Adiponectin (human) Elisa Assay Kit
Catalog#: K4901-100  | Size: 96 assays


樣品來源: 細胞、組織培養上清液、尿液、血漿、及血清皆可以測量




Kit Summary:
• Detection method- Absorbance (450 nm)
• Sample type- Cell and Tissue culture supernatants, urine, plasma and serum, as well as many other biological fluids
• Species reactivity- Mammalian
• Applications- This human Adiponectin ELISA Kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantitative determination of adiponectin in human serum, plasma or various tissue or cell culture supernatants

Features & Benefits:
• Simple procedure
• Fast and convenient

Kit components:
• Antibody coated 96-well plate (12 x 8-well strips)
• 5X Wash concentrate, 100 ml
• 5X Diluent, 50 ml
• Secondary antibody, 12 ml
• 100X Detector, 150 µl
• Standard, recombinant human adiponectin (64 ng), 1 vial, lyophilized
• QC sample= positive control having 7-11 µg/ml human adiponectin, 1 vial, lyophilized
• Substrate I, 6 ml
• Substrate II, 6 ml
• Stop solution, 12 ml

Adipose tissue secretes a number of biologically active soluble factors (collectively named adipocytokines) that regulate glucose and fatty acid metabolism. Measurement of serum adiponectin levels gives us important information on the role of adiponectin in regulation of glucose and/or lipid metabolism. This human Adiponectin ELISA Kit is an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantitative determination of adiponectin in human serum, plasma or various tissue or cell culture supernatants. In the assay, monoclonal antibody specific for human adiponectin has been pre-coated onto 96 well microplate. Standards and samples are pipetted into the wells and adiponectin present is bound by immobilized antibody. The bound adiponectin is then captured by anti-human adiponectin polyclonal antibody. With HRP conjugated anti-rabbit IgG and a HRP substrate, the colors developed in proportion to the bound adiponectin, can be easily measured by Elisa plate reader.

Adiponectin : 是專門由脂肪組織所分泌出來的一種在人體內含量很豐富的蛋白質。在脂肪細胞分化的過程中, adiponectin 的訊息核醣核酸(messenger RNA, mRNA)的含量,會被誘導合成約100倍以上。Adiponectin之分子量大約是30 kDa左右,在成年人類的血漿濃度約為2-20 μg/mL。雖然它是由脂肪組織所分泌,直覺上會以為脂肪組織愈多的人,體內濃度應該愈高,但事實上卻剛好相反。在肥胖的健康人體內的adiponectin濃度,遠比非肥胖者為低

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