
AbSelect Mouse
TCS Purification System (832-0500)

AbSelect TCS
Antibody Purification System (862-0500)


AbSelect TCS Antibody Purification System (832-0500)/(862-0500)

Innova Bioseiences提供一系統抗體純化套組,每組套組包括抗體純化之bufferresin,有效純化不同來源之抗體含量。其純化來源,可為市售抗體之純化(貨號#860-0010/rabbit; 貨號#830-0010/mouse; 貨號#890-0010/rat/sheep/human/goat)、腹水及血清產製抗體之純化(貨號#863-0500/rabbit; 貨號#893-0500/rat/sheep/human/goat/mouse)、融合瘤組織培養液(TCS)產製之抗體(貨號#862-0500/rabbit/human; 貨號#832-0500/mouse)、低濃度抗體之純化及濃縮(貨號#861-0010)。有效移除溶液中BSAGlycineTrisAzide等殘留分子,純化後抗體溶液,可直接應用於lateral flow test奈米金抗體標誌套組 (Innova gold,#230-0010, innova biosciences)、與HRP/螢光抗體標誌套組(Innova lightning-link, #701-0000)

------奈米金抗體標誌 (InnovaCoat)----

相關資料來源: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=579&prev=615&next=576&l=f&fid=19

------HRP/螢光抗體標誌 (lightning-link)----

相關資料來源: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/taiding2000/article?mid=553&next=552&l=f&fid=38


腹水、血清純化抗體à AbSelect TCS組織培養液抗體------純化系統

適合應用: 融合瘤組織培養液(TCS)產製之抗體。

純化來單株細胞產製之抗體,移除培養液中殘留之amino group。純化後之抗體,可直接進行奈米金抗體標誌套組 (Innova gold,#230-0010, innova biosciences)及抗體螢光或HRP標誌(lightning_link)

AbSelect TCS Antibody Purification System

Antibodies are often generated from hybridoma cell lines
and supplied in tissue culture supernatant (TCS). TCS itself contains many substances
that interfere with antibody labeling reactions. Successful labeling therefore
requires antibodies to be purified prior to labeling. The AbSelect TCS system
is a fast and simple method to purify these antibodies.

AbSelect TCS is prepared by coupling highly purified
protein A to agarose beads which can be used to purify IgG fractions from
hybridoma supernatants. The method involves the capture of the antibody on the
AbSelect TCS resin and the removal of unwanted substances using a simple wash
procedure. The purified product is then eluted and neutralized.

The components of the AbSelect TCS are fully compatible
with the Lightning-Link™
antibody labeling kits (available separately),
which allows the purified antibody to be immediately labeled with an enzyme,
fluorescent protein or fluorescent dye, with a hands-on time of under 30

email信件】 taiding.biotech@msa.hinet.net



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