最簡單DNA萃取方法 | E-Prep® DNA Extraction System

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E-Prep® DNA Extraction System Cat# 602-P (100m l包裝/1000個分析) 適用於各種生物樣品和液體;如血液、頭髮、buccal swab和血跡;快速製備DNA。

生物樣品的粗提取物與許多分子生物學級反應如聚合酶鏈反應(PCR)不相容,這主要是由於粗提取物中含有的抑制劑,會抑制PCR反應。VIAGENE-Prep®DNA提供最簡易之DNA萃取方式。由PREPGENE CO,LTD科學家開發,獨家配方具有抑制PCR抑制物的反應,不須考量PCR抑制問題;可以將粗提取物直接進行PCR反應,不須經由有機溶劑Phenol/Chloroform純化或kit萃取。適用於各種生物樣品和液體;如血液、頭髮、頰拭子和血跡;可快速製備DNA。

The E-Prep System offers advantages over conventional methods

Time saving: Minimal hands-on time
Economic: Save more than $2,000 per 1,000 samples
Safe: No organic reagents
Environmental: No wastes (organic reagents, tubes, tips, etc...)
Reliable and efficient: Virtually 100% success rate with high yields.


DirectPCR DNA Extraction Reagents Cat# Comments
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) [101-T] 250 mouse tails (50 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse tail) [102-T] 500 mouse tails (100 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac) [201-Y] yolk sacs (50 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (yolk sac) [202-Y] Yolk sacs (100 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell [301-C] cultured cells (50 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (cell) [302-C] cultured cells (100 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear) [401-E] mouse ear (25 ml)
DirectPCR Lysis Reagent (mouse ear) [402-E] mouse ear (50 ml)



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