快速SDS備製EZ Gel solution


品牌T-PRO 貨號: JB02-B008M (8%)  規格: 500ml

品牌T-PRO 貨號: JB02-B010M (10%)  規格: 500ml

品牌T-PRO 貨號: JB02-B012M (12%)  規格: 500ml

品牌T-PRO 貨號: JB02-B015M (15%)  規格: 500ml


配製PAGE ,EZ Gel solution只需加入TEMEDAPS簡單完成, 只需10-15. 尹烯酼胺8%-15% acrylaminde (管制濃度標準)


快速PAGE配製-EZ gel solution介紹


T-Pro EZ Gel Solution is "ready-to-run" SDS polyacrylamide solutions polymerize into an advanced molecular sieve for the electrophoretic separation of proteins. Because of the advanced buffer chemistry used in the gel matrix solution, T-Pro EZ Gels allow a single separating gel. No stacking gel is required, as the T-Pro EZ Gel Solution proprietary formulation inherently stacks the protein samples during the normal electrophoresis run. Band resolution is unparalleled over a molecular range of 2.5 to 250 kDa. The new hybrid formulation of T-Pro EZ Gel Solution gives these gels an increased gel strength, which allows for easier handling. T-Pro EZ Gel Solution will work with all types of universal electrophoresis apparatus. Our gel mixtures are formulated for optimal performance in mass spectrometry-based proteomics experiments.



EZ gel solution 產品特點


High gel strength - allows easier handling.

Ready to use in less than 10-15 minutes - just add TEMED and APS to polymerize the gel.

No stacking gel required - permits longer gel separations

High resolution gels for protein separation across a broad molecular weight range.


EZ gel solution 研究應用

Research Applications:

SDS-PAGE separation of proteins

Biomarker separation

Recombinant protein purity analysis





台灣代理廠商: 太鼎生物科技有限公司

公司電話: 02-86609496 公司傳真: 02-86609342
公司網站: www.biopioneer.com.tw
連絡業務: 許虹宜 0920312382
連絡信箱: taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net


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