 24×50 Cover glass 24×50
WBL04-L135 ERMA 石蠟刀片(紫色) Erma paraffin blade (purple)
WBL04-LR35 ERMA 石蠟刀片(綠色) Erma paraffin blade (green)
WDP819 萊卡刀片 Laica819  
WTHERMO-3052835 MX35PremierPlus優加刀片  
WTHERMO-3053835 MX35Ultra超優刀片  
G0001-2L TBS緩衝液(乾粉) TBS Buffer (Powder)
G0002-2L PBS緩衝液(乾粉) PBS Buffer (Powder)
G0004-500ML 10× TBST 10× TBST
G0015-500ML 10×TBS 10×TBS
G4200-500ML DPBS (無鈣鎂離子) DPBS (No calcium, No magnesium)
G4201-500ML DPBS緩衝液,含鈣鎂離子 DPBS  (with Calcium, with Magnesium)
G4202-500ML PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 1×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G4207-500ML PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline) PBS, 10×(Phosphate Buffered Saline)
G1212-200T DAB顯色試劑盒 DAB Kit
G1204-100ML 破膜液 Permeabilization Wash Buffer
GC204003 曲拉通X-100,Triton X-100 Triton X-100
G3409-5000U Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag) Recombinant TEV Protease (His-tag)
G3410-1000U Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag) Recombinant HRV 3C Protease (His-tag)
G3411-2000U Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag) Recombinant SUMO Protease (Ulp1, His-tag)
G3430-100MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder )
G3430-5MG Recombinant Streptavidin(凍乾粉) Recombinant Streptavidin(Powder)
G3431-200UL Streptavidin (HRP conjugated) Streptavidin (HRP conjugated)


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