Colorimetric Assay Kit
Catalog#: K311-400 | Size: 400 assays
Biovision提供快速及簡單,LDH-細胞毒性檢測試劑。LDH於細胞膜損傷時,由細胞釋出至細胞培養液中,LDH酵素穩定性比alkaline及acid phosphatase佳,且細胞本身殘留量少,背景值低。吸收光譜500nm波段。
LDH-Cytotoxicity Assays
• Detection method- Absorbance (500 nm)
• Sample type- Cell culture (adherent and suspension)
• Species reactivity- Mammalian
• Applications- This assay provides a convenient and non-radioactive
alternative to the [3H]-thymidine and the [51Cr] release assays The assay is
based on measurement of activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) which is a
stable enzyme normally found in the cytosol of all cells but rapidly releases
into the supernatant upon damage of plasma membrane.
& Benefits:
• Simple one-step procedure; takes less than 1 hour
• Fast, sensitive and convenient
• Catalyst, Lyophilized
• Dye Solution
death or cytotoxicity is classically evaluated by the quantification of plasma
membrane damage. The LDH-Cytotoxicity Assay Kit provides a fast and simple
method for quantitating cytotoxicity based on the measurement of activity of
lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released from damaged cells. Unlike many other
cytoplasmic enzymes which exist in many cells either in low amount (e.g.,
alkaline and acid phosphatase) or unstable, LDH is a stable cytoplasmic enzyme
present in all cells and rapidly released into the cell culture supernatant
upon damage of the plasma membrane. LDH activity can be determined by a coupled
enzymatic reaction: LDH oxidizes lactate to pyruvate which then reacts with
tetrazolium salt INT to form formazan. The increase in the amount of formazan
produced in culture supernatant directly correlates to the increase in the
number of lysed cells. The formazan dye is water-soluble and can be detected by
spectrophotometer at 500 nm. The LDH-cytotoxicity assay is sensitive,
convenient, and precise, and is applicable to a variety of cytotoxicity
studies. Assay takes ~0.5–1 hr.
【連絡人】許虹宜 0920-312382
【台北公司】02-86609496 【傳真】02-86609342
【相關網址】 www.biopioneer.com.tw
【原廠網址】 www.biovision.com