1. 100ul細胞培養液就可以測量是否含有黴漿菌污染。不須萃取細胞DNA
2. ready-to-use primer混合液
3. 測量70種以上mycoplasma,靈敏度超高。
4. 包括positive control及internal control。
5. 快速反應,2個小時得知黴漿菌污染。
-direct addition of cell culture supernatant to PCR reaction — no DNA isolation/purification steps required.
-ready-to-use primer mix — reduces variability.
-able to detect over 70 types of mycoplasma species – high sensitivity.
-included positive control to verify negative results.
-rapid results in 2 hours.
黴漿菌”(Mycoplasma) 偵測套組,應用PCR原理, 提供快速及高靈敏度2~ 5 f g/DNA的方法,只要100ul的細胞培養液,可偵測潛在性的mycoplasma (Mycoplasma, Acholeplasma及Ureaplasma)污染。每組kit包括100個反應 (1次PCR反應體積以50ul為例)
Daniella C. Bartholomeu et al., J. Immunol., Jul 2008; 181: 1333 - 1344.
Mycoplasma detection is often difficult due to its lack of visable appearance, therefore it can be afflicting your valuable cell and affecting your results without your knowledge. Cells contaminated by mycoplasma species can have changes in proliferation, metabolism, gene synthesis and processing, and even adhersion properties. The solution for quick and easy mycoplasma detection is ABM's PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit.
The PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit allows for fast and reliable identification of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures. Mycoplasma DNA in the cell culture supernatant is amplified via PCR and visualized using gel electrophoresis. In addition to the short detection process (less than 2 hours), the easy handling and high sensitivity makes this PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit a convenient tool for routine examination of cell cultures and media.
詳細產品資訊,請登錄www.abmgood.com 查詢,或與太鼎生物科技有限公司(02)86609496聯繫。
業務專員: 許 虹宜Hung-Yi Hsu 電話: 0920312382