

Lightning-Link® Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP)

Lightning-Link® Horseradish Peroxidase



Lightning-Link® is an innovative technology that enables direct labeling of proteins, peptides or other biomolecules for use in R&D applications, drug discovery and the development of diagnostic kits.

The easy-to-use, one step procedure allows researchers to covalently label biomolecules with only 30 seconds hands on time. The researcher simply pipettes the biomolecule into a vial of lyophilized mixture containing the label of interest and incubates. Despite its apparent simplicity, the Lightning-Link® process is sophisticated and generates conjugates with performance characteristics identical to, or better than, those prepared with laborious multistep conjugation procedures.

The Lightning-Link® range currently consists of 50+ kits including enzymes, biotin, streptavidin and fluorochromes covering the spectrum from UV to far infrared. Lightning-Link® conjugates are used in a large number of scientific applications including Western Blotting, immunofluorescence, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry, ELISA and FRET.

Horseradish Peroxidase (HRP) Label

Horseradish peroxidase is a 44kDa glycoprotein with 6 lysine residues which can be conjugated to labeled biomolecules using Lightning-Link®. The enzyme label can be visualized by chromogenic reactions; for example diaminobenzidine (DAB) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide (H202) is converted in to a water insoluble brown pigment. Other substrates which can be used to measure horseradish peroxidase activity include ABTS, TMB and TMBUS.

Click here for other labels available in the Lightning-Link® range.


The technology is fully scalable (μg to grams) ensuring quality and consistency without any deterioration in the performance of the conjugate. As there are no separation or desalting steps, antibody recovery is 100%. Furthermore, the bond between the label and biomolecule is covalent, therefore the conjugate is extremely stable.


3 x 10ug HRP (up to 40ug Ab) (701-0030)

1 x 100ug HRP (up to 400ug Ab) (701-0010)

3 x 100ug HRP (each up to 400ug Ab) (701-0000)

1 x 1mg HRP (up to 4mg Ab) (701-0002)

5 x 1mg HRP (each up to 4mg Ab) (701-0003)

1 x 5mg HRP (up to 20mg Ab) (701-0004)




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Lightning-Link Horseradish Peroxidase

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