Allophycocyanin (APC)抗體標誌directly labeling kit (貨號#705-0010),一定選擇英國innova biosciences公司專利研發之lightning-link套組。市面上antibody labeling kit,在pH8~9環境下做反應。如此地環境易造成抗體活性失效,即使照著原廠提供的Protocol下進行反應,抗體回收的效能也很差。因為多太抗體未被標誌,必須移去未結合的抗體。如此浪費珍貴的抗體。
英國INNOVA BIOSCIENCES,以生物結合為主要事業。於1996年專利研發,中性環境下進行抗體結合反應,只要一個步驟,30秒hands on time。其抗體回收效能近似100%。不須再做Dialysis或desalt的步驟。
Lightning-Link 只要一個步驟,即可將蛋白質/抗體/胜肽做標誌,具專利研發Quencher reagent化學反應徹底中止殘餘反應及停止非專一性結合,因此無須desalt及dialysis,抗體標誌回收率100%。
Lightning-Link以共價鍵結,辨視amino groups,性質極為穩定,一次反應後,可冷凍保存,節省實驗時間。
Allophycocyanin is a large 105kDa fluorescent phycobiliprotein commonly used in FACS analysis. It absorbs at 650nm and emits at 662nm.
抗體保存於Azide、Gelatin及BSA溶液下,會干擾一般結合的效果,所以會再經過純化步驟,浪費許多抗體。Lightning-Link克服Azide、Gelatin及BSA干擾結合的效率,省下您寶貴的抗體。別於其它結合的方式,Lightning-Link無須在High pH的溶液下操作,所以只要是具有amino groups (lysin/a-amino)的蛋白質/胜肽/抗體,都可反應。
可以應用在ELISA. immunofluorescent. Flow. confocol. Western Blot等檢診及分子病毒之研究!!直接在一抗上做標誌 (可標誌螢光蛋白 螢光dye HRP Biotin等) 只要一個步驟 回收100%。這個方法克服二抗所造成的背景值過高及Host來源不同所造成Crosstalk的現象.
1. 酵素型標誌產品;HRP、AP、Glucose Oxidase等。
2. 螢光蛋白標誌產品;APC、PE、PerCP、RPE等螢光蛋白。
3. Biotin/Streptavidin標誌產品;Avidin、Streptavidin、Biotin等。
4. Tandem螢光標誌產品;應用FRET原理,使螢光emission於較遠的波段,例如APC/Cy5.5、PE/Cy7、PE/Cy5.5等。
Fluorescent protein Labeling Kits 螢光蛋白----抗體標誌套組
Fluorescent Protein Labeling Kits
Lightning-Link R-PE ---期刊發表
- Pathological shear triggers shedding of vascular receptors: a novel mechanism for downregulation of platelet glycoprotein (GP)VI in stenosed coronary vessels - Blood (2012)
- Expression and in vitro upregulation of MHCII in koala lymphocytes - Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology (2012)
- Itam receptor-mediated generation of reactive oxygen species in human platelets occurs via syk-dependent and -independent pathways - Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (2012)
- The Immunomodulatory Role of Syncytiotrophoblast Microvesicles - PLoS One (2011)
- Beta-Cell Specific Deletion of Dicer1 Leads to Defective Insulin Secretion and Diabetes Mellitus - PLoS One (2011)
- Limiting the Amount and Duration of Antigen Exposure during Priming Increases Memory T Cell Requirement for Costimulation during Recall - Journal of Immunology (2011)
- Enhanced isolation of adult thymic epithelial cell subsets for multiparameter flow cytometry and gene expression analysis - Journal of Immunolmogical Methods (2011)
- The autoantigen DNA topoisomerase I interacts with chemokine receptor 7 and exerts cytokine-like effects on dermal fibroblasts - Arthritis & Rheumatism (2011)
- Targeting A20 Decreases Glioma Stem Cell Survival and Tumor Growth - Duke University (2010)
- ADAM17 Deletion in Thymic Epithelial Cells Alters Aire Expression without Affecting T Cell Developmental Progression - PLoS One (2010)
- Targeting A20 Decreases Glioma Stem Cell Survival and Tumor Growth - PLoS One (2010)
- Basal cells as stem cells of the mouse trachea and human airway epithelium - PNAS (2009)
- Monoclonal anti-neutrophil elastase antibody characterisation: Ability to block function, detect free versus serpin-complexed enzyme and stain intracellular granules - Journal of Immunological Methods (2008)
- Targeting Cancer Stem Cells through L1CAM Suppresses Glioma Growth - Cancer Research (2008)
- Stimulation of an α1-adrenergic receptor downregulates ecto-5′ nucleotidase activity on the apical membrane of RPE cells - Purinergic Signal. (2006)
Lightning-Link APC ---期刊發表
- Assessment of Roles for Calreticulin in the Cross-Presentation of Soluble and Bead-Associated Antigens - PLOS One (2012)
- A Novel Monoclonal Antibody to CD40 Prolongs Islet Allograft Survival - American Journal of Transplantation (2012)
- Beta-cell specific deletion of dicer1 leads to defective insulin secretion and diabetes mellitus - PLoS One (2011)
- Characterization and Functionality of Proliferative Human Sertoli Cells - Cell Transplantation (2011)
- The CD14++CD16+ monocyte subset and monocyte-platelet interactions in patients with ST-elevation myocardial infarction - Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (2011)
- Immunophenotypic characterization of human monocyte subsets: possible implications for cardiovascular disease pathophysiology - Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis (2011)
- Development of a flow cytometric assay for detection of coated platelets in dogs and evaluation of binding of coated platelets to recombinant human coagulation factor VIIa - American Journal of Veterinary Research (2011)
- Association of Tat with Promoters of PTEN and PP2A Subunits Is Key to Transcriptional Activation of Apoptotic Pathways in HIV-Infected CD4+ T Cells - PLoS Pathogens (2010)
- Demonstration of catch bonds between an integrin and its ligand - JCB (2009)
- A Mesoderm-Derived Precursor for Mesenchymal Stem and Endothelial Cells - Cell Stem Cell (2008)
- Targeting Cancer Stem Cells through L1CAM Suppresses Glioma Growth - Cancer Res (2008)
Lightning-Link B-PE ---期刊發表
- Fluorescent labeling of nano-sized vesicles released by cells and subsequent quantitative and qualitative analysis by high-resolution flow cytometry - Nature Protocols (2012)
- Quantitative and qualitative flow cytometric analysis of nanosized cell-derived membrane vesicles - Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine (2011)
Lightning-Link PerCP ---期刊發表
- Development of a flow cytometric assay for detection of coated platelets in dogs and evaluation of binding of coated platelets to recombinant human coagulation factor VIIa - American Journal of Veternary Research (2011)
【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382 【信箱】taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net
【台北公司】02-86609496 【台中公司】0935-229803陳俊豪
【相關網址】 www.biopioneer.com.tw