Annexin V-Cy3

Annexin V-Cy3 Reagent

Annexin V是一種Ca+依賴的磷脂結磷脂結合蛋白(35-36 kDa),

對磷脂絲氨酸(phosphatidylserine ;PS)具高度親和性。當細胞進行細胞凋亡(apoptosis)時,細胞膜的PS會外翻到外膜。Biovision提供一系列Annexin V細胞凋亡染劑。Annexin-V結合Cy3Cy7FITCR-PEPE/Cy7等不同波段染劑。直接應用於顯微鏡觀察及流氏細胞分析。


Catalog#: 1002-200 | Size: 200 assays

Product Highlights:

•Detection method- flow cytometry (Ex/Em- 543/570 nm) using FL2 channel and
fluorescence microscopy

•Sample- Cell culture

•Simple, easy to use and convenient

Description: The bright red color fluorescent
reagent for detecting of the early stages of apoptosis. During apoptosis,
phosphatidylserine (PS) is translocated from the cytoplasmic face of the plasma
membrane to the cell surface. Annexin V has a strong, Ca²
-dependent affinity for PS and therefore serves as a
probe for detecting apoptosis. The Annexin V-Cy3 conjugate contains the bright
red fluorescent probe that can be used for detection of apoptosis by
fluorescence microscopy with a rhodamine filter or by flow cytometry. Cy3
yields red fluorescence with a λmax emission of 570 nm.

Storage Temp.: +4°C


【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382







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