
傳統萃取 “尾巴gDNA”,無法直接PCR;因組織內含有PCR反應抑制因子,抑制PCR反應。須經由有機溶劑或kit萃取gDNA專利研發DirectPCR Lysis Reagents具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,只要一個步驟反應,即可將DNA由組織中釋放,並且不須經由任何純化的步驟,溶液可以直接PCR,進行genotyping分析。 最經濟的萃取試劑, 500次尾巴, 只須6250  ( 0.5c m尾巴加入200ul為例 )

Genotyping基因型鑑定」是全面搜尋人類致病基因的重要分析技術。DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System,可以

快速有效萃取動物組織, 尾巴基因型DNA (genomic DNA),不須經由Phenol/Chloroform萃取步驟, 不須再通過column

等繁瑣步驟純化,只要一個步驟,效率100%。如此方便快速的方法, 可以應用於尾巴genomic DNA萃取、細胞

genomic DNA萃取、耳朵genomic DNA萃取、卵黃囊genomic DNA萃取。

更多資料:  http://www.viagenbiotech.com/


DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents
Genotyping without DNA isolation

Description:  Viagen DirectPCR® DNA Extraction System is a single-tube system for rapid preparation

 of DNA from mouse tails, ear pieces, yolk sac, and culture cells.  The patent-pending components

developed by scientists at Viagen Biotech Inc. allow that the resulting DNA extracts are compatible

with genomic PCR for genotyping.  (more)

Simplified procedure:

1.  Lyse tails in DirectPCR reagents.
2.  Incubate for 45 min at 85°C .
3.  PCR using 1 µl lysates.

Detailed protocols:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.

Representative PCR results

DirectPCR Products:  Tail, Ear, Yolk Sac, Cultured cells.  





DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents




DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)


250 mouse tails (50 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail)


500 mouse tails (100 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac)


yolk sacs (50 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac)


yolk sacs (100 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell)


cultured cells (50 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell)


cultured cells (100 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear)


mouse ear (25 ml)


DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear)


mouse ear (50 ml)


Proteinase K Solution


US and Canada only


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太鼎生物科技有限公司 (02)86609496



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